
2014: Now with Double the Media

For anyone that did or did not follow my “Title of the Movie is 365” challenge last year, I watched a lot of different movies. Movies are a big part of my life. Watching, reading or writing about them, I always have a movie or two on my mind no matter the time of day. Movies help me remember different people or events in my life that I hope to never forget. I love movies and look forward to watching many more in 2014. This year I have decided to work on two different media challenges. My first challenge of the year will be to watch at least one movie a day for all 365 days of the year. I decided to work towards this goal because I did the math and while I watched 581 different movies last year I only watched a movie for 296 out of 365 days. That means for over two months of the year I did not watch a movie, I want to change that this year. I am also hoping I can make it all 365 days and beat my friend John’s record of watching movies 364 out of 365 days last year. I will make sure to watch two movies on April 23 just for you John.

My other challenge came to mind last fall after my friend Rooster asked how many books I had gotten through so far. Now I got through a number of books last year but I think this year I can shoot for even more. My second challenge will be to start and finish a different book every two weeks that has a movie counterpart. After I finish the book I will then watch the movie as soon as I can. Each book/movie combo will include my thoughts on each individually and also how they compare to one another. I will also be going through other books and giving my thoughts on them but they do not have to have a movie counterpart.

I am open for suggestions on movies and books to check out this year. I will continue to post my updates over on my blog and link them here on Facebook. 2014 looks to be another media filled year but you know what, that is just how I like it.

January 1
               National Treasure (Directed by Jon Turteltaub) For the second year in a row I made this Nic Cage film my first movie of the year.

               The Wolverine (Directed by James Mangold) This movie is so much better compared to the Wolverine Origins movie. It does feel a bit long at times but still very enjoyable and it does a great job setting up for this year’s Days of Future Past movie.

               Sherlock 3.01: The Empty Hearse (Directed by Jeremy Lovering) I have been waiting for the third season to premiere since I binge watched the first two seasons last Christmas. Two years after his "death" Sherlock finally returned. My favorite part of this episode was John's reaction and actions after finding out Sherlock has been alive the entire time.

January 2
               Caddyshack (Directed by Harold Ramis) Nothing really needs to be said about this movie other than it still makes me laugh as much now as it did during my first viewing years and years ago.

January 3
               Don Jon (Directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) I was really looking forward to this movie as I am a big JGL fan and well Scarlet is smoking hot. I was disappointed though because the movie was not as good as I hoped. Every other word out of Tony Danza's mouth seemed to be a curse word and I swear JGL wrote the part of his buddy for Turtle from Entourage but when he couldn't get the real actor got a cheap knockoff instead.

January 4
               Private Parts (Directed by Betty Thomas) I have never listened to an episode of the Howard Stern show but I have heard lots of stories. I like this movie not because of the stupid things Howard has done but because of his reasons for doing them. I like seeing him try to get under the skin of his bosses.

               Olympus Has Fallen (Directed by Antoine Fuqua) This is such a fun movie to watch. It really reminds me of the original Die Hard but set in the White House. The storyline and characters are fun to watch and the action is classic 80's style.

January 5
               Spaceballs (Directed by Mel Brooks) I have seen this movie so many times that I could watch it with the sound off or with my eyes closed and know exactly what is going on. I was happy to see it show up on Netflix at the start of the year.

January 6
               The New Guy (Directed by Ed Decter) I got very excited when I saw this was available on Netflix. It is a very stupid movie but I still enjoy watching it from time to time. After first seeing him in Road Trip I became a fan of DJ Qualls.

               Pacific Rim (Directed by Guillermo del Toro) What beats Giant Robots vs. Godzilla-like Monsters? Not much and especially after you add in Idris Elba. One of my favorite popcorn action flicks from last summer.

January 7
               Good Burger (Directed by Brian Robbins) This was the first thing that showed up on my Netflix when I logged in and I decided to watch it because it had been years. Yes it is stupid and based on a Nickelodeon skit but it still made me laugh and that is what I needed.

January 8
               Escape Plan (Directed by Mikael Håfström) This is not a great movie but it was still a lot of fun to watch. Yes Stallone and Schwarzenegger are getting older but they still know how to entertain. This movie reminded me of Schwarzenegger's other action movie last year, The Last Stand. It had a fun story and cheesy lines but that is what I have come to expect from both men.

January 9
               Sherlock 3.02: The Sign of Three (Directed by Colm McCarthy) If I ever get married I'd be happy to have Sherlock Holmes give a Best Man speech. I really enjoyed this episode that was centered around the wedding of John and Mary. Though he can give the speech I'd prefer not to let Sherlock Holmes plan my bachelor party.

               Frozen (Directed by Chris Buck & Jennifer Lee) I hope Disney continues to make more movies similar to this one. I do not mean they need to make more with a similar storyline but instead with the same message.

January 10
               Rambo (Directed by Sylvester Stallone) Rambo is back and has Ultra Violence in his heart. I am not totally sure what the plot of this movie was but I do know there was a ridiculous amount of violence in it. I didn't know bodies could explode in some of the ways they did while watching this.

               Grudge Match (Directed by Peter Segal) This movie had a few good one-liners from the stars but my favorite characters were the ones played by Alan Arkin & Jon Bernthal. They provided much needed depth for the main characters throughout the movie. I am still having a hard time seeing Kevin Hart as a movie star. His funniest part of the whole movie came during a post credit sequence with Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield.

January 11
               How to Train Your Dragon (Directed by Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders) I love this movie. I still remember the first time I saw it in theaters with my friend Jessica. It is a fun animated film that I feel is very creative. My dad and I watched it in 3D because he read it is one of the best movies for home 3D viewing.

               Dallas Buyers Club (Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée) Matthew McConaughey and Jared Lero were amazingly brilliant in this movie. I remember reading about how much weight McConaughey lost for this role and he sure did look different. Early in the movie it was easy to dislike his character but as it went on you grew to root for him. This is one of those movies that should be seen by as many people as possible.

January 12
               Lone Survivor (Directed by Peter Berg) If you are a fan of military themed action movies this is a fun one to watch. It has a strong video game feel during the big fight scenes which are fun to see especially on the big screen. One thing to remember watching the movie though is that this really happened back in 2005 and similar gun battles still continue to this day.

January 13
               12 Years a Slave (Directed by Steve McQueen) This is one of the best and worst movies I have watched in a very long time. Best because of how well it is made and the story it tells, worst because it is a true story. Michael Fassbender did a great job of making me hate his guts more than I would have thought possible. This movie deserves all of the awards it wins this year.

January 14
               All is Lost (Directed by J.C. Chandor) The biggest thing that was lost in this movie was my patience. This movie is similar to Cast Away and Gravity but the problem is I didn't connect with Robert Redford like I did Tom hanks or Sandra Bullock in the other two movies. One thing I did notice is that filming must have taken some time because during certain scenes you can see Redford's gray hair growing out more and more.

January 15
               Rebound (Directed by Steve Carr) I recorded this during a DirecTV free preview weekend because I remember watching it before and because I couldn't remember how stupid it was. I watched it all the way through but I don't remember many minor details from the movie like character names.

January 16
               The Last Stand (Directed by Kim Jee-Woon) I am a big fan of simple action movies like this. The story isn't too complicated and the supporting cast provides emotion and laughs. I also like that the action scenes are not super heavy on the CGI too.

January 17
               Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Directed by Kenneth Branagh) I was surprised how much I liked this movie. The main reason is not because of the story or the characters but for the fact that the writers stayed away from the typical model for a spy thriller. The predictability was not there and that was very refreshing. The story was fun and Kevin Costner was great as Chris Pine's handler. I would gladly watch welcome a sequel to this series reboot.

January 18
               Her (Directed by Spike Jonze) I am an Android Fanboy that loves the Android based operating system. Having said that I don't think I would ever be able to fall in love with my OS and refer to it as my girlfriend. This movie is equally weird and interesting. My biggest problem with the movie is how does someone have Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde and Amy Adams romantically interested with him and yet he still ends up dating a voice? Yes I know the voice is Scarlett Johansson but his phone doesn't look like her.

               Inside Llewyn Davis (Directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen) I was really looking forward to this movie but in the end I was disappointed. I usually like movies from the Coen Brothers but this one left me confused. I didn't understand its purpose. The main character is a selfish dick and not in a Walter White anti-hero kind of way.

               Nebraska (Directed by Alexander Payne) I watched this with my friend Sarah and while I really enjoyed it she would have preferred we watch G.I. Joe: Retaliation. The entire cast did a great job and while very heartfelt there were some great one-liners sprinkled throughout.

January 19
               G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (Directed by Stephen Sommers) This movie has some major flaws but what movie about a childhood toy doesn't? Though it has its flaws it still fun to watch and I wish they would have been able to carry over more of the original cast to the sequel, especially Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cobra.

January 20
               Road Trip (Directed by Todd Phillips) This movie came out right before I was set to graduate from High School. Two of my friends and I even ditched out early the last day of class to go see it. There is nothing amazing about this movie except that it is early Todd Phillips and back then he knew how to direct a funny movie. This is also the movie that introduced me to and made me a fan of DJ Qualls.

January 21
               Sherlock 3.03: His Last Vow (Directed by Nick Hurran) One thing I love about Sherlock is each episode is almost 90 minutes long. One thing I hate about Sherlock is there are only three episodes in a season. Now that the season is over I have to wait another year for more episodes and a conclusion to the interesting cliffhanger we were left with at the end of this episode.

               Fantastic Four (Directed by Tim Story) After the X-Men and Spider-Man but before Iron Man there was the Fantastic Four. I thought the casting choices for the Fantastic Four and Dr. Doom were okay. I can remember going to see this with three of my friends at Target. We got off at 2:30 one day and decided to go see it.

January 22
               Out of the Furnace (Directed by Scott Cooper) I am surprised that this movie and Christian Bale specifically did not get any serious consideration this award season. This might be the best performance I have ever seen from Bale. The movie had a dark and gritty feeling which paired well with the plot.

January 23
               The Mighty Ducks (Directed by Stephen Herek) It is hard not to enjoy this movie. No matter the kind of day I've had sitting down and watching this favorite from my childhood makes everything so much better. This is the only Duck Dynasty that matters.

January 24
               August: Osage County (Directed by John Wells) The family portrayed in this movie has some serious issues. They might even make Jerry Springer blush a bit. I did not really care for Meryl Streep in this movie because she went over the top from her first appearance on screen. Chris Cooper and Benedict Cumberbatch were the reasons I stuck with this movie all the way through. One interesting note about this movie is that my mom went to high school with the director John Wells.

January 25
               World War Z (Directed by Marc Forster) This was one of my surprise favorites from last summer. I liked the new take on the super-fast "zombies" but it also scared me because I knew I wouldn't have a shot to survive them. I would like to see the original cut of the movie before all the reshoots because I am sure that would explain why Matthew Fox was in the movie.

               Ghostbusters (Directed by Ivan Reitman) Thank you Netflix for making this one of your top picks for me. There are so many quotable moments in this movie and after just about 30 years it is still very enjoyable to watch.

January 26
               Underworld (Directed by Len Wiseman) The first movie in the better of the Vampire and Werewolf movie series has some great action sequences. The story left open the possibility to sequels and they made plenty of them.

               Wanted (Directed by Timur Bekmambetov) This action movie based on a graphic novel about a secret society of assassins is fun to watch. The slow motion fight scenes and crazy trick shots suck you in.

               G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Directed by Jon M. Chu) Spoiler Alert: Channing Tatum dies early in the movie and is pretty much replaced with Bruce Willis. This Joe movie had more action and didn't include the unnecessary love story as seen in the first one. For a second sequel I would like to see new characters added and mixed with some of this cast and if any are still "alive" some characters from the first G.I. Joe movie.

               Nitro Circus: The Movie (Directed by Gregg Godfrey & Jeremy Rawle) First watched this movie last fall and since then it is one of my favorites to watch if I want to see some good action and laugh at the same time.

January 27
               Invictus (Directed by Clint Eastwood) Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon were exceptional in this movie about Nelson Mandela shortly after taking office and South Africa hosting the Rugby World Cup. Ever since I watched the ESPN 30 for 30 on this same subject I have been looking forward to watching this again.

               WALL·E (Directed by Andrew Stanton) This futuristic Pixar film might not have a lot of dialogue but it is still one of the most heartfelt movies. I wonder if Alfonso Cuarón is a fan of this movie because he incorporated a certain scene with a fire extinguisher in to his movie Gravity.

               Pitch Perfect (Directed by Jason Moore) Thanks to my friend Meghan and her love of this movie when I finally watched this movie I became a fan. The song selection is great because a number of them are from when I was growing up. On top of it all, it stars Anna Kendrick.  #KendrickCrush

January 28
               This is the End (Directed by Evan Goldberg & Seth Rogen) I enjoyed watching this movie more than I did the first time. I still am not a big Franco fan but I enjoyed the rest of the cast even crazy McBride.

January 29
               Rock of Ages (Directed by Adam Shankman) I like this movie way more than I really should. I don't care though. I love the music and the cast is great. I really would like to see the live show of this one day.

January 30
               Bio-Dome (Directed by Jason Bloom) Who doesn't enjoy a bad Pauly Shore movie from time to time? It had been a few years since I watched one of his movies and I was reminded why. Pauly Shore is an acquired taste that is for sure. I kind of want to watch more of his movies now.

January 31
               Goon (Directed by Michael Dowse) Seann William Scott and Jay Baruchel are hilarious in this comedy about a bouncer turned hockey thug. There isn't much that I don't love Baruchel in.

               In & Out (Directed by Frank Oz) Kevin Kline is hilarious in this comedy about a high school teacher that comes out of the closet after a former student of his wins an Oscar and announces it to the world. The dance scene where Kline tries to be manly is my favorite part of the entire movie.

Movies watched in 31 of 31 Days. 48 Total Movies in January

February 1
               Daredevil (Directed by Mark Steven Johnson) This movie has moments of being a good comic book movie but then you get scenes like the first date gymnastics routine on a kids playground. I am not an expert on the history of Daredevil but what I do know about him I like. I look forward to the series that Netflix is doing about him,

               Hellboy (Directed by Guillermo del Toro) When I originally saw this movie I had never read any of the comics or knew much about the character, but I soon became a big fan. Ron Perlman is perfect as Hellboy just like Robert Downey Jr. is perfect as Iron Man.

               Man of Steel (Directed by Zack Snyder) Snyder knows how to make a comic book movie. This is darker version of Superman than what we have previously seen and I think that works, especially after the most recent Batman movies.

February 2
               Groundhog Day (Directed by Harold Ramis) Still a favorite of mine to watch with my dad every year. Similar to our yearly Christmas Vacation viewing we still find new things to point out each time that make us laugh.

February 3
               The Spectacular Now (Directed by James Ponsoldt) Miles Teller is going to be a big time actor in the near future. This is a very well written and told story. There is nothing flashy about it, just a really solid movie.

               The Mask (Directed by Chuck Russell) This is still one of my favorite Jim Carrey movies. Thank you Amazon Instant for letting me revisit my childhood for a little while.

February 4
               Drive Angry (Directed by Patrick Lussier) If you didn't know better you might think this is a 70's action movie with cheesy acting and lots of gun fire. Then you realize it isn't after Nic Cage delivers his classic Cage-isms.

February 5
               D2: The Mighty Ducks (Directed by Sam Weisman) The quack attack is back jack. This is my favorite movie from the Mighty Ducks trilogy. This is also the first time I really noticed that Disney liked to reuse the same child actors in a number of their movies.

February 6
               Welcome to the Jungle (Directed by Rob Meltzer) This Jean-Claude Van Damme direct to video film is not very good but it has its moments. I decided to watch it because I am a fan of Adam Brody. It took me most the movie but I finally figured out where I knew the lead female was Megan Boone the lead on NBC's The Blacklist.

February 7
               Philomena (Directed by Stephen Frears) This was the last Best Picture Oscar nominee that I had to see. I saved one of the best for last. I don't see it winning best picture but it definitely deserves the nomination. The one part I had a hard time with was realizing that it is a true story.

February 8
               The Lego Movie (Directed by Phil Lord & Christopher Miller) Growing up I loved to play with Lego's. Who am I kidding? I still love to play with Lego's. This movie was very fun and thought provoking at the same time. The humor was good for all ages. Everything is Awesome!!!

               Oblivion (Directed by Joseph Kosinski) After a few rough years Tom Cruise has been making some good movies lately and this is one of them. While not preferable to everyone I still enjoy the story and plot twists. I am still waiting for the graphic novel to get released though.

               Cool Runnings (Directed by Jon Turteltaub) One of my childhood favorites as well as one of the best Olympic themed movies ever. I still get shivers as I watch the final run for the team and its outcome.

February 9
               Fight Club (Directed by David Fincher) David Fincher is one of my favorite directors and he delivered big time with this movie. The characters were cast perfectly and the story was told so very well. Ed Norton and Brad Pitt playing off one another was fun to watch.

               The Mist (Directed by Frank Darabont) This movie started out pretty strong and was building off of an interesting plot but by the end it completely fell apart. It felt like Darabont rushed the ending. I did like the brief moment when the actresses that play Carol and Andrea from The Walking Dead were in a scene together.

               Talhotblond (Directed by Barbara Schroeder) This documentary was a suggestion from the Get Up On This podcast and the first thing that comes to mind is WOW. When watching this documentary it reminded me of a cross between NBC's Dateline and the movie Catfish.

February 10
               Bushwhacked (Directed by Greg Beeman) I remember seeing this movie after it came out on video. I always liked Daniel Stern from the Home Alone movies and his character in this movie was similar, except for he wasn't a real criminal.

February 11
               20 Feet from Stardom (Directed by Morgan Neville) My friend Lexi suggested this to me and I am glad she did. This documentary focused on the voices of the background singers we have heard in songs going back decades. Fame is a lot different for the women standing behind the lead singers. I recognized a few of the backup singers including Judith Hill who was recently a contestant on NBC's The Voice.

February 12
               Oldboy (Directed by Chan-wook Park) This has been in my queue since the day I joined Netflix. It is hard to explain this movie without giving much away but I will say it is very intense and has some great fight scenes.

               Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Director's Cut) (Directed by Steven Spielberg) I do not remember ever seeing this movie before, and I have a good memory. I am bummed more than a little it took me so long to finally watch it. It is a great Sci-Fi as well as Spielberg movie.

February 13
               McHale's Navy (Directed by Bryan Spicer) After a long day at work I went with this mindless "masterpiece" to give me a few laughs to help me unwind. I got my laughs and a bit more by the time this movie was over.

February 14
               Blue Jasmine (Directed by Woody Allen) From early in this movie I was not happy with the tone of the movie and the main character. As it went on I had a hard time trying to finish it. By the end of the movie I was happy with the outcome because my view of the main character hadn't changed a bit.

February 15
               Fast & Furious 6 (Directed by Justin Lin) I will gladly watch Fast & Furious movies well in to the double digits. I like the ever changing cast dynamic and the high octane (pun intended) action. It also doesn't hurt to have The Rock as one of the stars.

               The Twilight Saga: Twilight (Directed by Catherine Hardwicke) I really want to know where to get the invisible ketchup that everyone was using in the diner throughout the movie. Is it like Crystal Pepsi? I use to love that as a child. Also #KendrickCrush

               The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Directed by Chris Weitz) Why did they have to make the most boring book in the series so long? This movie was too drawn out and could have lost at least 20 minutes without losing much of the story.

February 16
               The Price of Gold (Directed by Nanette Burstein) This was an interesting ESPN 30 for 30 documentary about the attack on Nancy Kerrigan before the 1994 Winter Olympics. A lot of the information presented wasn't new or surprising to me. Tonya Harding is still playing the victim card all these years later and you can tell she is still bitter towards Nancy after all these years too.

               Mystery, Alaska (Directed by Jay Roach) This movie has always made me want to live in a small town in Alaska. I know Russell Crowe and Burt Reynolds wouldn't be there but I just like the idea of a small community that lives somewhat off the grid from the rest of the world and get together to watch some pond hockey.

               Stick It (Directed by Jessica Bendinger) This movie reminds me of my friend Julie. On multiple occasions we would find ourselves both watching the movie on cable and would of course live text back and forth.

February 17
               Ender's Game (Directed by Gavin Hood) This was a pretty good sci-fi action film. I liked the characters and the special effects. I may not agree with the original author’s views but he does know how to write a good story.

               The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (Directed by David Zucker) A friend of mine mentioned the old TV Show "Police Squad!" a few days ago and when I came across this movie on Netflix I knew I had to check it out. I remember watching this entire series of movies with my dad growing up. This is still my favorite of the three.

               The Monuments Men (Directed by George Clooney) This was so much better than the book. If a movie features Clooney and Damon I am down for at least one ticket. Not the best movie in the world but it was still enjoyable.

February 18
               Spring Breakers (Directed by Harmony Korine) I didn't despise this movie like I thought I would but it also didn't impress me too much. It felt more like an episode of the old MTV Spring Break show, but instead of people hooking up and drinking these girls robbed and killed people. James Franco was perfect as RiFF RaFF lookalike; he is already a natural at being annoying at the drop of a dime.

February 19
               Clue (Directed by Jonathan Lynn) Thank you Netflix for having this movie available to stream. It had been at least ten years and probably more since I last saw it. I never played the game much but I really doubt it is as much fun as this movie is.

February 20
               Lovelace (Directed by Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman) I have never seen Deep Throat but this film about the making of it was interesting and I liked how they showed it from two different viewpoints. I could not stand Linda's mother and her "Obey your husband" mantra.

February 21
               3 Days to Kill (Directed by McG) Not the best action movie but still pretty enjoyable. Kevin Costner didn't try to overdo it like other aging stars do in action movies. It seemed to jump around a little bit at times but that might just be the McG "style" or something.

               Miss Congeniality (Directed by Donald Petrie) I still remember the first time I saw this movie with my mom. It was in the theater shortly after it was released and she liked it because she has always liked movies where the lead is an ass kicking female.

February 22
               Cloverfield (Directed by Matt Reeves) The only thing that made this "found footage" film more exciting is the fact that my Blu-ray copy was a bit flawed and would pixelate and freeze at random times before starting again.

               Raiders of the Lost Ark (Directed by Steven Spielberg) I have not watched a single Indiana Jones movies since Crystal Skull was released so I figured it was about time. I didn't remember a lot about the plot but I did enjoy it from beginning to end.

               Airheads (Directed by Michael Lehmann) It is very hard for me not to enjoy a movie with Brendan Fraser, Steve Buscemi and Adam Sandler all together. Add in Chris Farley, Joe Mantegna, Michael McKean and Judd Nelson what do you get? A very funny comedy that still makes me laugh 20 years later.

February 23
               Behind Enemy Lines (Directed by John Moore) I have never really thought of Owen Wilson as an action star; this movie proves he has it in him. Gene Hackman is my favorite character in the movie and his performance reminded me of his character in Crimson Tide.

               I, Robot (Directed by Alex Proyas) This is one of my favorite Will Smith movies. I like the action and I am a tech junkie so all the gadgets are cool to see and I wish I could have. Early Shia LaBeouf sighting, yep still annoying back then.

               Twister (Directed by Jan de Bont) I enjoy this movie for the ridiculous action and also because of Philip Seymour Hoffman's character. He is my favorite character in the movie. The action scenes are a little over the top especially when you use a belt to save you from an F5 tornado. During this viewing I noticed that not many people live in Oklahoma nor do they drive on roads, the place looked just about abandoned.

February 24
               Justice League: War (Directed by Jay Oliva) This DC animated feature is based on the "New 52" Universe started a few years ago. DC is still on top when it comes to animated features when compared to Marvel. It sounded like most of the characters were voiced by new actors this time too.

February 25
               Clueless (Directed by Amy Heckerling) Having been born in the early 80's I was a bit young to really get in to The Breakfast Club when it first came out. This however I could get in to and can still quote to this day. My favorite characters were the ones played by Breckin Meyer and Donald Faison.

February 26
               Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United (Directed by Eric Radomski & Leo Riley) Marvel's animated feature division is embarrassingly BAD. This movie proves just that. When did The Hulk become a total over the top childish character? This movie was so hard to finish.

February 27
               License to Drive (Directed by Greg Beeman) I am a bit confused about what made the Corey's so popular back in the 80's. One is annoying and the other is very annoying. I remember laughing at this movie as a kid but now I find it completely stupid.

February 28
               Moon (Directed by Duncan Jones) My friend Sarah has been telling me to watch this movie for a few years now. Sam Rockwell was great like he usually is and the music for the movie made it that much better. The twist was a bit predictable but I like how it played out in the end.

Movies watched in 28 of 28 Days. 47 Total Movies in February

March 1
               Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Directed by Steven Spielberg) Indiana Jones is always a fun character to watch. I don't enjoy this prequel as much as Raiders of the Lost Ark but it is still ten times better than Crystal Skull. I wish the kid playing Short Round would have done more after this movie besides The Goonies and the TV show Head of the Class.

               Bedazzled (Directed by Harold Ramis) I didn't realize that this was a Harold Ramis movie until the other day. I have had this on my watchlist on Amazon Prime for a while and thought it was time to watch it. It was directed by a great man who touched the lives of many people. The main character is the super cheesy type that I find uncomfortable to watch at times.

               Planet Terror (Directed by Robert Rodriguez) My favorite movie in the Grindhosue Double Feature from Rodriguez and Tarrantino. A lot of the regular cast of people from Rodriguez's other movies are present. I really want to know how Rose McGowan’s Cherry Darling was pulling the trigger on her leg stump gun.

               Death Proof (Directed by Quentin Tarantino) This might be my least favorite Tarrantino movie. I found it to be very boring. I am usually a big Kurt Russell fan but this movie moved too slow for me to get in to it. I am really not sure the purpose of the first half of the movie.

March 2
               Drive (Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn) Really good action movie that instead of relying on lots of CGI and special effects instead tells a strong story with the help of a very strong cast.

               Airborne (Directed by Rob Bowman) I am not totally sure why I like this movie except for maybe the fact that Seth Green is in it. The addition of a young Jack Black is also a plus for the movie.

               Surf Ninjas (Directed by Neal Israel) I remember seeing this movie in theaters with my brother and my cousin when we were kids. After the movie we of course had to pretend we were surf ninjas.

March 3
               Scream (Directed by Wes Craven) Over the top cheesy and corny but still fun. Randy the horror movie buff is of course my favorite. I am not good with horror trivia but I can channel my inner Randy from time to time.

March 4
               Ghostbusters II (Directed by Ivan Reitman) Thank you Netflix for adding this to your streaming library. Not as good as the first one, but still a lot of fun to watch. I forgot how much I liked this movie.

March 5
               Wild Things (Directed by John McNaughton        ) Another recent Netflix addition. I remember when this movie came out in theaters. I worked at the local AMC and this was the movie that most of the guys would go and watch from the entryway in between theater cleanings. One of our managers would even check in on us.

March 6
               Grind (Directed by Casey La Scala) Adam Brody and Extreme Sports is a movie I will most definitely watch. Add in the beautiful Jennifer Morrison and well I could watch this movie over and over again.

March 7
               Hackers (Directed by Iain Softley) I remember loving this movie after the first time I saw it. I still really enjoy it to this day, but mainly for the humor. The cast of the movie is pretty badass though.

               Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Directed by Dave Filoni) Decided to watch this after I saw that the entire Clone Wars series was now available on Netflix. The animation is pretty good and the story was more enjoyable than a good chunk of Episodes 1-3.

March 8
               Daybreakers (Directed by Michael Spierig & Peter Spierig) Interesting take on vampire movies. Not usually an Ethan Hawke fan but Sam Neill & Willem Dafoe more than make up for his awkward delivery.

               She's All That (Directed by Robert Iscove) I am so confused after watching this movie. Where was I during the professional grade dance routine during my junior and senior proms? I must have missed the planning meeting for it my junior year when we coordinated everything else for the prom. Also, not sure how I ended up watching three Matthew Lillard movies this week.

March 9
               Over the Top (Directed by Menahem Golan) I am so glad this movie explained what "Double Elimination" meant multiple times. I was so confused even after they described it the first time. It is amazing that this was actually made in to a movie, but it was the 80’s.

March 10
               Edward Scissorhands (Directed by Tim Burton) I couldn't tell you the last time I had seen this movie. One thing I like about older Tim Burton movies is he takes time to develop the main characters as well as the smaller lesser used one, like most of the neighbors in this movie.

               The Smurfs (Directed by Raja Gosnell) Ok yeah that was a bad movie. I grew up with the Smurfs but even I thought this was ridiculous. Some animated cartoons should stay that way, not everything needs to be live-action.

               Mr. Peabody & Sherman (Directed by Rob Minkoff) Very disappointed in this movie. Was hoping for something that had cool animation and humor. The animation was good but it took until 5 minutes left in the movie to really make my dad or I laugh.

March 11  
               Homefront (Directed by Gary Fleder) I watched this with my very good friend Tish who was visiting from Texas. The movie itself was pretty good. Good fight scenes and a story that was easy to follow. The one thing I disliked about it was they seemed to develop a certain character only to have her disappear before the end of the movie with no mention of again.

               Runner Runner (Directed by Brad Furman) After watching Homefront, Tish and I jumped right in to this movie. Within minutes we were confused by the actions of the main character. The plot as a whole was interesting but from time to time it would drop in parts that would confuse you. It has a nice twist ending, but it needed too after the long setup it had.

March 12
               That Thing You Do! (Directed by Tom Hanks) The one Tom Hanks movie I could not find for my Thanksgiving marathon last year just happened to air commercial free on DirecTV last weekend. The movie is a bit cheesy but I think it also speaks volumes about a number of one hit wonder musical artists today.

               The Silence of the Lambs (Directed by Jonathan Demme) This was the first time I ever watched this movie all the way through. I have seen the sequels before, but not this one. The movie is good but it is a bit unsettling from beginning to end.

               Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Directed by Steven Spielberg) It has been 20 years since I last saw this movie. I forgot how much fun it is. I really enjoy seeing Sean Connery and Harrison Ford play off one another.

March 13
               The Addams Family (Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld) I have only seen a few episodes of the original TV show but I think this is one of the better TV show turned in to a movie adaptation. All of the actors were perfect choices for their characters. The story was fun and quirky just like the show.

               Bull Durham (Directed by Ron Shelton) This is one of my least favorite sport movies. I know it may seem stupid but I don't like when the love story is a bigger focus then the sport being played is. If you don't want to refer to this as a sports themed movie then that changes the dynamics in my opinion.

March 14
               Moonrise Kingdom (Directed by Wes Anderson) I finally got caught up on Wes Anderson's last movie in time for his latest movie to come out in theater. First 15-20 minutes was a bit slow for me but then it picked up and I was fully engaged by all the different characters.

               Dave (Directed by Ivan Reitman) This is one of my watch and enjoy anytime movies. It isn't heavy on special effects but instead focuses on a good story with a strong cast of characters.

               Man of the House (Directed by Stephen Herek) Why did I watch this? I was doing some cleaning and wanted something on in the background. There are little pieces in this movie that make me laugh, like Cedric the Entertainer.

               Hyde Park on Hudson (Directed by Roger Michell) This movie started out quite slow and I had a hard time figuring out who some of the characters were until the very end. Bill Murray was great as FDR and I had to laugh at all the drama surrounding the eating of a hot dog.

March 15
               RoboCop (2014) (Directed by José Padilha) I was surprised how much I liked this remake. The storyline was very interesting and the characters were well written. The action scenes were pretty fun to watch as well. Even being just PG-13 I don't think it was really missing anything without the excessive blood like in the original.

               300: Rise of an Empire (Directed by Noam Murro) I was not a fan of the first half hour of the movie. It was a lot of talking that I thought dragged on and was too monotone. It picked up after that and became a fun action movie. Highlight of the movie though had to be Eva Green.

               Step Brothers (Directed by Adam McKay) This is such a stupid movie. But it is also one that always makes me laugh no matter when I watch it. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are a great comedy team when they work together.
March 16
               Panic Room (Directed by David Fincher) Pretty good suspense thriller. Hard to believe the daughter in this movie would grow up to marry a vampire. I had totally forgotten that Jared Leto was in this movie.

               School Ties (Directed by Robert Mandel) I have watched this movie every few years since it originally came out. It is hard to believe how many actors in it have gone on to have long lasting careers. Pretty sure this is the first time Matt and Ben appeared in a Hollywood movie together.

March 17
               Requiem for the Big East (Directed by Ezra Edelman) The latest 30 for 30 documentary looked at the formation of the NCAA's Big East Conference. It was interesting to see how the conference came about and how it has changed over the years. I had no idea Jim Boeheim had been the head coach for Syracuse since 1976.

March 18
               Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Directed by Cody Cameron & Kris Pearn) Not as good as the original but still very creative and fun. My favorite part was seeing all the different food animal creations and their names.

March 19
               Need for Speed (Directed by Scott Waugh) Overall plot was stupid with a number of holes but the driving scenes more than made up for the plot problems. The car scenes were all real. No CGI was needed.

March 20
               Joe Dirt (Directed by Dennie Gordon) This is one of my favorite quotable movies to enjoy over and over again. The story is ridiculous but it is also very fun. Which watching I enjoyed a fun quote throwdown with my friend Eric via Facebook.

March 21
               Veronica Mars (Directed by Rob Thomas) I remember when this TV show was originally on. I didn't watch but a handful of episodes but I was very interested in this movie when it originally launched its Kickstarter campaign last year. For not having watched much of the show I really enjoyed the movie. It had little 'Easter Egg' moments for fans of the show but overall it was a movie that someone never introduced to the show could enjoy.

March 22
               Zoom (Directed by Peter Hewitt) I grew up watching Home Improvement on a weekly basis. I became a big fan of Tim Allen and while most of his movies might be a bit on the cheesy side I still get a laugh out of them at least a bit.

               The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (Directed by David Slade) Oh the tough decisions a young girl must make when she is in love with a Vampire and a Werewolf. I am totally not sure why everyone was looking to protect Bella. I'd rather take the side of the fiery redhead.

               The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (Directed by Bill Condon) Thank goodness they got married. It is important that recent high school graduates get married soon after graduation. Without being married how else can they truly live? Is that too much sarcasm? Ok, I didn't think so.

               The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (Directed by Bill Condon) It is finally over! I will no longer have to watch another Twilight movie for as long as I live. I would have thought that by the fifth movie they would have figured out how to use special effects, that baby sure didn't look real to me.

March 23
               Footloose (Directed by Herbert Ross) Thanks to Kevin Bacon's performance on the Tonight Show I had to watch this movie for the first time in years. I can't believe that back in the 80's there were towns that banned the smallest things like playing music loud and had book burnings.

               Moneyball (Directed by Bennett Miller) I have made it known on more than one occasion how I feel about sports themed movies. Add in the true story aspect and one of my favorite actors and I am definitely going to enjoy it.

               Timecop (Directed by Peter Hyams) I like the concept of this JCVD movie but it was just poorly executed. The other thing I couldn't get over was the fact that personal vehicles for people looked like tanks.

March 24
               Dude, Where's My Car? (Directed by Danny Leiner) Dude, where is a mindless movie to watch? This was just the mindless stupidity that I needed after a long day at work.

March 25
               50 First Dates (Directed by Peter Segal) It is hard not to enjoy a movie with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. They have great chemistry together and the stories are usually very enjoyable.

March 26
               Blast from the Past (Directed by Hugh Wilson) This movie is goofy but it also has some good messages mixed in with it. My crush on Alicia Silverstone was re-ignited after seeing her in this movie too.

March 27
               Look Who's Talking (Directed by Amy Heckerling) This was the first thing that displayed when I logged in to Netflix and since I wasn't sure what I wanted to watch I went with this. It is still as stupid as I remember it was years ago.

March 28
               Fly Away Home (Directed by Carroll Ballard) My feel good family movie of the week. The plot of this movie is very heartwarming and hard not to enjoy. It is hard to believe that the little girl helping geese fly south for the winter became Sookie Stackhouse on True Blood.

March 29
               Cobra (Directed by George P. Cosmatos) This might be one of the worst Stallon action movies I have seen. I don't mind ultra-violence but I need a bit of story to go along with it.

               The Perfect Storm (Directed by Wolfgang Petersen) I remember seeing this movie when it originally came out not knowing the outcome of the ship or its crew. If I was to become a fisherman I would want to be on a crew with all of the actors that make up the Andrea Gail's crew.

               Zathura: A Space Adventure (Directed by Jon Favreau) Had someone told me that this movie was 'Jumanji in Space' I would have watched it years ago. It didn't have the craziness of Robin Williams but Dax Shepard was a good replacement.

March 30
               Bad Words (Directed by Jason Bateman) This is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time. It is funny for all the wrong reasons but it does make me wish I could turn off my filter at times when talking to some people.

               Magic Mike (Directed by Steven Soderbergh) After being on my DVR for almost an entire year I finally got around to watching this movie. For some reason I didn't think it would be as good as it turned out to be. I have been a big fan of Soderbergh since the Ocean's trilogy and he didn't disappoint here.

               Zodiac (Directed by David Fincher) I really enjoy investigative thrillers like this movie. The entire cast was also fun to watch as they interacted with one another. I never knew much about the Zodiac killer until I was in my late teens and early twenty's.

March 31
               Doctor Dolittle (Directed by Betty Thomas) I am ashamed to admit that this was the first thing I found on HBO Go that caught my interest so I had to watch it. I don't know why. It is a stupid movie but for some reason my brain decided that it had to be watched.

               Cheap Thrills (Directed by E.L. Katz) This movie is crazy and I am sure will give me nightmares in the near future. the ending was predictable but how they get to it is a fun adventure. My friend John kept telling me to watch this for 2-3 weeks.

Movies watched in 31 of 31 Days. 60 Total Movies in March

April 1
               Stripes (Directed by Ivan Reitman) Thank you Netflix for adding this movie to your streaming service. I have been looking for my DVD copy since Harold Ramis passed away with no luck. There are so many fun moments throughout this movie and I never get tired of watching it.

April 2
               Predator (Directed by John McTiernan) Not nearly as creepy as the first Alien movie but this movie makes up for it with being so intense. The different characters and their mannerisms are hilarious to watch, especially Jesse Ventura.

April 3
               After the Sunset (Directed by Brett Ratner) This is a fun little crime caper made that much more enjoyable by Salma Hayek. Pierce Brosnan and Woody Harrelson play really well off one another. At times it was a little hard to keep track of who was the good guy and who was the bad guy.

April 4
               xXx: State of the Union (Directed by Lee Tamahori) This sequel was not nearly as fun as the original. I usually enjoy Ice Cube but I just didn't fully buy him as XXX. Vin Diesel was definitely a better XXX. I’m still hoping they give us another sequel with Vin again.

               nWo: The Revolution (Directed by Kevin Dunn) This is the first documentary that I have watched on WWE Network but it won't be the last one for sure. I remember when the N.W.O. first got started and how it changed professional wrestling forever.

               Space Jam (Directed by Joe Pytka) When they announced Space Jam 2 a month or so ago I was very scared. Space Jam is a classic from my childhood and making a sequel with LeBron James is not something I want to ever see. Thankfully this movie is still enjoyable even though I am much older now.

April 5
               Captain America: The Winter Soldier     (Directed by Anthony Russo & Joe Russo) This movie is proof that Marvel knows exactly what they are doing with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was just over two hours long and I would have enjoyed another hour without hesitation.

               A League of Their Own (Directed by Penny Marshall) Had I been able to fit another movie in to my Tom Hanks movie marathon last Thanksgiving it would have been this one. When I saw it was available on Netflix I knew I had to watch it as soon as possible.

               21 (Directed by Robert Luketic) This movie was predictable from beginning to end. I like the cast but I was really hoping for a twist or turn at least once. Sadly it went straight from the book the entire time which was disappointing.

April 6
               Mortal Kombat (Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson) I used to love playing this game at the arcade whenever I went. When this movie first came out I talked my dad in to taking me to see it. As a whole it is cheesy and not very good, but it is still one of my favorite videogame adaptations.

               Jumanji (Directed by Joe Johnston) This was another recent addition to Netflix streaming and after watching Zathura a week ago I was excited to get to watch this one again. My brother and I really enjoyed this movie when we were growing up. We tried for months to find the game to buy but were never successful.

               Overboard (Directed by Garry Marshall) Every single time I watch this movie I ask the same question, usually to myself, how does Kurt Russell's character not get arrested for technically kidnapping and false imprisonment? What his character does is totally illegal and he should be sitting behind bars for many years.

April 7
               Scary Movie (Directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans) This might be my favorite parody movie of all time. The Wayans brothers did a great job writing this movie and while the sequel isn't as good, they are far better than any of the sequels made after they were removed from the series.

               The Principal (Directed by Christopher Cain) If a principal acted like Belushi did in this movie today there is no doubt that they would be out of a job instantly. Lots of overacting in this movie but I did enjoy seeing the "bully" get his ass kicked.

April 8
               Valley Girl (Directed by Martha Coolidge) Nic Cage's acting has not improved very much from when he was 19 and starring in this movie. I had heard about this movie over the years but never got around to watching it until now. I am pretty sure I am going to wait another 30 years before thinking about watching it again.

April 9
               Underclassman (Directed by Marcos Siega) This movie can best be summed up as 21 Jump Street with Nick Cannon and no humor.

April 10
               True Lies (Directed by James Cameron) It is hard to believe that they never made a sequel to this action movie. The ending set it up completely to become a series. I still remember seeing this movie for the first time on its opening weekend at the drive-in with my parents and brother.

               Free to Play: The Movie (Directed by Valve) Interesting documentary about an e-sport competition for the game Dota 2 and the $1 million winning prize. This suggestion came from the Get Up On This podcast.

April 11
               Big Daddy (Directed by Dennis Dugan) Oh how I miss the goofy yet heartwarming Adam Sandler movies of the late 90's. I wish Adam would go back to movies like this instead of going overboard with the bathroom humor and crazy cast choices.

April 12
               The Village (Directed by M. Night Shyamalan) This wasn't the worst Shyamalan movie that I have seen but it wasn't the best either. Ever since the twist in The Sixth Sense it seems like every movie he has to throw a crazy twist at the audience and they are less and less impressive. If you know a twist is coming is it still a twist?

               White Men Can't Jump (Directed by Ron Shelton) Wesley and Woody are one of my favorite movie duos of all time. Their chemistry together is always enjoyable to watch. I had not watched this movie in a good ten years but it still makes me laugh.

               A Knight's Tale (Directed by Brian Helgeland) I miss Heath Ledger. He was a great actor and while his performance in The Dark Knight was amazing this is still my favorite movie of his. Now I am pretty sure it isn't historically accurate, it is still an enjoyable movie.

April 13
               Kicking & Screaming (Directed by Jesse Dylan) The best parts of this movie are the scenes with Mike Ditka. I was not a big fan of the rest of this movie. It was a predictable story with the expected end.

               Cruel Intentions (Directed by Roger Kumble        ) This was the first movie that I went and saw by myself following my first brain surgery. The cast was made up of some of the hottest stars in Hollywood at the time. I had forgot Joshua Jackson was in the movie until he showed up with his bleach blonde hair.

               The Running Man (Directed by Paul Michael Glaser) How can someone not enjoy a cheesy action movie from the 80's? This might be one of the cheesiest movies that Arnold dished out but it is also one I have been looking forward to catching again. Thank you Netflix!

April 14
               Drumline (Directed by Charles Stone III) I remember getting so much shit from a couple people at work after I said I went and saw this in the theater and liked it. I could care less about the storyline but the drum performances were great.

April 15
               Good Will Hunting (Directed by Gus Van Sant) The first time I saw this movie was with my mother and my brother on a Friday afternoon at the Thornton Town Center. I still get a laugh hearing the Apples line,

April 16
               High Fidelity (Directed by Stephen Frears) Going back to this movie so many years after seeing it I find it a bit hard to watch. Jack Black and John Cusack come off as a bit one dimensional to me.

April 17
               Hillsborough (Directed by Daniel Gordon) Very strong and impactful ESPN documentary about the tragedy at Hillsborough where a number of fans lost their lives trying to get in to see a soccer game. this documentary debuted on the 25th anniversary of the event.

April 18
               Cinderella Man (Directed by Ron Howard) Little Opie Taylor sure knows how to make a good movie. While it is slow at some points it does a really good job of telling the story of a strong fighter in and out of the ring during the great depression.

April 19
               Loverboy (Directed by Joan Micklin Silver) Patrick Dempsey sure was popular back in the late 80's. I can't be certain but this movie might be the main reason that I have am afraid to ever order anchovies on my pizza.

               Just One of the Guys (Directed by Lisa Gottlieb) How was it so easy for the main character in this movie to enroll at a high school with a fake identity? Also, could she find a weirder high school in California to enroll in?

April 20
               Vertical Limit (Directed by Martin Campbell) Bill Paxton is a lot of fun to hate in movies. He plays a great bad guy. I had to laugh a bit about the fact that the main characters playing brother and sister are currently stars on CBS television shows.

April 21
               Broken City (Directed by Allen Hughes) The first 45 minutes of this movie I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. Once I figured out the plot it was interesting but overall it became predictable in the end. Russell Crowe's accent was almost as disappointing as the movie.

April 22
               Mr. 3000 (Directed by Charles Stone III) You know what this movie has in common with the Milwaukee Brewers? They are both a bit of a disappointment. Even the late great Bernie Mac can't save this movie.

April 23
               Elon Musk: Bloomberg Risk Takers (Directed by Oren Jacoby) This was an interesting documentary about the creator of PayPal who is also the current CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX. One thing I found very interesting was that Tony Stark in the Iron Man movies is modeled after Musk.

               Big Trouble in Little China (Directed by John Carpenter) This was my second movie of the day in honor of my friend John. Last year he tried to watch one movie a day for the entire year and ended up missing just one day, April 23. The movie suggestion for this viewing also came from him.

April 24
               The Bad Boys (Directed by NBA Entertainment) All through high school and most of my early college years my favorite basketball player was Dennis Rodman. I wore his Converse 'Worm Wear' sneakers for the last 3 years of high school up until my graduation day when my mom made me wear different shoes. This ESPN documentary about the Detroit Pistons in the late 80's and early 90's was interesting and fun to watch. My favorite parts of course were the ones about Dennis Rodman. It was great to see all the formers players get interviewed as well as the daughter of the late Chuck Daly.

April 25
               The Abyss (Directed by James Cameron) Watching this movie I started thinking that if it was ever remade Sam Rockwell would be the perfect replacement for the character played in the original by Michael Biehn. With the help of my friend John that thought morphed in to a remake of the movie with Sam Rockwell playing every single character, even the rat.

April 26
               Prometheus (Directed by Ridley Scott) I really like this movie and find it entertaining from beginning to end. My only problem is, it is also very confusing at times. I feel like a number of scenes were cut from the film and had they not been the confusing plot holes would not be so confusing.

               Congo (Directed by Frank Marshall) The worst part of this movie has to be Tim Curry's character. His accent, purpose and overall performance were beyond stupid. The second worst part of the movie has to be the technology aspect of the movie. A diamond powered laser can take out a communication satellite instantaneously?

               The Amazing Spider-Man (Directed by Marc Webb) Marc Webb did a great job rebooting the Spider-Man franchise after the disappointing emo Spidey we got back in the third Tobey Maguire. Andrew Garfield is a much more believable Spider-Man than Tobey ever was too. It is also hard to resist the lovely Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy.

April 27
               The Terminator (Directed by James Cameron      ) Came across this movie on Amazon Prime and decided to go for an all-day Terminator marathon. I know special effects weren't as flashy as they are today but I still had to laugh a bit at seeing the stripped down cyborg robot walking around. It looked almost like stop motion animation in a few scenes.

               Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Director's Cut) (Directed by James Cameron) This is the best Terminator movie in the series and one of Cameron's best movies in his career. The action and special effects are all there. I still get excited seeing Bobby Budnick from Salute Your Shorts in the movie as John's friend.

               Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Directed by Jonathan Mostow) The Terminator series begins to decline with this movie. While the continuity was still in place it still felt a bit disconnected. I also have a problem with PG-13 sequels to rated R movies.

               Terminator Salvation (Director's Cut) (Directed by McG) I can't believe that even after this movie was released Hollywood still wanted to make another Terminator movie. As an action movie it is enjoyable but in the Terminator universe it falls off the track.

April 28
               Blue Crush (Directed by John Stockwell) The storyline for this movie as a whole was nothing special, but the surfing scenes made it enjoyable to watch. It also doesn't hurt to have some comedy mixed in along with beautiful women in bikinis.

April 29
               There's Something About Mary (Directed by Bobby Farrelly & Peter Farrelly) The summer this came out I was working at a movie theater and I watched this and The Truman Show at least half a dozen times each. This is still one of my favorite movie soundtracks.

April 30
               The Medallion (Directed by Gordon Chan) Wow this movie was just plain bad. Plot holes and confusing storyline all around. I love the fact that one of the characters wives turns out to be a secret agent of some kind and they don't even try to address it.

Movies watched in 30 of 30 Days. 49 Total Movies in April

May 1
               Odd Thomas (Directed by Stephen Sommers) A surprisingly fun and well done movie. This movie has been on my "Need to Watch List" for some time now. The plot mixed together with the characters make for a very enjoyable movie. This movie might come back later this year as one of my book to movie comparisons.

May 2
               The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Directed by Marc Webb) This movie had both good and bad moments. While it told a strong Spider-Man story I thought that it tried to include too much in one shot. There was a good build=up for Jamie Foxx's character Electro but then he became a secondary character it seemed like. I also think Sony tried to include too many easter eggs to keep Spider-Man fans excited.

               Meatballs (Directed by Ivan Reitman) Watching this movie I couldn't help but think that the kid that Bill Murray's character befriended looked a lot like a young Joshua Jackson circa The Mighty Ducks.

May 3
               Small Soldiers (Directed by Joe Dante) Growing up when I would play with my action figures I would pretend at times that they came to life. This movie makes that happen, and then it goes wrong. Phil Hartman is hilarious in this movie.

               Ride Along (Directed by Tim Story) I still don't understand that extreme love for Kevin Hart that people have. His humor seems too childish at times and that carried over to this movie.

               Holes (Directed by Andrew Davis) This is one of those movies that I can watch over and over again. It tells a good story from beginning to end. This movie has the best performance I have ever seen out of Shia LaBeouf.

               The Sklar Brothers: What Are We Talking About (Directed by Jay Chapman) Very funny comedy special from the twin Skylar brothers. They have been on @Midnight a number of times and I found them pretty funny so when I saw this on Netflix I knew I had to watch it.

May 4
               Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (Directed by Quentin Tarantino) My favorite of the Kill Bill movies. Right from the beginning it is an action packed movie with lots of blood as is expected with any Tarrantino movie.

               Timeline (Directed by Richard Donner) Time traveling through a wormhole via a set of mirrors is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. This movie was very predictable when leading up to the climax.

               Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth (Directed by Spike Lee) As a kid I was a big fan of Mike Tyson, I sucked at his NES game but I was still a fan. This one man show performed by Tyson gives new insight to his life growing up. He isn't afraid to talk about the good and bad parts of his life.

May 5
               Revenge of the Nerds (Directed by Jeff Kanew) I find it interesting that I like goofy movies like this but when it comes to similarly goofy television shows I have a hard time watching them.

May 6
               The Nut Job (Directed by Peter Lepeniotis) A lighthearted and under the radar animated film. Reminded me a bit of Over the Hedge which I really enjoy. Good selection of voice actors as well.

May 7
               Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie (Directed by Steve Stark) I have been waiting over a year to see this movie. I was not able to see it lwhen Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes took it on tour. But it is now available on VOD and I jumped at the chance to watch it. If you are a Kevin Smith fan then you will enjoy this animated adventure.

May 8
               How to Make Money Selling Drugs (Directed by Matthew Cooke) Interesting documentary about how to make a living at selling marijuana and cocaine from different levels of distribution. I don't plan on changing my career after watching it but it was still very informative nonetheless.

May 9
               Catch Me If You Can (Directed by Steven Spielberg) This was my second viewing since Thanksgiving last year. While I still enjoy the movie it isn't as good as I previously thought that it was.

May 10
               Astro Boy (Directed by David Bowers) It is amazing how Nic Cage even in animated form can still make his crazy facial mannerisms seem lifelike. Overall this is a fun animated movie from most ages.

               The Negotiator (Directed by F. Gary Gray) Both Sam Jackson and Kevin Spacey are great actors and seeing them play off one another in this movie is a joy to watch. Paul Giamatti was a nice added bonus in a secondary role.

May 11
               Underworld: Evolution (Directed by Len Wiseman) This sequel to Underworld was much more violent and bloody than the original. That is one of the reasons I really enjoyed it. Well, that and Kate Beckinsale rocking the tight leather once again.

               Searching for Bobby Fischer (Directed by Steven Zaillian) I suck at playing chess but every time I watch this movie I think I can play and proceed to make a fool of myself. I have yet to try my hand at playing chess again but I can only dream to be as good as the worst player in the final tournament.

May 12
               Prefontaine (Directed by Steve James) Jared Leto does a great job as famed runner Steve Prefontaine as he goes from Olympic hopeful to activist for young athletes. This movie also covers the birth of Nike and the waffle iron.

May 13
               Dangerous Minds (Directed by John N. Smith) I remember when I thought Coolio was the greatest rapper in the world, yes I admit to not being super smart as an early teenager. Every so often there is a movie about a teacher who uses an alternative method to reach their students. This was the version I had growing up and I think it does a good job of still holding up pretty good to this day.

May 14
               Holy Man (Directed by Stephen Herek) I remember seeing this movie in the theater with my dad. It is a goofy movie with a cheesy ploy but there is still some funny moments that still make me laugh all these years later.

May 15
               Godzilla (2014) (Directed by Gareth Edwards) As this movie began I kept thinking, this has to be better than the Matthew Broderick version from the late 90's. I was one hundred percent right. The movies were complete polar opposites. My dad I both really enjoyed the special effects and plot. It felt more like a classic Godzilla movie.

May 16
               Neighbors (Directed by Nicholas Stoller) While I enjoyed this movie my least favorite parts were the ones played by Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne. The whole trying super hard to be cool is a bit annoying. I would happily watch a sequel with just the guys from the frat house.

               Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Directed by Robert Zemeckis) It had been years since I last watched this movie. I forgot how much fun it was. I still remember my brother having a framed movie poster for the movie hung up in his room when we lived in Aurora.

               Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (Unrated) (Directed by Adam McKay) This was one of the worst movies I have watched this year. I was a bit timid about watching it because I wasn't a huge fan of the first one. A lot of the stuff just felt stupid or pointless.

May 17
               Planes (Directed by Klay Hall) This spinoff of Pixar's Cars series isn't great but I think it is one par or even a little better than Cars 2.

               Just Like Heaven (Directed by Mark Waters) It never hurts to throw a romantic comedy in to the movie mix. The cast is what drew me in to watching this movie. The supporting cast is a strong as the two leads.

               The Rocketeer (Directed by Joe Johnston) Another movie that I have not watched in years. I came across it while searching through HBO Go and figured, why not. I am glad I did because it is still one of the better "comic book" type movies from its time period.

May 18
               Secretariat (Directed by Randall Wallace) After watching the second leg of the Triple Crown yesterday I figured it was time I watch this Disney true story sports themed movie again. Yes Disney does change a few things along the way but the majority of the story is true.

               Hook (Directed by Steven Spielberg) This version of Peter Pan is one of my favorites. Spielberg did a really good job at directing and the cast all turned in strong performances. I have had this on my short list to watch recently since I heard about Bob Hoskins passing away.

               True Grit (Directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen) While I am not a fan of all movies directed by the Coen Brothers I do enjoy most of them. This is one that I really enjoy. Great cast help to tell an exciting story.

May 19
               The Illusionist (Directed by Neil Burger) This movie includes a number of different illusions that are hard to explain but help tell a great story. Ed Norton does a really good job at playing a depressed brooding man wanting revenge.

May 20
               Son of Batman (Directed by Ethan Spaulding) The latest DC Animated movie doesn't disappoint. I read the story arc that this movie is based on last year and this was a very good adaptation.

May 21
               With Honors (Directed by Alek Keshishian) This movie recently showed up on HBO Go and when I saw that was the highlight of my day. I don't know what it is about his movie but I love watching it. I had been looking for my DVD copy for at least six months with no luck until coming across it streaming.

May 22
               Million Dollar Arm (Directed by Craig Gillespie) A true story sports themed movie from Disney? I enjoyed it even before I got to the theater. While the outcome of the movie was predictable it was still an enjoyable journey to get there.

May 23
               X-Men: Days of Future Past (Directed by Bryan Singer) While this movie a pretty good overall, I was still a bit disappointed in it. For months we have been teased with magazine covers and trailers featuring a wide variety of mutants. In the end though it seems like most of the mutants featured were barely in the movie, some only for a brief moment.

               The Majestic (Directed by Frank Darabont) Out of all his movies this is by far my favorite from Jim Carrey. It shows his more serious side while still including a fair amount of humor.

               Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (Directed by Joe Roth) This movie is nowhere near as fun as the original. I wish there was more Anthony Edwards in it. One thing that has always stuck out to me is that Lewis has a girlfriend yet still falls for and tries to hook up with another one. I didn't think nerds were jerks like that.

May 24
               War Horse (Directed by Steven Spielberg) I am very thankful that my mom called me during what I feel is the saddest part of the movie. Had she not called me then I know I would have ended up crying.

               Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (Directed by Mike Judge) I forgot how stupid this movie was. Growing up I wasn't allowed to watch the television show featuring these guys, but when the movie came out I was allowed to see it. Part of me wishes my parents didn't allow me to watch the movie again.

               The Faculty (Directed by Robert Rodriguez) I still laugh when I remember that this is a Robert Rodriguez movie. It of course has his style throughout it but for some reason it just doesn't fit with what I have come to know and enjoy from Mr. Rodriguez.

               Mulan (Directed by Tony Bancroft & Barry Cook) Thanks to a few top shelf margaritas while out at dinner with my parents I was in the mood for just about any movie after I got home including this Disney princess adventure. Eddie Murphy's Mushu has a lot of the same characteristics as his later animated character Donkey.

May 25
               Gattaca (Directed by Andrew Niccol) I enjoyed this Sci-Fi take on fighting the system in any way that you can. If society says you have to be perfect to succeed then why not try to convince the system that you are perfect?

               Snatch (Directed by Guy Ritchie) This movie jumps around a lot between the different characters and their respective storylines. While it can get a little confusing if you're not paying close attention it pays off in the end.

May 26
               Vampire Academy (Directed by Mark Waters) While not a great movie this was still better than any of the Twilight movies. I liked the characters and the overall plot. I might have to check out the books it is based on.

               Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (Directed by Patrick Tatopoulos) My least favorite movie in the Underworld series. This origin story didn't need to be its own movie. It could have been a 15 minutes flashback during another Underworld movie and it would have gotten the same point across.

               Bad Ass (Directed by Craig Moss) Only in this day and age can a viral video of senior citizen standing up to a young thug on a bus turn in to a movie. I will admit though that the movie was enjoyable to me.

               Entrapment (Directed by Jon Amiel) Fun crime caper that is much more enjoyable because of the laser routine performed by Catherine Zeta-Jones. It also doesn't hurt to have Ving Rhames drop a couple one-liners.

               The Thing (Directed by John Carpenter) The first time I saw this movie I had to watch it with the lights on because I am a lightweight when it comes to scary movies. Now when I watch it I laugh at the special effects and the overall goofiness of it.

May 27
               City by the Sea (Directed by Michael Caton-Jones) I officially found another reason to dislike James Franco in a movie, he hooked up with Eliza Dushku. The climax and conclusion of the movie seemed to happen really fast and without much drama which was a disappointment.

May 28
               Fantastic Mr. Fox (Directed by Wes Anderson) I think this is my new favorite Wes Anderson movie. It took me a few years to get around to watching it and now I am sorry it took that long.

May 28
               Underworld: Awakening (Directed by Måns Mårlind & Björn Stein) After finishing this movie I wish they were still making Underworld movies. It was the beginning of a new chapter and introduced fun and interesting new characters.

               The Lorax (Directed by Chris Renaud & Kyle Balda) I don't really remember the Dr. Seuss story this is based on but I am sure it was a lot better than how the movie turned out. The movie was boring and didn't stand out as anything special.

               From Dusk Till Dawn (Directed by Robert Rodriguez) Boy the special effects in this movie go from indie movie to high school production in a matter of seconds. It is still cool to see that Robert Rodriguez still uses a lot of the same supporting cast in his movies almost twenty years later.

               Pompeii (Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson) The plot for this movie was interesting but the acting was flawed. Paul W.S. Anderson has previously directed all of the Resident Evil I was really hoping for a few zombies to be included.

May 30
               Fargo (Directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen) I had forgotten how messed up this movie is. It is a bit hard to believe that it is based on a true story. I was unable to find this movie at BestBuy yesterday but thankfully I came across it on Amazon Instant. Now I want to check out the new TV show of the same name.

               Rango (Directed by Gore Verbinski) I finally decided to watch this movie after only hearing good things about it. The story was entertaining and the animation was well done. I am not sure why I waited so long to watch it.

               Romancing the Stone (Directed by Robert Zemeckis) The last time I watched this movie it was on VHS. It is overly goofy but still enjoyable. Seeing a young Michael Douglas is refreshing if only for the fact that his skin hasn't become leather from over-tanning.

               Bernie (Directed by Richard Linklater) My friend Julie told me about this movie after it first came out and said I would find it interesting. It took me a couple years but she was right. It was interesting but also weird. It is hard to believe that it is based on a true story.

May 31
               Maximum Overdrive (Directed by Stephen King) This movie makes any of the Transformers movies look like an Academy Award winner for Best Picture. From the start it is completely ridiculous.

               Desperado (Directed by Robert Rodriguez) This was my introduction to Robert Rodriguez who over the years has become one of my favorite directors. Yet another movie where Rodriguez uses a number of his favorite actors. It reminds me a bit of Kevin Smith and his favorite actors.

               The Road (Directed by John Hillcoat) Very dark and depressing movie about a father and son traveling in a post-apocalyptic type world. Viggo sure did lose a lot of weight for this movie.

               The Greatest Movie Ever Rolled (Directed by Ryan Polito) Thanks to an appearance on @midnight by star Doug Benson I decided to give this documentary a shot. It turned out to be funnier than I expected. I need to check out more stuff from Doug Benson.

Movies watched in 31 of 31 Days. 64 Total Movies in May

June 1
               Gangster Squad (Directed by Ruben Fleischer) I can see why this movie was a bit of a bust. It had action but wasn't very interesting at all. I didn't mind looking at Emma Stone though, that is never boring.

               Unforgiven (Directed by Clint Eastwood) I am not sure why this movie won so many awards. I found it very slow and just uninteresting. I like the cast but it just didn't work for me in this movie.

               The Emperor's New Groove (Directed by Mark Dindal) Completely random Netflix pick. Not a very good animated film, but also not too bad either.

               Step Up 2: The Streets (Directed by Jon M. Chu) I came across this movie playing on TV and in the first 5 minutes Channing Tatum showed up on screen so I continued watching. Sadly two minutes after he showed up he was gone from the movie for good. The end of this movie is hilarious to me because there are a number of continuity errors with filming.

June 2
               The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (Directed by Mick Jackson) For some reason I never get tired of watching this movie. I watch it every couple of years and enjoy it just as much as the last time. There is nothing special about it, it is just fun to me.

June 3
               Chain Reaction (Directed by Andrew Davis) This movie isn't that old to make it believable that Morgan Freeman could be smoking a cigar in a museum.

June 4
               Barbershop (Directed by Tim Story) This is one Ice Cube comedy that I never get tired of watching. I still remember seeing this and Miracle in the same day back when they were originally released.

June 5
               Snake Eyes (Directed by Brian De Palma) Nic Cage has gotten a bit crazy in recent years with his movies. This movie however had me focused from beginning to end.

June 6
               The Langoliers (Directed by Tom Holland) I remember when this was set to originally air as a miniseries on TV. The previews looked cool and the first night wasn't that bad. Then the Langoliers, or as I called them giant meatballs, showed up and it was all downhill from there.

June 7
               Johnny Mnemonic (Directed by Robert Longo) Keanu Reeves sure knows how to pick shitty roles. This might be the worst thing I have ever seen him in.

               Red Dragon (Directed by Brett Ratner) This prequel to Silence of the Lambs is just as creepy, if not more so. Ralph Fiennes was beyond scary in this movie.

               The Siege (Directed by Edward Zwick) Very intense movie about what could happen if martial law was enforced. I found it interesting that some of the stuff mentioned in the movie happened in real life just three years later.

               All-Star Superman (Directed by Sam Liu) I really like DC animated films but it seems like every other one involving Superman is set in a universe where Lois Lane doesn't know his real identity. Can they just make a universal decision about whether or not anyone knows Clark and Superman are the same person?

June 15
              The Jewel of the Nile (Directed by Lewis Teague) This sequel to Romancing the Stone suffers the same way that a number of sequels do. The first movie worked well so a sequel is created that doesn't have the same heart as the original.

              Thor: The Dark World (Directed by Alan Taylor) Before seeing the first Thor movie I didn't know much about the comic book hero. That movie along with this sequel has been a great way to learn about the mighty Asgardian.

              The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Directed by Ben Stiller) This movie tells a very exciting story with amazing visuals. I really wish I could have Walter's cell phone coverage and battery life.

June 16
              What About Bob? (Directed by Frank Oz) I remember at one point I watched this movie so many times that I got burnt out on it and didn't find it funny. Thankfully after close to a decade of not watching it, I find it hilarious all over again.

June 17
              The Recruit (Directed by Roger Donaldson) This is a fun spy thriller that keeps you guessing about what side everyone is on; that is until it becomes totally predictable.

June 18
              Cop and a Half (Directed by Henry Winkler) The fact that Burt goes to bed with his Indians jersey tucked in to his sweats was too funny for me to focus on much else. The movie is a step backward in the 'Buddy Cop' dynamic.

June 19
              Rocky IV (Directed by Sylvester Stallone) I have decided that Stallone filmed this and the movie Cobra at the same time or very close together. His beard is the same during the training montage as it was all through Cobra.

June 20
              Never Back Down (Directed by Jeff Wadlow) Finally decided to watch this movie after yet another person shared a clip of it thinking that the video was from a real fight. The clip circulating the internet looks to have been filmed from an extra on set.

June 21
              Ice Age: Continental Drift (Directed by Steve Martino & Mike Thurmeier) The last in the Ice Age series. I like the movies but there really isn't much that makes each one stand out from the other.

              Bob Saget: That's What I'm Talkin' About (Directed by Jay Karas) I usually like watching dirty Bob Saget perform but this special wasn't very funny to me. I laughed a little bit but there weren't any bits that really got me going.

              Now You See Me (Directed by Louis Leterrier) I don't care what people say, I really like this movie. It reminds me of Ocean's Eleven but with magic. I also really like the cast that they put together in it.

June 22
              Less Than Zero (Directed by Marek Kanievska) Besides being very confusing the one thing I couldn't get over were the televisions in this movie. Everyone has these ultra modern apartments with lots of fancy stuff, yet they still rock the old black and white televisions.

              Anger Management (Directed by Peter Segal) This movie started the downward trend of Adam Sandler movies for me. It had some funny parts but overall it was stupid.

              John Leguizamo's Ghetto Klown (Directed by Fisher Stevens) Very funny comedy special about John's career ups and downs. I forgot how many different characters he has played.

June 23
              Forever Young (Directed by Steve Miner) The scene in the library with Mel Gibson using the microfilm machine made me feel very dated. My office still uses a microfilm machine on an almost daily basis.

              How to Train Your Dragon 2 (Directed by Dean DeBlois) This is one of the best movies I have seen all year. Halfway through the movie I knew I wanted to go see it again. I loved the first Dragon movie and this one is right up there.

June 24
              The Reunion (Directed by Michael Pavone) Surprisingly this was one of the better WWE Studio movies they have released. The story was fun and the characters all had their own funny quirks.

June 25
              Dolphin Tale (Directed by Charles Martin Smith) Fun and heartwarming movie about an injured Dolphin that while getting a little help to repair her fin, brings an entire community and families together.

June 26
              Underdogs (Directed by Doug Dearth) This isn't the best sports themed movie i have watched this year but it was still enjoyable. Of course it was a bit predictable in parts, but it still kept me interested throughout the entire movie.

June 27
              John Carter (Directed by Andrew Stanton) Wow is this movie bad. The only enjoyable part was the last 5-10 minutes. The rest of the movie was over the top special effects that didn't help tell a story in my opinion.

June 28
              Daddy Day Care (Directed by Steve Carr) This family movie starring Eddie Murphy is beyond goofy but for some reason I really enjoy watching it. I always end up laughing at different parts.

              Along Came a Spider (Directed by Lee Tamahori) Very entertaining thriller based on the Alex Cross book series. I will admit I did not see the final twist coming, it did surprise me.

              Life (Directed by Ted Demme) I remember originally seeing this movie in the theater with my dad. I don't remember the language being as strong back then but it might have been because I was laughing too much.

June 29
              Kiss the Girls (Directed by Gary Fleder) I've read a handful of the Alex Cross books and Morgan Freeman fits the role pretty well. I wish they would have kept going with the movies instead of rebooting with Tyler Perry.

              Transformers: Age of Extinction (Directed by Michael Bay) Thank you Michael Bay for taking a part of my childhood that brought me so much joy and taking a giant dump on it. This is easily one of the worst movies that I have seen this year. Almost three hours of my life that I will never get back.

June 30
              Wet Hot American Summer (Directed by David Wain) Why have I never seen this movie? Where was I when it originally came out? This movie is ridiculous but in the best ways.

Movies watched in 30 of 30 Days. 51 Total Movies in June. 319 Movies in 6 Months.

July 1
            Crocodile Dundee II (Directed by John Cornell) This is more proof that the 1980's created some crazy movie characters.

July 2
            Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (Directed by Joe Johnston) I don't know why but I was really excited when I saw this movie was available to stream on Netflix.

July 3
            Without a Paddle (Directed by Steven Brill) I don't really care about what the plot of this movie was about. I just liked the main actors and how well they played off one another. I'd gladly watch another movie with them together.

July 4
            Jim Breuer: And Laughter for All (Directed by Jay Chapman) I like Jim Breuer. His comedy doesn't feel forced when he is on stage.

            The Replacement Killers (Directed by Antoine Fuqua) This movie doesn't know the time period it wants to be in. There are parts that are very modern and then other parts feel very dated by way of the surroundings or technology.

            Independence Day (Directed by Roland Emmerich) My dad was out of town this year for our annual viewing of this movie but my mom was nice enough to watch it with me. Of course I did have to agree to take her out to dinner as a bribe.

July 5
            Doin' It in the Park: Pick-Up Basketball, NYC (Directed by Kevin Couliau & Bobbito Garcia) Interesting documentary that looked at the basketball played in parks all over New York City. The trash talking and different nicknames were very interesting to here.

            Sharktopus (Directed by Declan O'Brien) I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the room when people at SyFy come up with their crazy movie ideas.

            Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown (Directed by Michael Jai White) I wonder how long it took the writers and director to decide to change the last name of the villain of this movie. I bet it took about thirty seconds after they saw the actor had a GIANT tattoo across his back of his last name.

July 6
            Crimson Tide (Directed by Tony Scott) This movie is filled with tension from beginning to end. Denzel & Gene make a great competing pair.

            Zombieland (Directed by Ruben Fleischer) I wish the Amazon original series would have worked out to see where these characters go.

            Field of Dreams (Directed by Phil Alden Robinson) This was one of the first sports movies I ever remember watching. I still enjoy it just as much today as I did when I was a kid.

July 7
            Step Up Revolution (Directed by Scott Speer) At this point in the series the plot of the movie doesn't mater. The dance scenes are the only reason I still watch.

            The Karate Kid (Directed by John G. Avildsen) I had forgotten how long this movie was. It really isn't that long but it had been so long since I last saw it that I forgot how much goes on in the movie before he actually learns karate.

July 8
            Dead Man on Campus (Directed by Alan Cohn) In a way this is what I had hoped Saved by the Bell: The College Years would have been like, instead of what we were actually given.

July 9
            Adventures in Babysitting (Directed by Chris Columbus) Long before Marvel gave us a Thor movie, we were given Thor in the form of a tow truck driver. Fast forward 27 years and the same actor who played Thor is set to play the Kingpin in the Daredevil series for Netflix.

July 10
            Ocean's Eleven (Directed by Steven Soderbergh) Still one of my favorite movies of all time. I am surprised I held out on watching it for the first six months of the year.

July 11
            Double Jeopardy (Directed by Bruce Beresford) Following The Fugitive and U.S. Marshals I think Tommy Lee Jones was starting to be typecast a bit. Thankfully this movie was a new role for him. Oh wait, it really wasn't, oops.

July 12
            Robots (Directed by Chris Wedge & Carlos Saldanha) This might be a bit of a shocker but even in animated form, Robin Williams was a bit over the top in this movie.

            Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Directed by Matt Reeves) This is one of the best movies to come out this summer. The story was thought provoking but what really put it over the stop was the motion capture for the apes. I do not understand how Andy Serkis does not have an Oscar yet.

            Warrior (Directed by Gavin O'Connor) The end of this movie always gets to me. For most of the movie everyone is super tough but at the very end the last moments in the final fight and what is said just about does me in.

July 13
            Free Birds (Directed by Jimmy Hayward) I know I am not a child but I can't believe that kids actually enjoyed this movie.

            I, Frankenstein (Directed by Stuart Beattie) This is quite the shitty movie. This is what we get instead of a new Underworld movie? I didn't understand what was going on most of the time.

            Apollo 13 (Directed by Ron Howard) Little Opie Taylor really knows how to direct movies based on true events. He delivers enough nostalgic moments while telling an interesting story.

            Snowpiercer (Directed by Joon-ho Bong) This is one of those movies that I would have passed on if I hadn't heard about it from some friends. It is a very good movie with lots of action and an intriguing story. The end was my least favorite part but the movie as a whole was very good.

            The Attitude Era (Directed by Kevin Dunn) I have been a fan of the WWF/WWE since I was a very little kid. When I was a teenager my interest wasn't as much, but once the Attitude Era with Steve Austin, DX, Mick Foley and The Rock kicked off I was back in full force.

July 14
            You Don't Know Bo: The Legend of Bo Jackson (Directed by Michael Bonfiglio) I will always remember that Bo Jackson was my brothers favorite athlete while he was growing up. I learned a lot about Bo Jackson has his early playing days in this documentary. I never knew that Tampa Bay drafted him initially and that he refused to play for them after they ended his college baseball career.

July 15
            The Big Year (Directed by David Frankel) This is still one of my quiet favorites from the last few years. It isn't a big blockbuster but it tells a good story from three different perspectives.

July 16
            Delivery Man (Directed by Ken Scott) This movie was very stupid but surprisingly it still made me laugh more than once. Chris Pratt had more than a few funny moments,

July 17
            The Crow (Directed by Alex Proyas) I am sure this movie will be remade in the next 5-7 years because technology has come a long way from when it was originally released.

July 18
            Metallica: Through the Never (Directed by Nimród Antal) I am not a big fan of Metallica, but I do know most of their hits. This was an interesting take on a concert movie.

July 19
            The Paper (Directed by Ron Howard) This movie has quite the ensemble cast. I wonder how many people that have worked for newspapers over the years have wanted to shout "Stop the Presses" and actually got to stop them then.

            Sunshine (Directed by Danny Boyle) It took me a little bit to figure out what was going on in this movie. Once I started getting in to it, it progressed nicely. The ending was a bit predictable though.

            Rio (Directed by Carlos Saldanha) This is a fun animated film that feels like a musical at times.

July 20
            Ganbriel Iglesias: Hot and Fluffy (Directed by Manny Rodriguez) This was the first time I saw Gabriel perform for more than a few minutes. I hope Netflix adds more of his comedy specials soon because this was one of the funniest specials I have watched this year.

            Alien (Director's Cut) (Directed by Ridley Scott) I didn't watch this movie for the first time all the way through until I was 30. I watched it with my dad and I remember him laughing more than once when I would jump at random points of the movie.

            48 Hours (Directed by Walter Hill) I was not very impressed with this buddy cop movie. I don't know why but I just didn't think there was much chemistry between Nick and Eddie.

            That Awkward Moment (Directed by Tom Gormican) Watched this after my friend Wendy suggested it and I am glad I listened to her. The plot of the movie isn't anything very special but Zac Efron, Michael Jordan and Miles Teller make this movie. They are very believable as best friends and they made me wish I could be friends with them. I would have no problem watching the three of them in a movie together again.

July 21
            Explorers (Directed by Joe Dante) For some reason I don't remember seeing this movie when I was a kid. Watching it now though I can tell it was filmed around the time of one of my all time favorites, Monster Squad. Some of the actors are the same and even some of the set pieces look similar.

            Four Rooms (Directed by Allison Anders & Alexandre Rockwell & Robert Rodriguez & Quentin Tarantino) This is one of those movies that you need to pay attention to because you might miss something important if you happen to look away for even a brief moment. All four stories are good on their own and I would welcome longer versions of each.

            Animal House (Directed by John Landis) I loaned this movie to a friend at work so he could show his daughter. She wasn't very impressed. I made sure to watch as soon as I got it back and laughed quite a bit.

            Nothing to Lose (Directed by Steve Oedekerk) This is another one of those movies that I remember seeing for the first time with my dad in the theater. I still laugh as much now as I did back then.

July 22
            They Came Together (Directed by David Wain) This Romantic Comedy was hilarious. It is from the same people that gave us Wet Hot American Summer and it has the same kind of humor.

            Aziz Ansari: Dangerously Delicious (Directed by Jason Woliner) I am still waiting to actually laugh at this comedy special. I was hoping that I would get some insight to what people find funny about Aziz watching him do stand-up, I was wrong.

July 23
            Rio 2 (Directed by Carlos Saldanha) Not as good as the original. I know it came out a few years after the original but it felt rushed and not planned out very well.

            TINY: A Story About Living Small (Directed by Merete Mueller & Christopher Smith) Seventeen days ahead of last year I hit movie 365 for the year. The tiny house movement is very interesting. I don't think I could do it but I give props to anyone that can.

July 24
            Wedding Crashers (Directed by David Dobkin) This is one of Vaughn & Wilson's beat movies, so many funny moments from beginning to end. Bradley Cooper is such an ass in this movie it is hard not to want to see him fail.

July 25
            Superheroes (Directed by Mike Barnett) I don't know what is worse about this movie. Is it that there are so many people that think they are superheroes or is it the guy who thinks Bruce Wayne is a real person?

            Lucy (Directed by Luc Besson) The idea of this movie was really interesting. The biggest problem is the movie is too short. Key parts felt way too rushed and supporting characters were under utilized.

July 26
            Hercules (Directed by Brett Ratner) I'll watch pretty much anything that The Rock is in. This should've been the perfect role for him. He is a great choice for Hercules. If only Ratner didn't try to include so much humor. It would've worked better as a serious action movie

            Beethoven (Directed by Brian Levant) I am not sure why I decided to watch this movie. I remembered laughing at it as a kid and wanted to throw something on. I think I have now watched this movie enough times for a lifetime.

            Sabotage (Directed by David Ayer) This movie goes crazy after only five minutes. From that point until the very end it jumps around a lot. I got confused at one point about who a couple people were. I wish they would have given the audience a bit more of a back story on the characters.

July 27
            The Karate Kid, Part II (Directed by John G. Avildsen) For some reason this movie used to be my least favorite in the Karate Kid series. Watching it now though, it is one of my favorites. There is a lot more of an overall story presented.

            Getaway (Directed by Courtney Solomon) I don't like bad movies. I really don't like bad movies that make very little to no sense, this was one of those movies. The setup made no sense, the characters made no sense and end goal made no sense.

            Choke (Directed by Clark Gregg) This movie was not what I expected but it still told a good story. Sam Rockwell is always so much fun to watch.

            The Very Best of WCW Nitro (Directed by Kevin Dunn) I really like that the WWE Network is streaming a number of their documentaries. I used to be a fan of WCW Nitro back when WWE was trying to get their shit together. Once the Attitude era in WWE started it went downhill fast for WCW and Monday Night Nitro.

July 28
            The Proposal (Directed by Anne Fletcher) Ryan and Sandra have great on-screen chemistry. I also like pretty much any movie with Craig T. Nelson in it, I have always liked him since his Coach days.

July 29
            The Usual Suspects (Directed by Bryan Singer) This is always a fun thriller to watch. There are enough twists to keep the viewer guessing until the very end.

            Kumail Nanjiani: Beta Male (Directed by Marcus Raboy) Kumail Nanjiani is one of my top three favorite comedians right now. Anything he is in I try and find a way to watch. I hope he gets to do another stand up special in the near future.

July 30
            Dutch (Directed by Peter Faiman) This was the only thing I was allowed to watch growing up with Ed O'Neill in it. There was no way my parents would let me watch Married with Children. They didn't want my fragile innocence to be tarnished, oh well it was worth a shot.

July 31
            Journey to the Center of the Earth (Directed by Eric Brevig) I really wish Brendan Fraser would have stayed with this series after this movie. His goofiness is a perfect fit for this movie.

Movies watched in 31 of 31 Days. 61 Total Movies in July. 380 Movies in 7 Months.

August 1
             Sharknado (Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante) The surprise SyFy hit of last summer is still really cheesy but oddly loveable. SyFy knows how to make bad B movies.

             Sharknado 2: The Second One (Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante) They did it again! SyFy found a way to "jump the shark" even more than they did last year when it comes to cheesy B movies.

August 2
             Grandma's Boy (Directed by Nicholaus Goossen) I love this movie. It reminds me a lot of what old Adam Sandler movies were like. Lots of funny characters and a creative plot.

             Blue Streak (Directed by Les Mayfield) Martin Lawrence teamed up with Luke Wilson made for a pretty enjoyable Buddy Cop movie. It was left open for a sequel or two but sadly we never got one.

             Simon Sez (Directed by Kevin Elders) I was a huge Dennis Rodman fan when I was a teenager. I wore his Rodman shoes for all of high school. This movie makes me question my frame of mind back then because Dane Cook and he are horrible actors.

             Guardians of the Galaxy (Directed by James Gunn) This movie made me feel the same way I did when I first saw Iron Man. Seeing a whole new world with endless adventures created right before my eyes. I was in complete awe.

August 3
             Turbulence (Directed by Robert Butler) This is one of those movies that takes all forms of common sense and throws it out the window. The actions of the characters make no sense and if only it were that easy to make a U-turn and land a plane.

             Cop Land (Directed by James Mangold) This was an interesting movie about police corruption trickling down in to a small community. I really liked all of the actors they got together in the morning.

             Broken Arrow (Directed by John Woo) John Travolta makes a very good bad guy. Christian Slater on the other hand doesn't make for a very convincing good guy when it comes to an action movie.

             King's Ransom (Directed by Peter Berg) This ESPN 30 for 30 documentary was about Wayne Gretzky leaving the Edmonton Oilers for the Los Angeles Kings. I wasn't a huge hockey fan when I was younger because we didn't have a local team. I never knew there was so much drama involved in his leaving Edmonton. It is very normal to see players jump ship on a regular basis now.

August 4
             The Substitute 2: School's Out (Directed by Steven Pearl) I still like the original Substitute movie more but for a DTV movie it wasn't horrible. It does have the a similar flaw that all DTV sequels have, it has the same original plot except for a couple differences

August 5
             Bolt (Directed by Byron Howard & Chris Williams) I hadn't see this Disney animated film in a few years but it was still enjoyable. I wonder if they did a sequel now would the little girl have grown up and have a lifestyle resembling Miley Cyrus still?

August 6
             Shooter (Directed by Antoine Fuqua) This is one of my favorite Mark Wahlberg movies. I like the general plot of the movie and I think he fits the character perfectly. This is also the movie that introduced me to the beautiful Kate Mara.

August 7
             The Birdcage (Directed by Mike Nichols) This was the first time I ever remember watching this movie, it was HILARIOUS. Robin Williams and Nathan Lane as a couple are great.

August 8
             The Sentinel (Directed by Clark Johnson) Jack Bauer joins the Secret Service and needs the help of a Desperate Housewife to stop a presidential assassination while Michael Douglas hooks up with the first lady. How is that for a synopsis?

             Radio (Directed by Michael Tollin) Hard not to enjoy a good football movie was a strong back story. Ed Harris totally looks like an old school football coach.

             Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (Directed by Edward Neumeier) The producers of this movie should really talk to the people working at SyFy to learn how to make a somewhat tolerable movie. They really should have stopped with the first Starship Troopers.

             The Battered Bastards of Baseball (Directed by Chapman Way & Maclain Way) I love this Netflix documentary about the first independent baseball team that was formed back in the 70's. It was a very interesting story and the footage was great to see. I look forward to the Hollywood movie and seeing Kurt Russell play his own dad.

August 9
             The Warriors (Directed by Walter Hill) This was one of my brothers favorite movies when he was a teenager. He watched it all the time and somehow I didn't watch it until now. James Remar was a great asshole in this movie.

             Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (Directed by Jonathan Liebesman) This is officially the worst movie I have seen this summer in theaters. I was not expecting much going in but I got a lot less than I was at least hoping for.

             Fire with Fire (Directed by David Barrett) This direct to video movie was good. I liked the cast and the story was plausible.

             Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (Directed by Michael Pressman) Not the greatest movie in the world by far but still so much better than the newest Ninja Turtles movie that I watched earlier today. These will always be my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

August 10
             The Long Kiss Goodnight (Directed by Renny Harlin) This was a pretty good action thriller. It felt a bit low budget but then it added in some crazy over the top explosions late in the movie.

             Muppets Most Wanted (Directed by James Bobin) I really wanted to like this movie. I liked the last Muppets movie but this one didn't bring anything new or exciting. I was bummed because I usually really like Tina and Ricky.

             Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Directed by Chris Columbus) I remember buying this movie on DVD after it first came out and that is how I learned about Harry Potter. At that point I didn't know it was a book series. Since then I have read all of the books a couple times and enjoyed the adventures they took me on. Columbus did a very good job of taking the book and putting it up on screen.

August 11
             Primal Fear (Directed by Gregory Hoblit) This was my introduction to Ed Norton and boy did it make an impact. Both of his split personality characters were unique in their own way and I liked that his transition between the two of them were so smooth.

August 12
             Race to Witch Mountain (Directed by Andy Fickman) What can I say, if the Rock is starring in a movie then I am going to watch it. This remake was not one I thought to be high on the priority list, but it was still fun.

August 13
             The Fisher King (Directed by Terry Gilliam) My friend John posted a quote from this movie after Robin Williams died and within a few minutes I came across it on Netflix. Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges were a great team in this movie

August 14
             Weekend at Bernie's (Directed by Ted Kotcheff) One more movie to add to the crazy characters from the 80's list. You would think this was a one and done movie but nope, they even made a sequel.

August 15
             Enemy of the State (Directed by Tony Scott) I have lost count on how many times I have watched this movie. Yet every time I watch it I feel like I am watching it for the first time, I get that in to it.

August 16
             The Substitute 4: Failure Is Not an Option (Directed by Robert Radler) It took less than two minutes to laugh at the toy-like gun bending when someone jumps and hits the gun hard. The Substitute series has officially hit the bottom.

             The Expendables 3 (Directed by Patrick Hughes) Watching this movie I got the feeling that they cut a lot of what was originally shot. I know they had to make it PG-13 but there were still a lot of plot holes. Mel Gibson was the best villain of the trilogy though.

             Locke (Directed by Steven Knight) You know you are a fan of an actor when you will watch him drive a car for 90 minutes by himself while he makes phone calls. You know a movie is good when after said 90 minutes you want to watch more.

August 17
             WarGames (Directed by John Badham) Recently I re-read one of my favorite books Ready Player One. In the book it talks about this movie quite a bit. I finally found it streaming so I could watch it again.

             Aladdin (Directed by Ron Clements & John Musker) When I first heard that Robin Williams had passed I thought of this movie and that I hadn't watched it in over a decade. Playing the Genie was a perfect role for Mr. Williams because it allowed him to show off his wide range of comedic skills and still stay with the focus of the movie.

             Stand by Me (Directed by Rob Reiner) When I went to Best Buy a couple months ago I picked up this movie off the sale rack and it brought back memories of sitting down and watching it with my dad on VHS.

August 18
             Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (Directed by Kevin O'Neill) Sometimes I think SyFy thinks up movies via a dart board or spinning wheels with different categories or characters on them. This is one movie that should never had been made and I am not sure how it could be made besides the dart method.

August 19
             Divergent (Directed by Neil Burger) It has been a few years since I read the book that this movie is based on. From what I remember from the book I think they did a good job adapting it for the big screen.

August 20
             Rudy (Directed by David Anspaugh) This is one of those movies I make sure to watch every couple of years right around the start of football season. Hearing the 'Rudy' chant still sends chills down my spine.

August 21
             Stomp the Yard (Directed by Sylvain White) This movie is a lot like Drumline but instead of drums it focuses around Stepping. Like the Step Up movies I enjoy this more for the dance routines than the movie storyline.

August 22
             The Guardian (Directed by Andrew Davis) Some people cannot stand Ashton Kutcher but I don't think he is that bad. I think he turns in one of his better career performances in this movie about members of the U.S. Coast Guard.

August 23
             Casting By (Directed by Tom Donahue) This was a very interesting documentary about casting directors over the years and how one person, Marion Dougherty, changed the industry. I really liked the old file footage and interviews with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

             Lewis Black: Old Yeller - Live at the Borgata (Directed by Zach Nial) Lewis Black is a loud and brash comedian that some people might not prefer. I am not one of those people and I thoroughly enjoyed this comedy special. Hearing him talk about the internet and joining Facebook were two of my favorite parts.

             Eraser (Directed by Chuck Russell) If the idea of Arnold Schwarzenegger as a U.S. marshal protecting Vanessa Williams sounds interesting to you this is the movie for you. If bad 'tech' talk, an impossible parachute scene and bad dialogue sounds interesting to you this also is the movie for you.

             Mrs. Doubtfire (Directed by Chris Columbus) Robin Williams left quite a mark on the entertainment world. This was one of my favorite movies from him when I was growing up. The scene with his court liaison where he tries to make her laugh is always funny.

August 24
             The Golden Child (Directed by Michael Ritchie) Eddie Murphy sure played some interesting characters in the 80's. This movie was released in between the first two Beverly Hills Cop movies. Eddie Murphy's comedic skills were put to good use, I only wish the special effects got a little more attention.

             Trading Places (Directed by John Landis) This just might be one of the best buddy comedy movies of all time. Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy work great as a team and both provide unique traits for their individual characters.

             Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Directed by Chris Columbus) Of all the Harry Potter characters the one character that annoyed me the most over the whole series was Dobby the House Elf. There is just something about him that makes my brain think I am hearing nails on a chalkboard.

August 25
             Batman: Assault on Arkham (Directed by Jay Oliva & Ethan Spaulding) This was another strong movie from DC Animated. I liked that they finally gave us The Riddler and the Suicide Squad. I hope we get more of both in the future.

August 26
             Hotel Transylvania (Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky) Adam Sandler should think about doing more animated movies. His humor and goofiness works well when animated. Plus it allows him to do more movies with all of his buddies.

August 27
             Indie Game: The Movie (Directed by Lisanne Pajot & James Swirsky) This was an interesting movie that took you behind the curtain and showed you what it is like to create an independently released video game. After watching this I wanted an Xbox 360 so I could try out Super Meat Boy.

August 28
             GoldenEye (Directed by Martin Campbell) This was Pierce Brosnan's first James Bond movie and his best in my opinion. This also gave us one of the best video games in the last 25 years.

August 29
             Coming to America (Directed by John Landis) This Eddie Murphy comedy is still extremely funny all these years later. I wish there were still comedies made like this today.

August 30
             Doom (Directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak) Adapting video games in to movies can be very hit and miss. This is one of those times that it was a miss. The story was a mess and the characters were a collection of confusion.

             When the Game Stands Tall (Directed by Thomas Carter) I am always up for a true story inspired sports movie and this one fit the bill. I think some parts were over dramatized but it was still enjoyable.

             Into the Storm (Directed by Steven Quale) This is a disaster film pure and simple. The acting was over the top and so were the special effects. The flaming tornado was a fun sight to see.

             Draft Day (Directed by Ivan Reitman) I felt weird pulling for the Cleveland Browns in this movie. I have grown up a Broncos fan my entire life and I know it is just a movie, but I was hoping for them to get the better of the other teams.

August 31
             The Hundred-Foot Journey (Directed by Lasse Hallström) I saw this with my parents and we all liked it. The plot to the movie was enjoyable but the scenery was the best thing about it.

             Barbershop 2: Back in Business (Directed by Kevin Rodney Sullivan) Not nearly as fun as the original was. It still had some funny one-liners, but it also felt like it wasn't as creative as the first one.

             Brick Mansions (Directed by Camille Delamarre) This movie was a complete mess. Had Paul Walker not passed away last fall I don't think this movie would have ever made it to the theater. It would have been direct to video right alongside the new Universal Soldier movie with Van Damme.

Movies watched in 31 of 31 Days. 60 Total Movies in July. 440 Movies in 8 Months.

September 1
             Class Act (Directed by Randall Miller) This is one of those movies that whenever I come across it I have to watch it. I am drawn to it for some reason. I don't know why, I just can't get enough of the movie.

             Chef (Directed by Jon Favreau) One of the simplest movies of the year is now one of my favorites. Who would have thought a movie about a guy bonding with his kid on a food truck would work? Oh wait, Favreau did.

             Casino Royale (Directed by Martin Campbell) The Daniel Craig era as James Bond kicked off with a great start. I really wish Eva Green could be a Bond girl all the time.

             Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction (Directed by Marty Callner) I lost track of the number of times I was laughing out loud while watching this comedy special. There was something very special about Robin Williams and his delivery.

September 2
             The One (Directed by James Wong) This futuristic martial arts film had a really cool concept about different versions of yourself living in different universes. I just wish they would not have started the movie when there were only two versions of the same person were left.

September 3
             The Big Lebowski (Directed by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen) I must admit I didn't remember a lot about this movie when I started it. I had not seen it since it was originally released on DVD. Jeff Bridges is one of my favorite actors and pairing him with another favorite, John Goodman, is a homerun for me.

September 4
             Tomorrow Never Dies (Directed by Roger Spottiswoode) Elliot Carver was not one of the toughest Bond villains of memory, but Jonathan Pryce did a great job making the guy very menacing. I wish Teri Hatcher would have had a bigger role.

September 5
             The World Is Not Enough (Directed by Michael Apted) I get why Denise Richard's was chosen to be a 'Bond Girl' I just don't know why they chose her for this movie. I am not sure which is more ridiculous, her name being Christmas Jones or that we could believe her to be a nuclear physicist.

September 6
             The General's Daughter (Directed by Simon West) I had to do some research after watching this movie since it said it was based on a true story. The movie was based on a true story in broad terms, the finer details were changed I found out. I would not recommend this movie to people.

             Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Directed by Brad Peyton) While not nearly as fun as the first one I still like this movie. It is simple adventure fun with some good visuals.

             Beverly Hills Cop 3 (Directed by John Landis) This has to be one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. The acting was bad, the special effects were bad and pretty much every person called an actor was bad. Even George Lucas looked distraught to be in this movie.

Days Watched: 249
Movies Watched: 451

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