
Welcome to my Mind

My name is DJ but most people call me Deej. I use to try and stop people from calling me DeeJ but it has grown on me and now if someone calls me DJ or even Dustin I know they must be family or not know me very well.

I love movies! It doesn't matter if they are new, old, comedies or science fiction. I truly enjoy sitting down and watching a movie whenever I can. After a long day at work I like to unwind with a movie. Every night I usually have a movie playing as I fall asleep. My love of movies is one of the main reasons I started this blog. After talking with a good friend at the beginning of the year I decided to challenge my movie watching mind. For the year 2013 my goal is to watch 365 different movies. My goal with this challenge is to broaden my horizon when it comes to movies and also relieve some memories from my childhood watching movies with my family.

I will fill the world in more on the Mind of DeeJ at a later time but I wanted to get this set up now to keep track of all the movies I have watched so far this year.

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