
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Daily Special: Week 19

Week nineteen is in the books. A busy week at work didn't allow for many extra movies. More days off are coming up soon though.

Below are my movies of the week:

May 4
               Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (Directed by Quentin Tarantino) My favorite of the Kill Bill movies. Right from the beginning it is an action packed movie with lots of blood as is expected with any Tarrantino movie.

               Timeline (Directed by Richard Donner) Time traveling through a wormhole via a set of mirrors is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. This movie was very predictable when leading up to the climax.

               Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth (Directed by Spike Lee) As a kid I was a big fan of Mike Tyson, I sucked at his NES game but I was still a fan. This one man show performed by Tyson gives new insight to his life growing up. He isn't afraid to talk about the good and bad parts of his life.

May 5
               Revenge of the Nerds (Directed by Jeff Kanew) I find it interesting that I like goofy movies like this but when it comes to similarly goofy television shows I have a hard time watching them.

May 6
               The Nut Job (Directed by Peter Lepeniotis) A lighthearted and under the radar animated film. Reminded me a bit of Over the Hedge which I really enjoy. Good selection of voice actors as well.

May 7
               Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie (Directed by Steve Stark) I have been waiting over a year to see this movie. I was not able to see it lwhen Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes took it on tour. But it is now available on VOD and I jumped at the chance to watch it. If you are a Kevin Smith fan then you will enjoy this animated adventure.

May 8
               How to Make Money Selling Drugs (Directed by Matthew Cooke) Interesting documentary about how to make a living at selling marijuana and cocaine from different levels of distribution. I don't plan on changing my career after watching it but it was still very informative nonetheless.

May 9
               Catch Me If You Can (Directed by Steven Spielberg) This was my second viewing since Thanksgiving last year. While I still enjoy the movie it isn't as good as I previously thought that it was.

May 10
               Astro Boy (Directed by David Bowers) It is amazing how Nic Cage even in animated form can still make his crazy facial mannerisms seem lifelike. Overall this is a fun animated movie from most ages.

               The Negotiator (Directed by F. Gary Gray) Both Sam Jackson and Kevin Spacey are great actors and seeing them play off one another in this movie is a joy to watch. Paul Giamatti was a nice added bonus in a secondary role.

Days Watched: 130
Movies Watched: 221

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