
The Title of the Movie is 365

Listed below is my current list of movies watched to date. I decided to transition my list here from Facebook because Facebook seems to have a limit on max characters allowed in a Note.

Movies Watched To Date

January 1
               National Treasure (Directed by Jon Turteltaub) Nic Cage might not be a great actor but the history buff in me enjoys watching this movie.

January 4
              Looper (Directed by Rian Johnson) One of the most creative movies I have seen in a long time. Cid (Pierce Gagnon) was amazing for such a young actor.
              ParaNorman (Directed by Chris Butler & Sam Fell) Animation was good but I was not looking for a movie with the type of message it presented.

January 5
              Zero Dark Thirty (Directed by Kathryn Bigelow) One of the movies I have been looking forward to most in recent years and it didn’t disappoint at all.
              Ocean's Eleven (Directed by Steven Soderbergh) I have seen this movie so many times I have lost count, but I still enjoy it as much as I did the first time. This is the movie cast I always wish I could hang out with.

January 10
              Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (Directed by Chris Berkeley, Lauren Montgomery & Jay Oliva) Watched this movie because of Nathan Fillion but turns out he is barely in it. More of an Origin story for other Lanterns
              Ocean's Thirteen (Directed by Steven Soderbergh) Nice closure to the Ocean's trilogy. Made up for the weak attempt at a sequel with Ocean's Twelve. Yes it was a bit repetitive compared to the first in the series, but it was still a fun ride.

January 11
              Tomorrow, When the War Began (Directed by Stuart Beattie) Easiest way to describe this movie and its quality is, Red Dawn Down Under! Kangaroos!!!
              Little Giants (Directed by Duwayne Dunham) One of the best movies from my childhood still a blast to watch even when I am 30.

January 12
              Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 (Directed by Jay Oliva) Great adaptaion of Frank Miller's story. I’m looking forward to watching Part 2
              The Virginity Hit (Directed by Huck Botko & Andrew Gurland) Watched after hearing about on the Get Up On This Podcast. New take on an old story but still had some fun moments.
              National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets (Directed by Jon Turteltaub) Not nearly as fun as the first one. The history buff in me still enjoyed it though.

January 13
              The Big Year (Directed by David Frankel) In my opinion, an underrated movie featuring 2 really good/funny actors and Owen Wilson. It is more than just a movie about bird watching.
              Seven Psychopaths (Directed by Martin McDonagh) Twisted, Dark and Funny! Great cast and a perfect for my dark sense of humor.
              Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (Directed by Sam Liu & Lauren Montgomery) Enjoyable comic movie with a good plot. Much better then Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
January 14
              Shaun of the Dead (Directed by Edgar Wright) Simon Pegg & Nick Frost at their best in a Zom-Com. This is still one of funniest Zombie I have ever seen. This was my introduction to Simon Pegg and I am still hooked on him to this day. There will be many more Edgar Wright movies on this list.

January 16
              Dante's Peak (Directed by Roger Donaldson) James Bond and Sarah Connor take on Mother Nature in the better of the 1997 Volcano disaster movies. The special effects are a bit cheesy but they aren’t as unbelievable as Disaster movie director Roland Emmerich.

January 17
              Fever Pitch (Directed by Bobby Farrelly & Peter Farrelly) I am a sucker for baseball movies, especially ones with a fun cast. The "true" backstory behind the Red Sox 2004 season the saw them come from behind to beat the Yankees all because of love. I also enjoy seeing the Ney York Yankees lose.

January 18
              School of Rock (Directed by Richard Linklater) 10 years later and this Jack Black comedy is still one of his best movies. The students and soundtrack are as important to this movie as Jack is. The classroom had all the types of kids I remember from school, especially the band manager kind. The music in this movie has a very Rock nostalgia feeling.

January 19
              The Hollywood Complex (Directed by Dylan Nelson & Dan Sturman) Another Get Up On This Podcast recommendation that makes me grateful I never got the acting bug. Documentary focuses on numerous families living in the Oakwood Apartments during Pilot season in Hollywood. This movie covers a bunch of different family dynamics and different parental types from the Momager type to the genuine supportive type. This film did a great job showing  how parents can go way too far at times (Making a child sleep under a snack table because there are no beds) and how 1 hit childhood star (Tami Erin from Pippi Longstocking) still believes she is an A list actor 25 years later. Did you know Corey Feldman won a lifetime achievement award?
              No Holds Barred (Directed by Thomas J. Wright) It is Rocky for Wrestling fans, but much worse. It is on par with Rocky 5. I first saw this movine in 1989 because I was and still am a big wrestling fan. The plot is very weak and the dialog is Razzie worthy. But I still get a kick out of seeing Hulk Hogan, Zeus, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura and 'Mean' Gene.Okerlund. This movie is perfect for the kid that is still in me.
              Sex and the City (Directed by Michael Patrick King) How was this TV show on for 6 years? Why did they have to make a 2 and a half hour movie 4 years later? Why did they make a sequel? This will be the first and only time I EVER watch this movie. Part of me cheered when Noth bailed on the wedding. I know this TV Show/Movie is not geared towards me at all but seriously, this was popular? Thanks to my friend Amanda for requesting this 2+ hour torture session.
              Caddyshack (Directed by Harold Ramis) CLASSIC!!! How can you go wrong with Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase and Bill Murray. This was the first time I saw the movie all the way through without commercials in 15 years and it made me realize I really hate commercials.

January 20
              Blackballed: The Bobby Dukes Story (Directed by Brant Sersen) Very funny cast but not a funny movie. Documentary style movie about a former Paintball star coming back to redeem himself. This was a Netflix suggestion and on the surface it looked entertaining with the cast. But in the end it wasn't funny and it will make me question future Netflix suggestions.
              The Cabin in the Woods (Directed by Drew Goddard) I do not like horror movies at all. I am too much of a lightweight to sit through them without jumping out of my seat more then a couple times. With that being said I loved this movie. I don't want to ruin it for anyone but if you haven't seen it yet you need to check it out now.
              Tremors (Directed by Ron Underwood) What do you get when you mix Kevin Bacon and Giant Underground Snake monsters? You get Tremors which while very campy was enough to scare me big time as a child.

January 22
              The Mighty Ducks (Directed by Stephen Herek) The movie that birthed a Stanley Cup champion hockey team and Joshua Jackson's career. It is cheesy but still a lot of fun to watch.

January 23
              Superman (Directed by Richard Donner) Comic Book movies are all the rage these days but this was one of the originals. I don't remember the last time I saw this movie but it was the perfect movie to watch while home sick.
              Police Academy (Directed by Hugh Wilson) Mahoney and his new friends join the Police Academy and hijinks ensure. One of my favorite series' from my childhood still holds up to this day.
              Dredd (Directed by Pete Travis) If you sat through the Stallone version of this in the 90's watch this to get rid of the horrible taste it surely left in your mouth. Even if you haven't seen that version you still should watch this over the top ultra-violent action movie that features Karl Urban as the no nonsense Judge Dredd.

January 24
              Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 (Directed by Jay Oliva) Not as good as Part 1 but still very enjoyable. The battle scenes more than made up for Peter Weller's underwhelming voice acting.
              Here Comes the Boom (Directed by Frank Coraci) Paul Blart does Mixed Martial Arts. Completely ridiculous but what do you expect from a Happy Madison production?
              Frankenweenie (Directed by Tim Burton) I have not been much of a Tim Burton fan the last few years because his work had become very repetitive and uninteresting. That is however not the case with Frankenweenie. This was more than a new twist on Frankenstein, it showed the bond between a child and their pet. If you had the power would you stop at anything to bring your best friend back? Along with the story I really enjoyed the animation that Burton presented. He isn't out of my doghouse completely yet, but I haven't locked him in it either.

January 25
              Skyfall (Directed by Sam Mendes) After Quantum of Solace I had all but given up on the James Bond series. But Sam Mendes brought Bond back from the dead literally in a visually stunning movie that didn't feature an invincible James Bond. Javier Bardem might be my favorite Bond villain of all time now.

January 26
              Goon (Directed by Michael Dowse) I will admit that I am a Seann William Scott fan and have been since his first time around as Stifler. Sport themed movies whether they be comedies or based on true stories always peak my interest. The movie is about a guy who is paid to fight while playing Hockey, but it was also about the person under the pads and what he has to deal with outside the rink. Well worth a watch especially if you enjoy sport related movies.
              Killer Joe (Directed by William Friedkin) I will NEVER EVER look at Fried Chicken the same way again. I watched this based off the recommendation from my friend John. Matthew McConaughey was calm and cool one minute and then sick, twisted and sadistic the next. As I said before, I will NEVER EVER look at Fried Chicken the same way again.
              Wild Hogs (Directed by Walt Becker) Middle Age Buddy Comedy. I grew up watching Tim Allen in Home Improvement and Martin Lawrence in Martin and the Bad Boys movies so I was already interested, Bill Macy was a great dork in the group. The movie is fun to watch as long as you don't take it very seriously.

January 27      
              Tropic Thunder (Directed by Ben Stiller) Ensemble comedy directed by Ben Stiller. Completely over the top in its ridiculousness but still a total joy time and time again. Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise prove they know how to bring the funny.
              Volcano (Directed by Mick Jackson) I think Roland Emmerich would give 2 thumbs up to the destruction caused by the Volcano in this movie. The second of the Volcano themed disaster movies of 1997 was less about character development and more about total destruction.

January 28      
              Brave (Directed by Mark Andrews & Steve Purcell & Brenda Chapman) Not the best Pixar movie ever made but still more enjoyable and heartfelt then Cars 2. Story wasn't super original but I still enjoyed the twists they threw in. It also doesn't hurt that I am a sucker for a redhead.
              D2: The Mighty Ducks (Directed by Sam Weisman) Pee Wee Hockey team goes to the Junior Goodwill Games and takes on the thugs from Russia, I mean Iceland. Not as good as the original but still a bright spot from my childhood.

January 30      
              In Time (Directed by Andrew Niccol) No One Should Be Immortal! No matter what people say I think Timberlake is a good actor. Interesting plot where once you hit age 25 you clock officially begins to count down. To live longer than a year you must work for it, that is unless someone gives you a century to live.

January 31
              Ready to Rumble (Directed by Brian Robbins) Oliver Platt does not look like a professional wrestler at all. But in this comedy from 2000 featuring WCW wrestlers and a feisty Martin Landu he became a World Champion. Growing up I was like the main characters in the movie, yet I knew it was fake. It is a fun cheesy movie for longtime wrestling fans. As a side note this movie was released when WCW was in rapid decline popularity wise. The decline was happening so fast they actually had David Arquette win the World Title at one point in a match.
              Hotel Transylvania (Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky) Typical Adam Sandler comedy but this time everyone was animated. I enjoyed the goofiness that you get with most of Sandler's movies. I can see this becoming a series of movies just because there were so many characters and animation allows them to do more.

44 Different Movies Watched in January

February 1
              The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Directed by Stephen Chbosky) I only know a few people that have seen this movie but they all said I really needed to see it. They were RIGHT! This movie wasn’t a typical High School outcast movie. This movie was full of emotion and made you feel the isolation and loneliness that we all felt at one time or another in High School. I cannot recommend this movie enough.

February 2
              Deep Impact (Directed by Mimi Leder) What is with Hollywood turning out similar Disaster films in the same year? First in 1997 it was Volcano and Dante's Peak. Then in 1998 it was Deep Impact and Armageddon. This movie was more about the buildup to the Asteroid coming and people dealing with the impending doom.
              Groundhog Day (Directed by Harold Ramis) What if you had to live the same day over and over and over again? If I was in Bill Murray's shows I probably would have done the same things he did. Commit robbery, kidnapping, ice carving and destructive driving. I'm not so sure I would want to learn the piano. This is one of my dad’s favorite movies so when I watch it, it is usually with him.
              Superman vs. The Elite (Directed by Michael Chang) This animated feature was adapted from an issue of Action Comics. At first I wasn't too in to the movie but as it went on it became more enjoyable and turned in to one of the better Animated Comics I've seen.
              Tremors 2: Aftershocks (Directed by S. S. Wilson & Andy Wilson) The Graboids adapt to become heat seekers in this sequel. Cheesy special effects and bad storyline prove that they should have stopped after the first Tremors. Sadly though, they went on to make 2-3 more sequels after this one.

February 3
              The Girl (Directed by Julian Jarrold) Alfred Hitchcock was a sick and twisted bastard. This film focuses on the rocky relationship between Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren who after declining his romantic advances was just about tortured while filming The Birds and again while filming Marnie. I had always heard that Hitchcock was a bit out there but this was a bit shocking and at times sadistic to say the least.
              A Late Quartet (Directed by Yaron Zilberman) A longstanding 4 person string quartet struggle with love, life and betrayal. This movie was recommended to me by a friend. The movie has s very strong cast including Christopher Walken and Phillip Seymore Hoffman. It was good but also at the same time parts felt forced.

February 4
              Face/Off (Directed by John Woo) John Woo at his best! Except for one line at the end of the movie, "Dad, I'm sorry I shot you," I love this movie.
              Ultimate Avengers: The Movie (Directed by Justin Gross & Grey DeLisle) This animated feature shows that Marvel still has a ways to go in order to catch up to DC when it comes adapting comic storylines for animated movies. The original story that the movie is based off of is great but this movie fell short in my opinion.
              Monsters, Inc. (Directed by Pete Docter & Lee Unkrich & David Silverman) Classic Pixar! Fantastic animation to go along with a very creative story. Billy Crystal and John Goodman make a great team in this comedy that plays well for both children and adults. I am looking forward to the prequel to this movie later this year.

February 5
              Kindergarten Cop (Directed by Ivan Reitman) It's Not A TUMOR!!! This is still one of the movies I quote most with friends. Tough cop goes undercover as a teacher and hilarity ensues, especially because the teacher is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

February 6
              Superman: Doomsday (Directed by Brandon Vietti & Lauren Montgomery & Bruce Timm) Superman vs. Doomsday, Superman Dies but returns without his moral compass. Who will stop him? Another very well done DC Animated movie.

February 7
              Over the Hedge (Directed by Karey Kirkpatrick & Tim Johnson) Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Carell, William Shatner, Wanda Sykes, Nick Nolte and Eugene Levy star in this animated comedy about wildlife and the suburbs meeting. This is still one of my favorite movies to come from DreamWorks animation.
              South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (Directed by Trey Parker) I still remember when the very first episodes of South Park originally aired in 1997. I was a sophomore in High School and we were able to convince my English teacher to let us watch the episodes in class. We made sure to rub that in the faces of the sophomores the following year when we were juniors. This movie is just like the show, outrageous gross fun. It’s also great that it was nominated for an Oscar.

February 8
              Beasts of the Southern Wild (Directed by Benh Zeitlin) I knew nothing about watching this movie before I started it. After watching it I am in awe of the story and especially the lead actress Quvenzhané Wallis. It isn't often that a nine year old girl can take control of a movie with such more and emotion. Set in "The Bathtub" a small community the lives on an island separated from the rest of the world by a levee. The story si told mainly from the perspective of Hushpuppy (Wallis) as she deals with a storm flooding the island and her home and a father who has a temper but is dying. It is a very emotional movie but one well worth watching.

February 9
              Out Cold (Directed by Brendan Malloy & Emmett Malloy) Do you ever feel like watching a movie that is stupid in plot and premise but is still fun to watch? That is what Out Cold is for me, nothing more and nothing less.
              Dr. No (Directed by Terence Young) The Bond movie that began them all. I don't remember the last time I watched this movie but James Bond is still James Bond and I am a fan. Some of the fighting scenes were completely ridiculous but that is to be expected at times in this franchise.
              Demolition Man (Directed by Marco Brambilla) I remember when this movie came out almost 20 years ago. I was 11 and my best friend and I wanted to see it so bad. We had the Taco Bell posters and cups that were used in the marketing campaign. Sadly we had to wait until the following spring to see it on video because our parents wouldn't let two 11 year olds see an R rated movie, smart parents. This is a classic action movie pitting Stallone vs. Snipes with Sandra Bullock & Denis Leary thrown in. Part of me hopes that this movie doesn't represent the future because I can never imagine Pizza Hut being classified as the ultimate form of Fine Dining.

February 10
              Grown Ups (Directed by Dennis Dugan) I know Adam Sandler is hit and miss with people but I am still a fan for the most part. I really like that he always puts his friends in his movies and this is the ultimate Buddy comedy for him. Childhood friends reunite following the death of their youth basketball coach. All the friends are in different places of their lives but one thing is still constant, they know how to rip on each other and still have a great time.
              Kevin Hart: I'm a Grown Little Man (Directed by Shannon Hartman) Stand-Up special featuring one of the most popular mainstream comedians. My dad is a fan of his so we decided to watch this special and it was very funny. Wide range of topics and the audience was included in some of his bits. There is one more Kevin Hart special in my Netflix Queue which I will be watching soon.
              Argo (Directed by Ben Affleck) Ben Affleck has become a top tier director in my opinion. HIs take on a true life escape story is one of my top 5 movies for 2012. The story alone feels like a Hollywood movie but to know that it really happened is amazing. I can see this movie winning Best Picture at the Oscars but sadly Ben Affleck won't win Best Director seeing as he was snubbed a nomination.

February 13    
              Kung Fu Panda (Directed by John Wayne Stevenson & Mark Osborne) Very fun animated movie from Dreamworks. Great cast headlined by Jack Black as a Panda Bear who is chosen to be the new Dragon Warrior. Sadly he lacks all martial arts skills and most basic functioning skills in general.

February 14    
              D3: The Mighty Ducks (Directed by Robert Lieberman) The final movie in the Mighty Ducks trilogy. My least favorite of the series but not all movies end on a super high note. It was a bit cheap of Disney to reuse actors from the previous movies as different characters; the top Iceland player from D2 became the teen goalie for the varsity team in D3.

February 15    
              Escape from Planet Earth (Directed by Callan Brunker) I was very disappointed in this movie. I was hoping for something similar to Monsters vs. Aliens but it didn't even come close. The story was weak and the voice cast was missing star power in my opinion.
              Unstoppable (Directed by Tony Scott) Not the best Tony Scott film but also not the worst. Good action story based on true events. The cast was pretty strong all the way around too.

February 16    
              Hit and Run (Directed by Dax Shepard & David Palmer) Surprisingly good comedy featuring Dax Shepard, Kristen Bell and Bradley Cooper. Guy decides to leave witness protection to drive his girlfriend to Los Angeles for a new job. That is when all hell breaks loose and comedy ensues.
              Pitch Perfect (Directed by Jason Moore) I admit I was a fan of Glee for the first season but it soon grew old. I was afraid this movie would be a lot like that but I was wrong. It was more of a comedy with singing thrown in. I also have a major crush on Anna Kendrick so that was a plus for this film.
              How to Train Your Dragon (Directed by Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois) One of Dreamworks best films in my opinion; great original story along with a funny cast. I still remember the first time I saw this movie and I still enjoy it just as much with each viewing.

February 17    
              Die Hard 5: A Good Day to Die Hard (Directed by John Moore) As far as Die Hard movies go this was BAD. As a Die Hard style action film it was ok. Very bad ADR at times and the scene editing didn't make sense. There one attempt at being nostalgic to the original Die Hard failed miserably.
              Dodgeball (Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber) If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. Very fun comedy featuring Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn.
              Bridesmaids (Directed by Paul Feig) After being asked by my friend time and time again if I have watched Bridesmaids I finally gave it a shot and I have to say that I see what all the hype was about. The airplane scene and the bridal shower are 2 of the funniest scenes I have watched in some time.
              Batman: Under the Red Hood (Directed by Brandon Vietti) Another well done DC Animated feature. Batman takes on The Joker and the Red Hood who might or might not be someone from his past.

February 18    
              The Watch (Directed by Akiva Schaffer) BAD BAD BAD!!! Enough said. They changed the title before the release but they should have just cancelled the release all together.
              Land of the Dead (Directed by George A. Romero) 20 years after Day of the Dead was released George S. Romero is back with Land of the Dead. What happens when they walking dead learn how to communicate and handle machinery?
              Journey to the Center of the Earth (Directed by Eric Brevig) Fun adventure movie following along the lines of the classic Jules Verne novel. Nothing overly special about the movie but it is enjoyable to watch and has good re-watch qualities.

February 21
              Kung Fu Panda 2 (Directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson) The Dragon Warrior is back as he tries stop the evil Lord Shen from destroying all Kung Fu while also trying to figure out where he came from. A very solid sequel to Kung Fu Panda and left wide open for a third film.
              The Wizard (Directed by Todd Holland) I am a child of the Nintendo generation so this movie following 2 brothers and a friend traveling the road to get to a video game championship in California peaked my interests. Looking back this movie is totally unrealistic when you think 3 kids can cross 2 states with just a couple bucks and a skateboard between them. Lots of video game references and the introduction of Super Mario Bros. 3 are present in this movie. It has a strong Rain Man for children vibe to it.

February 22
              Premium Rush (Directed by David Koepp) Who knew Bike Messengers were so tough and lived dangerous lives. As a friend put it, this movie is like a Live Action Looney Toons cartoon. This is one of those movies that will do much better on video then it did in the theater. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Shannon both put in solid performances.
              BASEketball (Directed by David Zucker) Because of South Park I am a big fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Being a fan I like to see anything these guys release including this sports comedy. The movie premise is pretty stupid but it is still enjoyable. The game of BASEketball is one that I would enjoy playing and watch being played.

February 23
              Airplane! (Directed by Jim Abrahams & David Zucker & Jerry Zucker) If you haven't seen this movie then there is something very very wrong with you. This is one of the best satirical comedies ever released. I wasn't born until 2 years after this film was released but I still get most of the references.
              Waiting for Lightning (Directed by Jacob Rosenberg) Until a few years ago the biggest name in pro skateboarding I knew was Tony Hawk, then I learned of Danny Way. Danny Way is the creator of the Mega Ramp that has been featured at the X-Games for a number of years now. This documentary features a number of Way's accomplishments in the world of skatebaording and how he got in to the sport.
              Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Directed by Steve Barron) Growing up in the 80's one of my favorite cartoons was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and when they came out with a live action movie you can bet I was excited. Almost 23 years later this movie is still fun to watch and in comparrison to its sequels it was also the darkest which is interesting considering it was geared towards kids. It also took me until this viewing to realize that Sam Rockwell plays a head thug with a very cheesy mustache in the film. Monsters vs. Aliens (Directed by Rob Letterman & Conrad Vernon) This is what I was hoping Escape from Planet Earth would be like. The movie features a creative story with a strong vocal cast to back it up. Stephen Colbert as the President might be my favorite character in the movie. HIs scene with the electric keyboard was hysterical.

February 24
              Les Misérables (Directed by Tom Hooper) This was the last of the major Academy Award nominated movies I had yet to watch. I honestly knew nothing about this story before watching it. The cast was very strong but it still felt a bit disconnected on screen. I am not much of a musical fan but I enjoyed that part of the film and felt it fit in nicely.
              Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Directed by Stephen Herek) Another classic from my childhood. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter star as 2 slackers on the verge of flunking high school and thus losing all hope of becoming rock gods. That’s when they get help from a time traveling phone booth and George Carlin.
              Basic (Directed by John McTiernan) Military drama starring John Travolta and Sam Jackson from the director of Die Hard. I like the mystery and conspiracy that this movie creates. However, one big drawback has to be the scene with Travolta interviewing a suspect and he is lying on a table posed like a Playboy playmate. No Thanks John!
              Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny (Directed by Shannon Hartman) Another funny Kevin Hart comedy special. His bit about Shaq’s flopping skills in the NBA was my favorite part.

February 25       
              The Man with the Iron Fists (Directed by RZA) Very fun Kung Fu movie directed by RZA of The Wu-Tang Clan. Over the top death scenes and interesting characters help make this movie a success in my eyes. I would love to see a sequel or a series of sequels come from it.

February 27    
              Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (Directed by Michael Pressman) For my ninth birthday my parents took my brother, my best friend and I to the arcade and then to see this movie. Compared to the first TMNT movie this one was a lot more kid friendly. Though it is very cheesy this is still my favorite of the original trilogy. After the movie the 3 of us all pretending to be our favorite turtle (I was Leo) tried to re-enact the Ninja Rap dance to a Vanilla Ice tape I had.

February 28    
              Meet the Robinsons (Directed by Stephen J. Anderson) One of the best non-Pixar Disney movies I have ever seen. The animation and colors were beautiful. The story was original and very heartfelt.
              For A Good Time Call (Directed by Jamie Travis) I decided to watch this because Justin Long was in it and I am a fan. The premise of this movie is a bit crazy; two rivals become roommates and start a phone sex hotline. The character development between the rivals was a bit predictable but the hotline calls and callers more than made up for it.

51 Different Movies Watched in February. 95 Movies in 59 days.

March 1          
              Galaxy Quest (Directed by Dean Parisot) What if the cast of Star Trek were needed to save an alien race in the "real world"? Tim Allen stars in this Sci-Fi comedy about the cast of a former space exploration show that tours the convention circuit but are then needed to help save an alien race that believes the show was real.

March 2          
              The Day After Tomorrow (Directed by Roland Emmerich) Mr. Emmerich loves to make disaster movies. He also loves to make crazy over the top disaster movies. This is the first of many disaster movies from him I will be watching this year.
              Real Genius (Directed by Martha Coolidge) Yes I was only 3 when this movie came out but it is still lots of fun to watch. Val Kilmer stars in this comedy as a child genius on the verge of graduation college who with another child genius work on creating a laser that unbeknownst to them will be used by the military.
              Minority Report (Directed by Steven Spielberg) Mr. Spielberg knows how to make a futuristic Sci-Fi film. The storyline and technology really sold me on the movie. I still remember this was the first movie I saw in theaters shortly after I had my second brain surgery.

March 3          
              Empire Records (Directed by Allan Moyle) Damn the Man! Save The Empire! This movie featured a pretty good list of "Before they Were Stars" actors in Rory Cochrane, Robin Tunney, Renée Zellweger, Ethan Embry and Liv Tyler. I wanted to work in a record store after seeing this movie but sadly by the time I was 16 there were very few left. I still enjoy listening to the movie's soundtrack from time to time.
              Death Race 2 (Directed by Roel Reiné) This was the first Direct to Video prequel to the Jason Statham remake. Fun action movie that gives more back story to the origin of the Frankenstein character.
              Death Race 3: Inferno (Directed by Roel Reiné) Another prequel to the Statham remake but this one was stretched a bit to far in my opinion. Some of the characters were still interesting but the plot was a bit out there even for a Death Race movie.

March 5
              Supercross: The Movie (Directed by Steve Boyum) I originally saw this movie because of Sophia Bush from One Tree Hill. I watched this movie again now because of Sophia Bush from One Tree Hill.

March 6
              Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Directed by Rupert Wyatt) This prequel to the Planet of the Apes was one of favorite movies of the year when it came out. The only problem I had with it was James Franco. I don't hate him but I have a hard time dealing with him for long periods of time in movies.

March 8
              Wreck-It Ralph (Directed by Rich Moore) Video Games + Disney + 80's Child Mindset = Pure Gold!
              Masters of the Universe (Directed by Gary Goddard) Throwback to my childhood when I was feeling nostalgic. This movie is so very bad that it is extremely enjoyable. The special effects and story are both cheesy but it is still a fun movie to watch 20+ years later.

March 9
              Red Dawn (2012) (Directed by Dan Bradley) I didn't find this remake to be as bad as people thought it was. I actually enjoyed it more than the original.
              Dazed and Confused (Directed by Richard Linklater) This movie is 20 years old this year, that makes me feel old. I remember seeing it as a teenager and loving the story and visuals. The soundtrack might be one of the best ever to tie in with the content of a film.
              Hot Tub Time Machine (Directed by Steve Pink) The cast for this movie wouldn't be my first choice but in the end it worked out and they delivered a fun time travel comedy.
              Mission: Impossible (Directed by Brian De Palma) Though the most recent sequel in this film franchise is a lot of fun, the original is still the best in the series. It brought to life the old TV show feeling.
              Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Directed by Brad Peyton) Not as fun as the first movie in the series but I can always enjoy a fun movie with The Rock.

March 10
              Despicable Me (Directed by Chris Renaud & Pierre Coffin) I didn't want to see this movie initially because of the stupid trailers but in the end I really enjoyed it.
              Happy Gilmore (Directed by Dennis Dugan) Classic Adam Sandler fun.

March 12
              Ocean's Twelve (Directed by Steven Soderbergh) My least favorite of the Ocean's Trilogy. Has some fun moments but overall the movie feels like it tried to hard to match the fun from Ocean's Eleven.

March 14
              Kick-Ass (Directed by Matthew Vaughn) I saw this before reading the graphic novel a few years ago. I re-read the graphic novel before watching it recently and it still holds up big time. I am looking forward to the sequel this summer even though I am not a fan of the second Graphic Novel,.

March 15
              Megamind (Directed by Tom McGrath) Another home run from Dreamworks!
              Parental Guidance (Directed by Andy Fickman) Meet the Parents but in reverse. The movie had very brief moments of humor but overall it was difficult to watch at get through.

March 16
              G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (Directed by Stephen Sommers) Growing up I was a fan of G.I. Joe, the action figures (not dolls) and the cartoon. This movie is fun for me because it reminds me of my childhood and it makes me feel like I am a kid again. I prefer Marlon Wayans over Channing Tatum in it but deep down I knew that if they made a sequel it would most likely have Channing Tatum in it and not Mr. Wayans.
              Super Troopers (Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar) I still remember the first time I saw this movie. I went to see it based on a recommendation from my friend Andy. I laughed so hard I started to cry back then and this time I came close.
              X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Directed by Gavin Hood) When I first heard this movie was coming out I was excited because I am a big fan of Wolverine. The subtitle for this movie should be "20th Century Fox has taken NUMEROUS liberties with this 'origin' story."

March 17
              Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) (Directed by Dominic Sena) I have yet to see the original version of this film but I really like the Nic Cage version. It was the first Blu-Ray I ever bought and was one of the first ones I re-bought after my others were stolen.
              The Greatest Game Ever Played (Directed by Bill Paxton) I do not play golf other than going out to the driving range and hitting some golf balls with my dad years ago but I do enjoy watching it being played on TV or on the big screen. This movie based on a true story shows a good look at how golf was perceived by people in the early 1900's. Disney knows how to do true story sports themed movies right.
              Beverly Hills Cop (Directed by Martin Brest) Did someone say Banana in the Tailpipe?
              Rollerball (2002) (Directed by John McTiernan) I didn't realize how many movies from John McTiernan I was going to watch but hopefully this is the worst one I watch. I'm not totally sure what I watched actually.

March 18
              Vamp U (Directed by Matt Jespersen & Maclain Nelson) Stupid fun Indie film about a vampire who is a college professor and bites a student who resembles his long lost love and turns her in to a vampire. She then goes on a killing rampage draining people left and right while turning her fellow sorority members in to more vampires.
              Ghostbusters (Directed by Ivan Reitman) Who You Gonna Call? I still remember most of the lines years after last seeing it.
              Last Action Hero (Directed by John McTiernan) What if you got to meet your favorite movie character but they didn't know they were a movie character?

March 22
              Olympus Has Fallen (Directed by Antoine Fuqua) Very fun action flick that remined me of the original Die Hard. Solid plot helped carry the story along during the non-action scenes.

March 23
              Rise of the Guardians (Directed by Peter Ramsey) I originally saw this last Thanksgiving but thought I would watch it again and I wish I hadn't. What I originally liked about it in the theater I no longer found cute. The movie seemed to drag on a bit now.
              Man on the Ledge (Directed by Asger Leth) Fun popcorn action flick.
              Up (Directed by Bob Peterson & Pete Docter) Pixar at its very best. So many emotions wrapped up in this movie.
              John Dies at the End (Directed by David Wong) Heard lots of good things about this movie from the internet community and after watching it I have to question their sanity. The movie was very confusing as it played out. I think I know what they were going for but in the end they failed miserably at it.
              Varsity Blues (Directed by Brian Robbins) In Texas, Football is a way of life. Jon Voight took it a bit too far though. Hard to believe that this movie is from MTV Films, it is so good.
              Red (Directed by Robert Schwentke) Graphic Novel turned Motion Picture with an All Star cast. Fun to watch over and over again.

March 24
              Jackass 3 (Directed by Jeff Tremaine) First movie I watched on my new TV and I felt like I was in the movie. I might have even ducked during the flying Dildo scene.
              Tower Heist (Directed by Brett Ratner) Stupid Premise with a mostly B list cast but I still had fun watching it.
              Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (Directed by Guy Ritche) Strong follow-up by Guy Ritchie in his new Sherlock Holmes franchise.

March 25
              Ratatouille (Directed by Brad Bird & Jan Pinkava) Top quality Pixar film that on the surface doesn't look very special but under the surface it is a very heartwarming and original story.

March 27
              Hancock (Directed by Peter Berg) I liked this a lot more the first time I saw it. Now it feels like the movie was made by combining numerous ideas that don't really work.

March 29
              Blade Runner (Final Cut) (Directed by Ridley Scott) I admit I had never seen this movie before John Sheridan suggested it. I have heard the Final Cut is the way to go the first time you watch it and I have to agree. It was a strong & creative story from Mr. Scott.

March 30
              G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Directed by Jon M. Chu) The sequel to Rise of Cobra was a fun Popcorn action flick. Spoiler Alert! I will say I was happy that Channing Tatum didn't make it past the first 15 minutes. The Rock could have been his own G.I. Joe character back in the 80's so it makes perfect sense why he was the focus on this movie.
              Rock of Ages (Directed by Adam Shankman) This movie was a lot of fun. I have never seen the Broadway musical it is based on but I of course know all the songs. Tom Cruise puts in a quality performance.

March 31
              This Means War (Directed by McG) Bad romantic action/comedy with Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy and Chris Pine. Free preview weekend on HBO is the only reason I watched it.
              Howard the Duck (Directed by Willard Huyck) Duck Condoms, Possible Interspecies relations and plenty of drinking makes for a perfect PG rated film. This is another "so bad its good" movie.
              Flight of the Phoenix (2004) (Directed by John Moore) Not the best movie I have seen but also not the worst. Good plot and character development made it enjoyable.

50 Different Movies Watched in March. 145 Movies in 90 Days

April 1
              Rookie of the Year (Directed by Daniel Stern) If only my broken arm at the end of 6th grade meant I could play baseball for the Colorado Rockies.

April 2
              Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (Directed by Stephen Herek) I have seen this movies so many times but for some reason I still watch it when it is on. I don't like it very much but there is something about Christina Applegate that keeps bringing me back.

April 3
              Fletch (Directed by Michael Ritchie) This was the first time I ever remember seeing this movie. Now I am mad it took me so long because it is classic Chevy Chase.
              The Iron Giant (Directed by Brad Bird) Beautiful animation and a very emotional story make this one of the best movies I have watched this year.
              Contraband (Directed by Baltasar Kormákur) Fun action movie with Marky Mark. I guess it is a remake of a foreign film but from the same director. Makes me want to see the original to see how they compare.
              Taxi (Directed by Tim Story) Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah busting criminals while driving a NYC Cab. Need I say more?

April 5
              Major League II (Directed by David S. Ward) Not nearly as good as the original Major League but a million times better than the third Major League movie.
              Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Directed by Robert Wise) I know that millions of people love the Star Trek series and movies but I have to say this movie is BAD! I do know it gets better with the second movie but still this was bad.
              Jackass (Directed by Jeff Tremaine) Watching this now I can't believe how young all the guys look in comparison to how they look in Jackass 3.

April 6
              Sherlock Holmes (Directed by Guy Ritche) I am a big Robert Downey Jr. fan and this movie was a great new version of Sherlock Holmes.
              Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment (Directed by Jerry Paris) Proctor!!! More fun with Mahoney and the gang.
              Back to School (Directed by Alan Metter) I have seen this movie on cable numerous times over the years but it wasn't until this viewing that I saw the beginning and realized that it starts out in Black and White. Classic Rodney!

April 7
              Hot Fuzz (Directed by Edgar Wright) Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright back together again for more Kickass fun. Makes me want to watch Bad Boys 2 and Point Break again.
              Pitch Black (Directed by David Twohy) This was my introduction to Vin Diesel years ago and what made me a fan of his.
              Blades of Glory (Directed by Josh Gordon & Will Speck) I caught this on cable at the very end one day and decided to dig up my old DVD copy to watch it all the way through. It is stupid and unbelievable but that is how most movies are featuring ether of the two stars.

April 8
              Transformers (Directed by Michael Bay) Another childhood nostalgia film. Yes it is stupid but to me it is still fun. It also looked and sounded great on my new TV and Sound Bar.
              Beerfest (Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar) This movie is from the guys at Broken Lizard and though not as funny as Super Troopers it is still fun to watch.
              Jay And Silent Bob Get Irish - The Swearing O' The Green (Directed by Kevin Smith) I have watched and will continue to watch anything that features Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes together. This was a video of a live Podcast the duo held while in Ireland.

April 9
              Down Periscope (Directed by David S. Ward) Another goofy comedy that I use to watch with my dad all the time. Pretty good cast of young comedians including Harland Williams and Patton Oswalt.
              Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (Directed by Danny Leiner) Stoner comedy for the 21st Century. I think the Harold and Kumar series is the closest we will get to a new version of Cheech and Chong.
              Spider-Man (Directed by Sam Raimi) Marvels first real attempt at mainstream comic book movies. I still remember standing in line for a couple hours on opening day just to see this movie before my other friends.
              Shaft (2000) (Directed by John Singleton) Sam Jackson was perfect for the remake of Shaft because he himself is a bad ass mother...
              Nature Calls (Directed by Todd Rohal) Not as bad as The Watch but this movie is up there with the worst I have seen so far this year.

April 11
              Sexy Evil Genius (Directed by Shawn Piller) Very fun Dark Comedy featuring Seth Green. Story is a bit weird to follow at first but by the end I wasn't wanting it to end.

April 12
              The Hangover (Directed by Todd Phillips) Decided to watch this after going out to dinner with my parents and having more than a couple Margaritas. I am hoping the second sequel out this summer is better than Part 2.

April 13
              42 (Directed by Brian Helgeland) I am a sucker for Sports Movies. I am a sucker for True Story Sports Movies. I am a sucker for this well told and inspiring movie about Jackie Robinson.
              Tin Cup (Directed by Ron Shelton) Not based on a true story but still a fun sports related movie that I never get tired of watching.
              The Rookie (Directed by John Lee Hancock) No matter how many times I watch this baseball movie based on a true story I still smile and get excited for certain moments. It is also cool to see one of my former classmates in it and have a line.
              The Invention of Lying (Directed by Ricky Gervais & Matthew Robinson) What if lying didn't exist? The world would be pretty boring in my opinion. I have grown to really like Ricky Gervais and this movie written by Get Up On This co-host Matt Robinson is a great vehicle for him. Lots of fun cameos throughout the movie.

April 14
              Can't Hardly Wait (Directed by Harry Elfont & Deborah Kaplan) I DVR'd this a couple weeks ago and decided to watch it Sunday at 4am when I couldn't sleep. This movie was a lot of fun when I first saw it but now looking back it feels like they were going for a present day Dazed and Confused.
              War of the Worlds (Directed by Steven Spielberg) Two things really bug me about this Spielberg Sci-Fi film. How does a video camera work when an EMP has gone off and everything else electric no longer works? How after he goes over the hill to join the fight are we to believe that Tom Cruise's son survives the complete destruction of everyone fighting without a single scratch and still makes it to Boston before the others.

April 16
              The Expendables (Directed by Sylvester Stallone) Sly and his group of Mercenaries blow lots of stuff up with over the top gunfire and explosions.

April 17
              The Fast and the Furious (Directed by Rob Cohen) The movie that started the still going series. Yes it is cheesy and ridiculous but I still enjoy it.

April 18
              Cars (Directed by John Lasseter & Joe Ranft) I like this Pixar animated film and still enjoy watching it. Similar premise to other movies but the talking car aspect adds a nice twist to it.

April 19
              Jack Reacher (Directed by Christopher McQuarrie) I have one minor problem with this movie. When Reacher walks in to a bar early in the movie he is taller than just about everyone else in there. When is Tom Cruise ever taller than more than 2 people in a crowded room? Other than that, this was an awesome movie.

April 20
              Death of a Superhero (Directed by Ian FitzGibbon) Very good movie about a kid with Terminal Cancer who has a very creative mind when it comes to drawing superheroes. Andy Serkis was great as the kids therapist.
              Monsters (Directed by Gareth Edwards) Very good low budget Sci-Fi film about what happens after an alien invasion. The director is now working on the new Godzilla remake based off the original Japanese version.
              The Raid: Redemption (Directed by Gareth Evans) This crazy ultraviolent foreign action film claim highly recommended by more than a few people and they didn't steer me wrong.
              Safety Not Guaranteed (Directed by Colin Trevorrow) I watched this mainly to see if it was as bad as a friend made it out to be. I didn't mind it and thought it was good overall.

April 21
              Oblivion (Directed by Joseph Kosinski) Very interesting futuristic Sci-Fi film. As soon as I thought I figured out the movie I was thrown for a loop.
              2 Fast 2 Furious (Directed by John Singleton) The second in the series but with only one of the stars from the original. Still better than the third in the series Tokyo Drift, that one is coming up soon.
              Billy Madison (Directed by Tamra Davis) More classic Adam Sandler

April 22
              The Last Stand (Directed by Kim Ji-woon) A fun action film that reminded me of a cross between SWAT and Walking Tall. Not pure gold but a movie I wouldn't mind watching again over the years when it is on cable.

April 24
              S.W.A.T. (Directed by Clark Johnson) I have never seen the TV show but this movie is always fun to watch. Nice action sequences along with a good cast.

April 25
              Iron Man (Directed by Jon Favreau) Marvel's Phase One started off on the right foot with Iron Man. RDJ is Tony Stark!
              30 for 30: Elway to Marino (Directed by KenRodgers) Growing up as a Bronco fan in Colorado I am a fan of John Elway. Watching this 30 for 30 was interesting because I can't believe some of the trade possibilities that were out there during the 1983 draft. Elway for Montana? Elway to the Raiders?

April 26          
              Pain & Gain (Directed by Michael Bay) This movie is based on a true story and it proves that some criminals are COMPLETE IDIOTS. Movie was a bit stupid early on but by the end it was an enjoyable movie.
              Back to the Future (Directed by Robert Zemeckis) Childhood classic that still doesn't get old. Looks amazing on Blu-Ray!
              Star Trek (Directed by J.J. Abrams) I was unsure about how they were going to remake this the first time I saw it but I have to say I really enjoyed it. The alternate time line based on previous events was a nice touch to re-introduce the characters and their different personalities, especially Captain Kirk's.

April 27
              Beverly Hills Cop 2 (Directed by Tony Scott) The last good Beverly Hills Cop movie. Seeing Judge Reinhold's character go Rambo was hilarious.
              The Losers (Directed by Sylvain White) I have never read the comic book that this movie is based on but I might have to. It reminded me of The A-Team but with B & C list actors. It also has a Pre-Captain America Chris Evans in it.
              The Evil Dead (Directed by Sam Raimi) This was my first viewing of this movie ever. I don't get all the hype people still give it to this day. Is it because at the time there was nothing like it?
              Movie 43 (Directed by Peter Farrelly) From the previews this movie looked like a big bad cluster f*** with some of the biggest stars in Hollywood. The movie itself is actually broken up in to a number of short films with different actors in each one. Some of the short films were bad but there were a few that made me laugh and enjoy the movie as a whole.

April 28
              Jurassic Park (Directed by Steven Spielberg) I didn't make it out to see this in 3D but I wanted to make sure to watch it again. I still remember the first time I saw this movie and how much it scared the crap out of me. 20 years later I am not scared watching it anymore but I still enjoy seeing one of Spielberg's best movies.
              Iron Man 2 (Directed by Jon Favreau) Not nearly as good as the first Iron Man. It suffered from too many new characters and too many villains. It also felt a bit rushed in parts,
              Justice League: Doom (Directed by Lauren Montgomery) Another strong showing from the minds at DC Comics and their animated division. I know Warner Bros wants to do a live action Justice League movie but I fear that it will never be as good as this animated movie was.
              Die Hard 2: Die Harder (Directed by Renny Harlin) I started watching this with my parents when I went over to their place for dinner and had to finish it once I got home. Some of the airport scenes were filmed at the old Stapleton airport here in CO. They sure seemed to play up the smoking in airports and on planes in this movie which I thought was illegal in1990 when this movie was released.

April 29
              Little Big League (Directed by Andrew Scheinman) Growing up I wanted to be a Major League Baseball player like a lot of kids. If I couldn't be one I wanted to be a manager of a team similar to Billy Heywood in this movie.

April 30
              The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (Directed by Justin Lin) This didn't feel like the second sequel to the Fast and the Furious series. It felt like a cheap Direct to Video sequel made just to capitalize off the original. It even had the C & D list celebrities starring in it to attract the younger demographic. I won't even go in to the biggest continuity error with Han dying yet still being alive over the next 3 movies.

59 Different Movies Watched in April. 204 Movies in 120 Days

May 2
              The Avengers (Directed by Joss Whedon) In Joss We Trust! This movie set a new level of awesome when it comes to comic book movies. Not one character/star was given more screen time. They all shared the screen equally which amounted to an amazing movie that brought together many of the top Marvel heroes. This was a great way to end Phase One of Marvel movies.

May 3
              Iron Man 3 (Directed by Shane Black) This is what Iron Man 2 should have been. Shane Black did a great job with the character and the story. I have no problem saying that this movie is right up there with Avengers in terms of quality.
             Major Payne (Directed by Nick Castle) I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! Fun Damon Wayans comedy about a career military man put in charge of a bunch of Junior ROTC members.

May 4
             21 & Over (Directed by Jon Lucas & Scott Moore) I didn't want to like this movie but it made me laugh more than a few times. Not the greatest thing out there but a fun buddy comedy.
             Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Directed by George Lucas) I bought both trilogies on Blu-Ray last week and my dad and I started from the original beginning of the series. I know people hate of George Lucas for what he changed in the films but it is still fun to watch and the transfer to Blu-Ray looks amazing.
             Green Lantern: First Flight (Directed by Lauren Montgomery) I am really loving the DC animated films. This was the Green Lantern origin story and told so much better than in the Ryan Reynolds version.

May 5
             The Rundown (Directed by Peter Berg) Still one of my favorite movies starring The Rock. Good action and comedy backed by a strong supporting cast.

May 7
             Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (Directed by Tommy Wirkola) Yep this movie was just as bad as I thought it would be. No need to waste your time. Just keep moving, nothing decent to see here.

May 8
             Toy Story (Directed by John Lasseter) One thing really stuck out to me when watching this. Towards the end when Andy and his family are moving to their new house Andy is sitting in the back seat while his baby sister is sitting in the front seat in her car seat. I know that is frowned upon now but did they think this was a good idea back in the 90's?

May 9
             Fast & Furious (Directed by Justin Lin) After hitting rock bottom with Tokyo Drift the F&F franchise started turning it around with this one, all it took was getting the original cast back together.

May 10
             The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Directed by Steven Spielberg) The dinosaurs just didn't look the same in this movie. It felt like the budget for them was cut in half from the original Jurassic Park movie. The story was also lacking a bit in my opinion.
             Noobz (Directed by Blake Freeman) Found this on Netflix and gave it a shot. Not a great movie but it was enjoyable. It focused on a group of friends that enter a video game competition.

May 11
             The Wraith (Directed by Mike Marvin) I started talking to a guy about movies at a party a couple friends were having and he said I needed to watch this movie, which is one of his favorites. It was a bit ridiculous but I liked the concept. I first thought I was watching Knight Rider during the opening sequence.
             Death Race 2000 (Directed by Paul Bartel) This movie is BAD but in a cheesy way. For how much the characters were supposed to hate one another they sure got along during meals and what I deemed "Greek Spa Day".
             Star Trek: Insurrection (Directed by Jonathan Frakes) Was browsing through Netflix and came across this movie and since I hadn't watched it in a decade I thought I'd give it a shot. It is enjoyable but it was also when the Star Trek moves were in a rapid downhill movement.

May 12
             Flash Gordon (Directed by Mike Hodges) Even now I think Flash Gordon would be picked to be the Jets QB over Tim Tebow. This movie is not good. It is stupid and in my opinion boring. It just about put me to sleep.
             The Substitute (Directed by Robert Mandel) Thank goodness I never had a substitute teacher like Mr. Smith in this movie. Marc Anthony's character sure loved himself track suits in this movie.

May 13
             Click (Directed by Frank Coraci) Not the best Adam Sandler movie but it did have some enjoyable moments. Christopher Walken was hilarious in it.

May 15
             Star Trek Generations (Directed by David Carson) Before J.J. Abrams had Spock (new and old) cross paths, the Captains Kirk and Picard met up to take down a time traveling villain in Generations. I really enjoyed this movie because we got to see the crew members from the original series and Next Generation in a movie together.

May 16
             The Muppets (Directed by James Bobin) I grew up a fan of the Muppets and this movie took me back to my childhood for almost 2 hours. The entire cast of the film helped bring back to life the old Muppets film franchise.

May 17
             Taking Care of Business (Directed by Arthur Hiller) A twist on the Trading Places type movie with a workaholic and an escaped criminal trading places for a few days. This movie is enjoyable to watch but early on it is easy to tell it is a fantasy, mainly because the Chicago Cubs never have a chance at playing in the World Series.

May 18
             Star Trek Into Darkness (Directed by J.J. Abrams) The sequel to Mr. Abrams reboot of the Star Trek series didn't disappoint me. I know some purists will find things wrong with the movie but as a fan of films I thoroughly enjoyed the movie from beginning to end and look forward to more Trek in the future.
             Warm Bodies (Directed by Jonathan Levine) I never thought we would see a Zombie Rom-Com but Warm Bodies delivers. An interesting twist on the star-crossed lovers storyline this time featuring a living breathing girl and a Zombie.

May 19
             Eight Below (Directed by Frank Marshall) Disney movies based on true stories always sucker me in and Eight Below continues that trend. The movie is based on an Antarctic research guide who has to flee Antarctica due to a bad storm and leaves behind his sled dogs. Once back home his only goal is to return to Antarctica to rescue his dogs.
             Mission: Impossible III (Directed by J.J. Abrams) I skipped watching MI2 because I watched it so many times when I worked at a movie theater the summer it came out that I am bored by it now. J.J. did a great job bringing life back in the series. It would have been nice if they kept Keri's character longer, she would have made a great teammate.
             Fast Five (Directed by Justin Lin) The best in the series so far. The addition of the Rock was great and the storyline was enjoyable. Looking forward to seeing part 6 in a few days.

May 20
             Jurassic Park III (Directed by Joe Johnston) The dinosaurs looked a lot better compared to Lost World but the story was still lacking.
             Team America: World Police (Directed by Trey Parker) Trey Parker hit one out of the park with Team America. Who would have thought that a movie made up entirely of marionette puppets would be so fun and funny.
             The Sandlot (Directed by David M. Evans) Baseball + Childhood Memories = GREAT RAINY DAY MOVIE! I lost count of how many times I have seen this movie but I never get tired of it. It is one of the movies that I can easily quote.

May 24
             Fast & Furious 6 (Directed by Justin Lin) Fast Cars? Check! Tons of Action? Check! Over the top story and characters? Double Check! I don't care that people shit on these movies because I really enjoy them. They have gotten better as the series goes on. To put it simply, it is a fun action flick.
             The Hangover Part II (Directed by Todd Phillips) I really think Todd Phillips came up with the sequel while drunk and watching the first Hangover movie. It was almost the same exact movie but with a different location and a different missing friend. This felt more like a direct to video sequel made 5 years later by some no name director.

May 25
            Ladybugs (Directed by Sidney J. Furie) A friend mentioned that his wife never saw this movie and it made me think I hadn't watched it in a decade or so. The movie is beyond cheesy about a guy trying to climb the corporate ladder that volunteers to coach a youth soccer team, but needs the help of a star soccer player that he dresses up as a girl. The movie was shot entirely here in Colorado which was fun to know growing up.
             The Hangover Part III (Directed by Todd Phillips) A bit more darker then the first two in the series but still funny nonetheless It was still stupid in parts and Galifianakis was a bit much to handle at times but overall it was a fun movie. Not as good as the original but leaps and bounds ahead of Part II. It was a good wrap-up to the series and it didn't feel rushed.
             Superman: Unbound (Directed by James Tucker) The latest addition to the DC Animated universe was good but not great. The storyline of Brainiac stealing cities and then destroying planets was good but I was less interested because of the animation itself. It looked like they brought in a new group of people to do the animation because it didn't resemble the earlier films.
             That Guy... Who Was in That Thing (Directed by Ian Roumain & Michael Schwartz) This was one of the better documentaries I have seen in quite a while. It featured 16 different actors that have appeared over the years as guest stars in TV shows and movies. It was interesting hearing from their point of view what it is like to be an actor in Hollywood and how tough it is to get a steady role. I recognized almost all of the actors that they talked to, especially the three that all had major parts in my favorite show 24 at one time.

May 26
             Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (Directed by Jon Hurwitz & Hayden Schlossberg) Not as good as the original but the humor was still there. Rob Corddry was great as an overzealous Federal Agent. Neil Patrick Harris comes through again as well.

May 27
             The Toy (Directed by Richard Donner) Brewster's Millions and this were my introduction to Richard Pryor growing up. The premise of the movie is a bit weird, about an unemployed reporter who is hired to be a spoiled brat’s toy.
             Bullet to the Head (Directed by Walter Hill) Sly is back to his old ways in this action film about a hired gun teaming up with a cop to find out who hired him, and then killed his partner. I can see why this movie didn't last long in theaters, it isn't very good.

May 28
             Road House (Directed by Rowdy Herrington) This movie is RIDICULOUS!!! But that makes it so enjoyable. Patrick Swayze stars as Dalton a well-known bouncer (I didn't know they had reputations) brought in to clean up a small town bar filled with the wrong type of people. The action and dialogue is over the top but like I said, it helps make this movie a classic.

May 29
             Mr. Baseball (Directed by Fred Schepisi) Tom Selleck stars as a Major League Baseball player in a bit of a slump who is traded to a team in Japan, thus making him a fish out of water in a new land. The sub-plots in the movie are nothing new, guy loves girl, girl's father doesn't approve, guy and girl's father don't get along.
             Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (Directed by Peter Hewitt) Just because the first one was popular doesn't mean you have to make a sequel. If you are going to make a sequel to a movie featuring George Carlin make sure to use Carlin for more than five minutes in it. I didn't remember this movie being as bad as it really is; now I know.
             Cheaters (Directed by John Stockwell) I can neither confirm nor deny that I cheated in High School but if I did it was not on the scaled that the kids in this film did. Based on a true story a teacher and eleven students conspire to cheat their way through the State's Academic Decathlon. After winning the competition one of the team members becomes jealous and reveals something fishy might be up which brings on even more media scrutiny.

May 30
             Touchback (Directed by Don Handfield) Star High School QB leads his team to a state title on the final play of the game but also ends his career due to an injury. Fast forward 15 years and he is a struggling soy bean farmer married with two kids and in financial trouble with the bank. During a suicide attempt he is transported back 15 years to the week of his injury. He plans to do things differently and make it all right, but does he?

May 31
             Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope (Directed by Morgan Spurlock) I watched this documentary from Morgan Spurlock in prep of going to the Denver Comic Con (which I must say was a blast) about the different type of people that head to San Diego Comic Con each year. It was an interesting look at the different things available at a Con. I found the portfolio reviews very interesting and was glad they showed two different people looking to get reviewed. Commentary was provided throughout the entire film by some of the top directors and geeks out there today, including Joss Whedon, Robert Kirkman and Kevin Smith.

44 Different Movies Watched in May. 248 Movies in 151 Days

June 1
             Mallrats (Directed by Kevin Smith) Kevin Smith's follow-up to Clerks was widely panned by critics but I still find it enjoyable to watch. I was never a mallrat growing up but I can see why some of my friends were, especially back when malls were more popular.
             Killing Lincoln (Directed by Adrian Moat) Interesting film narrated by Tom Hanks about the final days of President Lincoln's life as well as the assassination plot thought up by John Wilkes Booth that was originally intended to be just a kidnapping plot. I had never heard about in detail the other plots to kill high ranking government officials on the same night until watching this film. Billy Campbell did a very good job as Abraham Lincoln especially after seeing Daniel Day-Lewis in the same role months earlier.

June 2
             The Goonies (Directed by Richard Donner) I have yet to meet someone my age that has not seen this classic. 28 years later it is still a lot of fun to watch. I know a few of my friends that have now introduced their children to the movie. We all wanted to have a group of friends like the Goonies growing up. If you disagree then you are crazy.
             Vegas Vacation (Directed by Stephen Kessler) This wasn't as fun as I originally remember it being. There are a few one liners that I still laugh at but overall it is a very mediocre attempt at a Griswold family movie.
             Street Fighter (Directed by Steven E. de Souza) I use to drop quarter after quarter at the arcade to play this game, I usually fought at Ryu or Chun-Li. When this movie first came out my brother and I were dying to see it. I still remember going to see it with my dad and everything that went on that day leading up to going to the movie; yes I remember the weirdest things. As for the movie it is super cheesy and makes very little sense but I still enjoy watching it every couple of years. Van Damme is classic cheesy Van Damme in this film.

June 4
             Real Steel (Directed by Shawn Levy) I really like this movie. Not because of the story about an estranged father and son coming together. Not because of character development by Jackman as he tries to pick himself back up and rebuild his life. I like this movie because there are crazy looking robots fighting one another to the death. This movie is a mash-up of Rocky and Transformers. No matter what other people think of it I still get a kick of watching it time and time again.

June 5
             Bad Boys (Directed by Michael Bay) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air plus Martin plus Michael Bay action equals tons of fun. Take out the action in the movie and you still have a very funny comedy.

June 6
             The Ringer (Directed by Barry W. Blaustein) A movie about a guy trying to cheat in the Special Olympics might not sound like a good idea but The Rigner is an enjoyable movie. The love story between the two main stars felt forced and boring but the movie really shines because of the supporting cast.

June 8
             Now You See Me (Directed by Louis Leterrier) Now You See Me is one of those movies I will enjoy watching over and over again. This movie was described to me as Ocean's Eleven with magicians. I love Ocean's Eleven and this is my new Ocean's Eleven for years to come.
             Parker (Directed by Taylor Hackford) Jason Statham is a fun action star and this movie was perfect for him. It wasn't completely over the top like some of his other movies and Jennifer Lopez wasn't that bad in it either.
             Battleship (Directed by Peter Berg) The simplest description I can think for this movie is Popcorn Action Flick. Not the best thing out there but it was something fun to watch at 11 on a Saturday night.

June 9
             Conan the Barbarian (2011) (Directed by Marcus Nispel) Watched this after talking to a friend about it and I didn't think it was that bad of a remake. It is hard to be worse than the original Conan movie. The actor that played Conan is fun to watch and as we've seen lately, he is getting more and more popular in Hollywood.
             Liar Liar (Directed by Tom Shadyac) Very fun Jim Carrey movie during the peak of his career. The one liners out of Jim's mouth as he is unable to lie are hilarious. The message behind the movie is heartfelt.
             Serenity (Directed by Joss Whedon) WWJD? What Would Joss Do? Oh he would just deliver an amazing movie to follow-up the cancelled too soon Firefly TV show. I am a big Joss fan but his killing of Wash late in the movie was a complete shocker and the most upsetting death he has delivered in all of his projects.
             Bad Boys II (Directed by Michael Bay) I posed a question shortly after watching this to why we have never seen a Bad Boy 3 and my friend John put it best. You can't top Bad Boys 2. The action, comedy and plot were all on point. Michael Bay needs to look back and see what made this movie work.

June 10           
             Snitch (Directed by Ric Roman Waugh) Based on a true story about a dad who volunteers to go undercover and become a snitch for the government to help release his son from prison. The story was compelling and I enjoy pretty much anything that The Rock stars in.

June 11
             Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (Directed by Lauren Montgomery) Solid DC animated feature pitting Superman and Batman against Darkseid on Apokolips. I know I have said it before but I will say it again, DC knows how to deliver high quality animated films.

June 12
             Air Force One (Directed by Wolfgang Petersen) Air Force One and all its passengers are taken hostage by terrorists and President Harrison Ford has to save them all while taking down the terrorists. The action scenes were good but the CGI looked like it was created by a college freshman film student.

June 13
             This is the End (Directed by Evan Goldberg & Seth Rogen) The comedy starring some of Hollywood's most popular stars trying to survive the Apocalypse was funny in parts. I am not a huge fan of James Franco or Seth Rogen because I feel they play the same type of characters at times. But I do really like Jay Baruchel and Craig Robinson so that more than made up for the stars I don't like as much. The cameos in the movie are what make it though, The GIMP!

June 14
             Man of Steel (Directed by Zach Snyder) Superman is back and better then ever. Very solid origin story with a strong cast of characters, except for maybe Amy Adams. I can see why Amy was cast as Lois Lane but I felt at times her character was lacking in comparison to Superman, Jor-El and General Zod. I look forward to the already announced sequel.
             Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (Directed by Brad Bird) The Mission: Impossible series continues its rebirth with Ghost Protocol. Tom Cruise is back kicking ass as agent Ethan Hunt who with his new team of agents work to stop a nuclear attack.
             Spies Like Us (Directed by John Landis) Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd star as bumbling spies working for the U.S. Government. Chevy Chase had a number of great one-liners in the movie that though it is almost 30 years old is still very enjoyable.

June 15
             The Replacements (Directed by Howard Deutch) Fun comedy with an interesting cast pf characters about a pro football league that sees its players go on strike so replacements are brought in. The movie is stupid in parts but I still enjoy watching it from time to time. This is one of those movies I remember the first time I saw it and who I saw it with.
             Jay and Silent Bob Go Down Under (Directed by J.C. Reifenberg) Another filmed Q and A of the Jay and Silent Bob Get Old podcast this time from Australia. I have heard a number of the stories previously but it is much more enjoyable seeing Jay's facial mannerisms as he tells them.
             xXx (Directed by Rob Cohen) Vin Diesel is a badass action star who is recruited to go undercover for the NSA. I know they hoped this movie would spawn a number of sequels and I wish it had but Vin left the series before the sequel came out which really hindered its success. The action scenes and weapons in this movie was a lot of fun to watch.

June 16
               Paul (Directed by Greg Mottola) This sci-fi comedy starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost is hilarious. Seth Rogen (yes the guy I am not a big fan of) was great as Paul the alien who is trying to get back home. The cast of characters and numerous pop culture references are what really sell this movie.
               Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Directed by Fran Rubel Kuzui) It is hard to believe that the same person wrote this movie and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV Show. This movie is cheesy and reminds me a bit of Clueless, but with vampires. It is fun in parts and fast so it is easy to get lost for 90 minutes.

June 18
               Cars 2 (Directed by John Lasseter & Brad Lewis) I wanted to hate this movie because I thought it was a cheap sequel that should have been Direct to Video. I was right about it being a bit cheap, the animation seemed off and not up to Pixar standards. But, I enjoyed it in the end and laughed more than a couple times and I don't even like Larry the Cable Guy. I can see why kids enjoyed this movie, because the kid in me sure did.

June 19
               Van Helsing (Directed by Stephen Sommers) I forgot how bad this movie was. I love the cast and the premise of the movie but the execution of the story was bad. Stephen Sommers was hot coming off the successful Mummy and Mummy Returns films but this movie stopped that progression. This was the last feature that he directed for a good 5 years and it is easy to see why.
               The Lion King (Directed by Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff) I was 12 years-old when this movie first came out and I remember going to see it with my family and falling in love with the colors, the characters and the story. Fast forward almost 20 years and I felt the exact same way watching this movie again.
               2012 (Directed by Roland Emmerich) I'm not totally sure how you decide on making John Cusack the hero of your action adventure movie but that’s why I don't make the big Hollywood bucks. The special effects in this movie were over the top crazy but that is what made it fun. The story itself was similar to most Emmerich disaster films.

June 20
               Men in Black 3 (Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld) Men in Black was an amazing movie that was so much fun to watch. Men in Black 2's fun moments were few and far between. Men in Black 3 felt a lot more like the original. The time travel storyline and new cast of characters kept me interested from beginning to end. It is a bit creepy how much Josh Brolin resembled a younger Tommy Lee Jones.

June 21
               Conan the Barbarian (1982) (Directed by John Milius) No offense to my good friend John, but this movie was BORING. I watched it again after he questioned my comments about the Conan remake that I watched a couple weeks ago. I have to say my comments made about that movie are correct, this one is worse than the remake. I just about fell asleep watching this, so I decided to re-watch the parts I was confused about after a good night’s sleep. Yep it was still boring.

June 22
               World War Z (Directed by Marc Forster) I'm a fan of Zombie films and TV shows. Up until now we've seen Zombies in one main form, slow moving. In World War Z the zombies move faster than I have ever moved in my life, maybe I should become a zombie. That made them more terrifying to me than previous zombie styles. I also enjoyed this movie because I am a fan of Brad Pitt and this is not your typical Brad Pitt movie. After seeing this film I want to go back and give the book of the same name another shot. The first time I tried to read it I didn't finish it because it didn't catch my interest right away.
               The Company Men (Directed by John Wells) Very strong cast of actors in this film about the lives of 3 men as their company is downsized and the effects it has on all aspects of their lives. The only thing I knew about this movie before watching it was who was in it. The movie is a bit depressing but I know it is honest in reflecting what a number of companies have been going through the last few years.
               Oz the Great and Powerful (Directed by Sam Raimi) Up until the final "battle" in Emerald City I was bored by the movie. I really have a problem with James Franco at times and his cocky attitude for most of this movie was the main reason. Visually the movie is beautiful and reminds me of a Tim Burton film. My other major qualm with this movie was the horrible treatment of Mila Kunis. Who in their right minds would turn such a beautiful woman green?

June 23           
               Captain Ron (Directed by Thom E. Eberhardt) Another oldie but a goodie from my childhood. Bumbling family man inherits a yacht and needs to get it to Miami to sell it. Well, being from Chicago he doesn't know how to sail so enter Captain Ron who might be the worst yet sweetest boat captain you'll ever meet. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong. But in the end everything works out, who could have guessed. When I was growing up this was one of my dad’s favorite movies.
               Drive Angry (Directed by Patrick Lussier) This movie is not to be taken seriously at all. Once you do that it is a fun throwback action movie. Nic Cage is hit and miss at times but I thought this was a hit for him. Reminds me of classic revenge movies from so many years ago. I enjoyed the supporting cast that helped fill the movie, especially Amber Heard.
               Star Trek: First Contact (Directed by Jonathan Frakes) I was never a big fan of the Star Trek TV show, even The Next Generation. But I am a fan of this movie. I like the Time Travel aspect and the cast as a whole.
               Planet Hulk (Directed by Sam Liu) Marvel really needs to work on their animated films. The animation and storyline were lacking big time. I had hoped the more recent animated Marvel movies would be better but I was mistaken.

June 24
               Source Code (Directed by Duncan Jones) Fun technology oriented action movie about a former soldier being sent back in time to the same 8 minutes over and over again to stop a terrorist attack. The fact that Michelle Monaghan was in it made it that much better.

June 26
               Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Directed by Doug Liman) The film that broke up Jennifer Aniston's marriage is a kick ass adventure from beginning to end. Seeing Brad and Angelina go from trying to kill one another to competing for the best kills is always fun to watch.

June 27
               Finding Nemo (Directed by Andrew Stanton & Lee Unkrich) Finding Nemo is one of Pixar's best films and shows how creativie they can be. I wish the current Pixar would take a cue from the past and put more effort in to their movies instead of going for cheap sequels.
               Gone (Directed by Heitor Dhalia) I liked the concept of this movie, a girl who was kidnapped now hunts down for the kidnapper after he takes her sister. I didn't like the movie in general though.

June 28
               Point Break (Directed by Kathryn Bigelow) Classic, plain and simple! If you haven't seen this movie and are an action junkie then go check it out NOW! Swayze, Reeves and Busey all deliver in this presidential surfer flick.

June 29
               White House Down (Directed by Roland Emmerich) I've talked bad about Emmerich in the past but White House Down is the best thing he has done since Independence Day. Lots of action and explosions along with just enough cheesy humor to round it out. Channing Tatum has come a very long way from Step Up to be a legit action star.
               The Italian Job (1969) (Directed by Peter Collinson) This movie confused me so much. I know what it is about but I could never figure how who the different characters were and what the hell was going on in the prison. Plus it just ends with them hanging over a cliff.
               Horrible Bosses (Directed by Seth Gordon) A couple years ago I made the mistake of choosing to see Hangover 2 instead of Horrible Bosses. I still regret that decision. This movie is hilarious as each boss has their own evil traits. This was the first movie in a long time that I liked Jennifer Aniston in. It was nice to see her get away from her old "Friends" persona.

June 30
               Daylight (Directed by Rob Cohen) The Poseidon Adventure meets the NY/NJ underground tunnels. Not a very good action movie but also not the worst thing that Stallone has ever done.

49 Different Movies Watched in June. 297 Movies in 181 Days

July 1
               A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (Directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson) The movies went downhill after the original but the third Harold and Kumar movie still made me laugh. Neil Patrick Harris was great yet again as himself.

July 2
               Happy Feet Two (Directed by George Miller & Gary Eck & David Peers) I liked the original so I gave the sequel a shot. I should have just stuck with the original and pretended like I didn't know this movie existed. The jokes were stupid and a couple of the new characters made no sense at all. Avoid seeing this.

July 3
               Live Free or Die Hard (Directed by Len Wiseman) Compared to the original Die Hard movie this isn't that great. But, compared to the most recent Die Hard movie it is pure gold.

July 4
               The Lone Ranger (Directed by Gore Verbinski) Since when did Disney movies get so violent? I know it is PG-13 but it is still overly violent for a family movie. Other than the violence I was quite bored during the movie. Nothing really sucked me in to the movie. Johnny Depp had some good one-liners but that wasn't enough to save me from disliking this movie.
               Escape from L.A. (Directed by John Carpenter) I hate to admit it but I have never seen Escape from New York. Having said that I hope it is better than this turd. The special effects were horrible in this movie as was the plot. I even fell asleep briefly during the major battle scene late in the movie.
               Independence Day (Directed by Roland Emmerich) I have been waiting most of the year to watch this movie. I could not watch it until the fourth of July because it is a tradition for my dad and I the last 5-6 years to watch it on Independence Day. We have watched it so many times now that we critique it and the stupid things said and done in it from beginning to end. It is a fun movie that I look forward to watching with my dad every year.

July 5
               Deep Blue Sea (Directed by Renny Harlin) Cheesy action movie about killer sharks not named Jaws. Found this on Amazon Instant and decided to watch it because I have never seen it from beginning to end, I usually caught it on TBS half way through. Nothing special and quite predictable but it was a good movie to watch while putting my new desk together.
               Jack (Directed by Francis Ford Coppola) I have watched this movie a number of times over the years but never paid much attention to who the director was until this time. How exactly does the director of the Godfather trilogy and Apocalypse Now end up directing a movie about a kid who grows 4 times faster than everyone else? I enjoy this movie because it is simple and fun.
               The Fifth Element (Directed by Luc Besson) I had forgotten how much I love this movie. From beginning to end it is a blast. I don't know how else to describe this movie besides total awesomeness!

July 6
               Rocky Balboa (Directed by Sylvester Stallone) Sixteen years after the horrible Rocky V Stallone brought his Rocky character back for one more fight. This is the movie that Rocky V should have been. The montage says it all, Rocky's still got it! I do think that Stallone could have come up with a better name for his opponent. I mean really Mason "The Line" Dixon?
               Knuckleball! (Directed by Ricki Stern & Anne Sundberg) I am a lifelong baseball fan and growing up my favorite pitcher was Tim Wakefield. Since his rookie season with the Pirates until he retired from the Red Sox I was a fan. This documentary about Knuckleball pitchers was a cool look at how few there are out there and how a single fingernail can ruin a pitch. It was very cool seeing Wakefield, R.A. Dickey and other knuckleball legends playing golf and talking about highlights and lowlights of their careers. I would recommend this to anyone that is a baseball fan.
               The Call (Directed by Brad Anderson) A pretty good thriller from WWE Studios about a girl kidnapped and her communication with a 911 dispatcher. I was in to the movie up until the very end. I thought that the ending was a bit much on the revenge side. This was by far the best release from WWE studios in years.
July 7
               Godzilla (1998) (Directed by Roland Emmerich) I'm not sure what was ravaging the streets of New York City but it sure didn't look like Godzilla. It looked more like a dinosaur from Jurassic Park escaped in to the city. After all the hype leading up to this movie it was a disappointment. Thankfully I didn't have to pay to see this when it came out back in 1998, I got in free from my job at a movie theater.
               Despicable Me 2 (Directed by Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud) This movie lives up to its title, it was despicable. It was missing the humor and creativity from the first one. It was predictable and boring. My dad and I saw it in 3D and there were maybe one or two small pieces that took advantage of the 3D.
               The Bay (Directed by Barry Levinson) This movie had me shouting "Oh Shit" at one point and not in a good way. This "found footage" film is about a small town in Maryland that on the 4th of July most of the residents come down with some kind of infection from the water that sees the breaking out in rashes and later dying. It probably wasn't a good idea after there was a positive E. Coli test not too far north from me a few days ago.

July 9
               American Reunion (Directed by Jon Hurwitz & Hayden Schlossberg) I was a junior in High School when the original American Pie movie came out and though the first two sequels were not as good as the original I enjoyed them. Nine years later the original gang is back for their 13 year reunion and of course they still know how to get in to awkward situations. I enjoyed this movie mainly because they got the gang back together but also for the stupid comedy it delivered. It reminded me more of the original than any previous sequel.

July 11
               21 Jump Street (Directed by Phil Lord & Chris Miller) I was never really a fan of the TV show but this movie is a lot of fun. The references to the old show as well as Hollywood not knowing how to come up with something original was great. I liked that this movie didn't take itself too serious and was more about delivering comedy. The chase scene on the highway waiting for stuff to explode was very enjoyable.
               The A-Team (Directed by Joe Carnahan) No matter what people say about this movie I love it. It is a very fun action movie based on the TV show. The actors cast for each of the main characters were spot on. I really wish they would do a sequel for this movie but I don't think there is any chance of that happening.

July 12
               Sharknado (Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante) I've officially bought in to the hype that is Sharknado. This movie is so bad it is amazing. The action is ridiculous and the weather seems to change from one cut scene to another. The shark footage also looked like something taped off Shark Week. Having said that, I really hope they do a sequel because I want to see it now!

July 13
               Pacific Rim (Directed by Guillermo del Toro) Best movie for summer 2013 by far! From beginning to end this action adventure was a blast. Del Toro's monster creations were both visually stunning and very imaginative. The battle scenes between the man-made machines and the monsters were fun to watch.
               Innerspace (Directed by Joe Dante) This is yet another film from my childhood that I decided to revisit. It doesn't have the best plot but it is at least creative and enjoyable. I have come to realize during this challenge that I am a big fan of Dennis Quaid.

July 14
               Lethal Weapon 4 (Directed by Richard Donner) This may sound weird but Lethal Weapon 4 is one of my top 2 Lethal Weapon movies, I won't say what the other one was. I really enjoy this buddy cop series and part 4 was a really nice way to wrap up the series.
               The Rock (Directed by Michael Bay) Michael Bay + Nicholas Cage + Alcatraz = Crazy over the top action movie. Very strong cast all around from Sean Connery to Ed Harris and John Spencer.
               Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (Directed by Irvin Kershner) My dad came over to hang out and we started watching this movie. He didn't stay to finish it but I had to keep going. Great follow up to Episode 4 and it did a nice job of setting up for Episode 6.

July 15
               First Kid (Directed by David M. Evans) I needed a totally mindless movie to watch after a long day at work so I decided on this one after recording it a couple weeks ago. Not very good but it had a few laughs in it.

July 17
               Death Race (Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson) I have now watched all of the movies in the Death Race series, including the original. This one is so much better that the original Death Race. I am a Statham fan and he shines in his element, kicking ass and driving a car.
               Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Directed by Phil Lord & Chris Miller) I had been thinking about watching this movie for a couple weeks but after my friend Jessica told me that we will be seeing the sequel come September I had to watch the original again as a refresher. Very cute storyline and strong animation make this one of the better animated films released in the last 5 years.
               This Film Is Not Yet Rated (Directed by Kirby Dick) Very interesting documentary about the MPAA and how it rates movies. I never knew there was so much secrecy about the people rating the movies and what they have wanted to rate some movies. I would be interested to see a follow-up film looking at the rating system now and if the original film helped make and changes within.

July 18
               Machete (Directed by Ethan Maniquis & Robert Rodriguez) It is funny to think that this movie started out as a joke trailer for the Grindhouse double feature. It has bad acting and bad special effects but that is what makes it a fun movie. I am looking forward to the sequel coming out in a couple months.

July 19
               Get Smart (Directed by Peter Segal) Not the best movie adaptation from a TV show but I enjoyed it and I thought they got the role of Maxwell Smart cast perfectly. I was a bit bummed that The Rock turned out to be a bad guy (Spoiler Alert) but seeing him trying his hand at comedy reminds me of his days on the microphone back in WWE.
               Van Wilder (Directed by Walt Becker) One of Ryan Reynolds early hits, at least in my opinion, about a college student that didn't want to graduate. It felt like a new take on Rodney Dangerfield's Back to School. It is hard to believe this movie is already 10+ years old.

July 20
               Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (Directed by Kevin Smith) Kevin Smith is one of my favorite directors and anything he puts out I enjoy, except Cop Out that wasn't his creation. It was a lot of fun seeing people from his previous movies show up in Strike Back. The plot was crazy but still so much fun.
               The Dark Knight Rises (Directed by Christopher Nolan) I have been holding off on watching this movie all year until today. It wasn't the best Batman movie from Nolan but it was still very well done and a nice closer for the series. Tom Hardy was brilliant as Bane and much more fun to see on screen compared to the horrible Bane character in the George Clooney starred Batman and Robin.

July 21
               The Italian Job (2003) (Directed by F. Gary Gray) I started watching this at my Aunt & Uncles house with my cousin and decided I needed to watch it all the way through once I got home. I like this version of The Italian Job so much more than the original. I was not confused at all during this film and enjoyed every minute. All of the characters had their own little quirks that made the stand out. I wish the sequel that they planned, The Brazilian Job, had gotten out of the development stage.

July 22
               The Incredibles (Directed by Brad Bird) I think this is my favorite of the Pixar films. How can you not love a movie about a family of superheroes? Classic Pixar humor told in a very original and creative story. This is the Pixar film I wish they would make a sequel for.

July 23
               Red State (Directed by Kevin Smith) Kevin Smith went in a different direction with Red State compared to most of his other movies and it was a success. Some would say this is a horror movie but I disagree. It is more of a thriller with lots of violence. Though the movie only cost $5 million to make it is still better than a number of big budget movies that studios are putting out.

July 24
               X-Men (Directed by Bryan Singer) After many failed attempts at making solid comic book movies Marvel started getting it right with X-Men. The plot of the movie wasn't the best but the characters themselves more than made up for it. Seeing Wolverine extend his claws for the first time or seeing Mystique change form instantly made the kid in me scream for joy. Thirteen years later I still get excited watching the movie.

July 25
               Conspiracy Theory (Directed by Richard Donner) I hadn't seen this movie in 10 years but it was another movie playing in the background at my Aunt and Uncles house on Sunday so I decided to record a later showing of it. Donner and Gibson are back together again in this movie about a conspiracy theorist who might not be as crazy as some people think.

July 26
               X-Men: First Class (Directed by Matthew Vaughn) Though there are some continuity errors with the timeline and characters this is a great origins movie. I originally thought it would be hard to see new actors playing the roles of Professor X, Magneto and Mystique but I was mistaken. I cannot wait until next summer when the sequel to this comes out which combines both X-Men universes together in one film.
               Batman: Gotham Knight (Directed by Yasuhiro Aoki & Yuichiro Hayashi & Futoshi Higashide & Toshiyuki Kubooka & Hiroshi Morioka & Jong-Sik Nam & Shoujirou Nishimi) I didn't know what to expect when I started watching this DC animated feature. Instead of one single storyline for the film it is broken up in to a number of short stories with different plots that explain Batman as a whole. The animation was different for most of the segments which helped mix it up. It wasn't my favorite of the DC Animated films but it was still miles ahead of Marvels animated films, and it is already 5 years old.

July 27
               The Wolverine (Directed by James Mangold) This almost made me completely forget about the Wolverine Origin movie. It felt a lot more like an X-Men movie that stayed in line with the universe Bryan Singer helped create. There are some plot holes in the movie but overall it was what a Wolverine movie should be. It also delivered on a true post-credit Marvel tease.
               Piranha (Directed by Alexandre Aja) Very campy & cheesy horror flick with lots of skin and a stupid plot. It isn't a good movie but it sure is a fun one to watch.
               X-Men 2 (X2) (Directed by Bryan Singer) Until Iron Man was released that was the best comic book movie released to date in my opinion. The character development and storyline were spot on. Bryan Singer knows how to make a comic book movie. The ending gave us hope for a great second sequel which would introduce the Phoenix, sadly though Singer wasn't back for that one.

July 28
               X-Men: The Last Stand (Directed by Brett Ratner) This X-Men movie had a different feeling from the previous two in the series. I think it is because they brought in a new director to take over a big storyline from the X-Men universe. The movie wasn't horrible but compared to X2 it was a downgrade. Some of the new characters introduced were fun but I felt they were introduced just to give a one liner more than anything.
               Gamer (Directed by Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor) This reminds me a little of one of my favorite books, Ready Player One. Instead of living their own lives people live virtual lives of real people. Interesting concept but overall the movie felt disconnected and cheesy in parts.
               Red 2 (Directed by Dean Parisot) Great follow-up to 2010's Red. I was a little worried that it would fail in comparison to the original which I am a big fan of, I was wrong. Both my dad and I had a great time watching the movie. The action sequences and comedy throughout made for a very fun movie going experience.

July 29
               Mr. Mom (Directed by Stan Dragoti) I enjoy this movie every time I watch it but I still don't see why Michael Keaton was so popular in the early 80's. I just don't think there is anything special about him at that time. A couple friends suggested I watch a couple other movies from him so I am going to give it a shot and see if my opinion changes.

July 30
               Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (Directed by Jay Oliva) In my opinion one of the best from DC Animated. From beginning to end I was hooked. Great overall storyline and voice acting. I was really happy to see a Flash led film. I am going to be reading the Flashpooint comic book arc very soon

July 31
               Drinking Buddies (Directed by Joe Swanberg) I was excited about this movie because it was starring Anna Kendrick, Olivia Wilde and Ron Livingston. I soon found out that just because it has 3 great actors in it, doesn't mean it will be a good movie. I was very bored watching this movie. It was cliché filled and very drawn out.

49 Different Movies Watched in July. 346 Movies in 212 Days

August 1
               Piranha 3DD (Directed by John Gulager) Continuity errors and a crappy storyline made for a less than stellar sequel. There were some funny moments but compared to its predecessor it was lacking all around.

August 2
               A Band Called Death (Directed by Mark Christopher Covino & Jeff Howlett) I have wanted to see this documentary about a punk band from the 1970's about three African American brothers who live in Detroit. The film followed two of the brothers as they tell their story from learning to play music in their parents’ house to being re-discovered over 30 years later. One of the brothers passed away over 10 years ago and you can see to this day that they still miss him, especially now that they are becoming better known.
               Captain America: The First Avenger (Directed by Joe Johnston) Top quality film from Marvel about Captain America. This was the last movie that would lead in to The Avengers and it didn't disappoint. The film follows the origin of Steve Rogers as he goes from puny kid rejected by the military to the ultimate super soldier. Besides the story being very strong, the special effects are amazing. Seeing the transformation of Chris Evans is pure movie magic.

August 3
               This is Spinal Tap (Directed by Rob Reiner) My best friend Sarah suggested I watch this movie in her honor so I gave it a shot. Yes this was the first time I watched it all the way through. The movie is funny but I really don't see why so many people love it. I might have to watch it again to get anything I might have missed.
               The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (Directed by Don Scardino) Had this movie come out 5-10 years ago when Carrey and Carell were at their peak this movie would have done better. The last third of the movie was really enjoyable but the first two thirds were a bit boring and felt like a lot of other movies about former stars that don't want to change with the times. Jim Carrey's character was missing the humor that I grew up on. It felt like he was going for a bit of Fire Marshall Bill but it fell flat in my opinion.
               LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite (Directed by Jon Burton) This movie was fun but completely predictable. It was predictable because I played the video game it was based on and beat it, quite proud of myself for that. Not as good as DC Animated films but for this being my first Lego animated film it was good.
               Zack and Miri Make a Porno (Directed by Kevin Smith) Another classic Kevin Smith movie about two lifelong friends that have hit rock bottom and decide to make a porn to pay the bills. Besides Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks brining the funny in this movie, the supporting cast was just as funny. This is one of my favorite Kevin Smith movies and I never get tired watching it.
               Gung Ho (Directed by Ron Howard) After starting this Michael Keaton movie around 10 at night I didn’t think I would finish it before falling asleep. But two hours later I was still awake as the credits rolled. Even though I still don't see what is so special about Keaton in this movie it is still a very good movie about a small town car assembly plant taken over by the Japanese. When their two methods of work clash the entire town is put in jeopardy. Michael Keaton is put in charge of being the go-between for both sides but when he runs his mouth he is put in the crosshairs. The scene with him trying to pack his car and leave as soon as possible was fun to watch.

August 4
               Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Directed by Shane Black) This is one of my Top 10 favorite movies of all time. It is so well directed, written and acted. If you are a fan of old school detective novels then you will love this movie. The mystery and character twists feel just like a detective novel and it is narrated like one too.
               Smokin' Aces (Directed by Joe Carnahan) Very fun action movie told from the viewpoint of multiple characters. The very last scene of the movie in the hospital with Reynolds giving up on his career to defend his partners honor is amazing to watch.
               Johnny Dangerously (Directed by Amy Heckerling) I was wrong about Michael Keaton! He was hilarious in this comedy. It reminded me of an old Mel Brooks film.
               The Longest Yard (2005) (Directed by Peter Segal) This Adam Sandler remake is a lot of fun to watch. The plot is fun, the characters are fun and so is the comedy. It isn't a movie that everyone will enjoy but I like the stupid humor it delivers.
               Commando (Directed by Mark L. Lester) Cheesy over the top action film with big death scenes using crazy weapons. But that is what we came to know Arnold for back in the 80's. Dan Hedaya doesn't make a very scary bad guy though.

August 5
               The Shawshank Redemption (Directed by Frank Darabont) I don't have a #1 favorite movie of all time because it might change depending on the mood I am in. But The Shawshank Redemption is easily in my Top 5 movies of all time. I don't know what it is but I start watching it and next thing I know over two hours have gone by and I have watched a great movie again. The story, the characters and the music all combine together to create one of the best movies ever made in my opinion.

               Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (Directed by Richard Marquand) It is still weird to see Hayden Christensen show up as a spirit at the end of the movie during a celebration. I know Lucas likes to tweak the series when he re-releases it but did he really have to add in someone who was only two when the movie originally came out?

               The Truman Show (Directed by Peter Weir) I remember seeing this movie in theater five times the summer it came out. I enjoyed it and it just happen to be the only movie playing when I got off work at the theater and before I got picked up, I didn't have my license yet. It has been at least five years since I have seen it and watching it now feels different since the idea of "reality television" is on every single TV network every day of the week.

August 6
               PCU (Directed by Hart Bochner) I LOVE this movie. I still remember seeing it for the first time on Comedy Central and laughing all the way through. I always hoped college would be like this, but we all know it isn't. This movie has provided me with so many quotes to throw out from time to time and when I do, I find new people that have seen and enjoy the movie.

August 7
               Office Space (Directed by Mike Judge) After being disappointed by Ron Livingston in Drinking Buddies I decided I needed to watch one of his better movies. Office Space is also a fun movie to watch when you want to unwind and not think about much about what you're seeing.

August 9
               Beetlejuice (Directed by Tim Burton) This was movie 365 for my challenge this year and I picked it because of the memories I have of seeing it for the first time 25 years ago. This is one of my favorite Tim Burton movies.

365 Movies in 221 Days

When I first started this challenge I wasn’t certain if I would reach 365 by the end of the year, let alone early August. Now that I have completed my initial challenge I am working towards challenge 2.0 now. My new goal is to watch 500 total movies by the end of the year.

August 10
               Weird Science (Directed by John Hughes) Classic John Hughes movie. This was the first Hughes movie I have watched this year but it won't be the last.
               I Got Next (Directed by Ian Cofino) This documentary about a few guys who play Street Fighter in tournaments was not what I was expecting. I thought it would be more about the culture of video games and tournaments but it focused only on Street Fighter. Street Fighter was fun to play back in the 90's and early 00's but it doesn't appeal to me much anymore.
               Cloud Atlas (Directed by Tom Tykwer & Andy Wachowski & Lana Wachowski) I have been holding off on watching this movie for months because of mixed reviews from people. I finally watched it and though I am confused about a few parts I really enjoyed the movie. Besides the storyline being very interesting the movie was visually stunning and the score was beautiful to listen to.

August 11
               Mars Attacks (Directed by Tim Burton) So many big name stars in this alien invasion movie from Tim Burton. Too bad all the stars couldn't make it a good movie. I know it was meant to be cheesy but they could have at least made it somewhat enjoyable. I still remember seeing this in theaters with my dad and brother.
               Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Directed by John Hughes) This is probably my favorite John Hughes movie from my childhood. Looking back now though I wonder why Jeanie was arrested at home for making a false police report. Shouldn't the cops, already knowing he was sick, have tried to confirm her story before taking her to the police station? There are a couple other things I question but that one stuck out most to me. Oh and how did all the flowers get inside if the front door was locked?

August 12
               How High (Directed by Jesse Dylan) Boy I had forgotten how bad this movie was. Not really sure what I enjoyed about it 12 years ago. The highlight for me had to be the re-emergence of Lisa Turtle from Saved by the Bell.

August 13
               Big Miracle (Directed by Ken Kwapis) This true story based film was fun to watch. I remember the whale craze of the early 90's with Free Willy and a whale exhibit at our local history museum. I don't remember when the events of the film took place but it was cool to see the archive footage during the credits to show that people around the world did come together to save a small family of whales.

August 14
               The Associate (Directed by Donald Petrie) I don't know why I enjoy watching this movie because it is stupid and not overly funny. Having said that if I come across it on TV I usually stop to watch it or I record it. It is funny to see that back in the 90's they made it seem like all you needed to create a fake identity was Windows 95 and AOL.

August 15
               Starship Troopers (Directed by Paul Verhoeven) I saw this movie opening night almost 16 years ago and ever since it has been a guilty pleasure of mine. My dad and I went to the RiffTrax screening of this film and had a GREAT time. The movie itself is cheesy beyond belief and the acting by the bugs is more believable than Denise Richards.

August 16
               Avatar (Extended Edition) (Directed by James Cameron) I know people will take shots at this movie but I enjoy it. Visually it is beautiful and though the story isn't original it is told well. I am not so sure we need all the sequels they are supposedly planning but the first one is fun to watch from time to time. That does include the 3 hour extended version.
               Kick-Ass 2 (Directed by Jeff Wadlow) This movie had some good parts but it had many more bad parts. It felt very inconsistent and lost its flow from the first film. The high school 'Mean Girls' story line was very predictable and didn't belong in an action movie.
               The Whole Nine Yards (Directed by Jonathan Lynn) They should have never made a sequel to this comedy, it ruined the fun of the first one. I like the cast as a whole in this movie and I thought Matthew Perry did a good job as the neurotic dentist.

August 17
               Batman (Directed by Tim Burton) To continue my now weekly Michael Keaton viewing I went with Tim Burton's Batman. It is interesting to see the difference between this Batman and Nolan's trilogy. Burton's Batman focused more on the battle of Batman and The Joker while only developing a couple supporting characters. Nolan's Batman did a really good job of developing a lot of the supporting characters. He also found the right actors to fit the characters.
               Epic (Directed by Chris Wedge) There was nothing special about this mediocre animated film. The characters and voice actors were just ok. I liked the concept of the story but I also thought it was lacking in substance. It is a good movie for children but I like my animated movies to have a bit more depth compared to this.

August 18
               Dawn of the Dead (2004) (Directed by Zach Snyder) Not really the best thing to watch during breakfast after you don't get much sleep. I am not a big fan of horror movies but this one isn't bad. I like the actors in it.
               The Princess Bride (Directed by Rob Reiner) I don't know anyone that doesn't like this movie. It is a fun story and full of quotable moments. I like that the movie is told as if it was a book being read. Now if Hollywood could figure out a way to make a movie that follows its original source more closely.

August 20
               Caddyshack II (Directed by Allan Arkush) Stupid me for watching this. I got home late and decided to watch this while I was making dinner. I had forgotten how bad it was. I will make a mental note to never watch this movie again.

August 21
               The Expendables 2 (Directed by Simon West) There is never a wrong time to enjoy a movie with lots of explosions and cheesy one liners. Can The Expendables 3 get released immediately please?

August 22
               Bronson (Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn) I don't get the love people have for this movie. I thought Tom Hardy did great, especially on stage playing multiple parts. The story however lost me in multiple parts. I was really looking forward to finally watching this movie too. Maybe I should revisit it at a later date to see if my opinion of it changes.

August 23
               Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Directed by Gore Verbinski) Lately I have been playing the Pirates of the Caribbean Lego game on my PS3 and while playing through the first movie on the game I realized I didn't remember much about the movie itself. Ten years later and this movie still holds up. The story and characters are very strong all the way through. Though the sequels went downhill more and more with each release this movie can still stand on its own without much trouble at all.

August 24
               Coyote Ugly (Directed by David McNally) I forgot that there is an actual storyline for this movie. I thought it was jsut about cute girls dancing on bars to the jukebox. Thankfully it isn't much of a storyline otherwise it would ruin the movie.
               Back to the Future Part II (Directed by Robert Zemeckis) Still fun to watch all these years later. I made sure to take note that the movie takes place in 2015 and not 2012, 2013 or whenever someone tries to create a fake meme about the date. I've always wondered if the Sports Almanac held all the sports scores for the previous century why was it so small? The print had to be really really tiny to fit it all in.
               Tommy Boy (Directed by Peter Segal) I really think that if he didn't die Chris Farley would still be in Adam Sandler's movies in place of Kevin James. I like Kevin James a lot but there was always something about Farley that made it hard not to enjoy whenever he was on the screen.
               Multiplicity (Directed by Harold Ramis) I'd say this filled my weekly Michael Keaton quota quite well. Keaton delivers four solid performances all as a different version of himself. I had forgotten about this movie when I asked about the merits of Michael Keaton. I’m glad some friends reminded me because it is a very funny movie.

August 25
               The Island (Directed by Michael Bay) One of Michael Bay's better films. The storyline alone had me interested from the start The action scenes were big budget but not over the top like his Transformers fight scenes. It also didn't hurt that he cast the lovely and always stunning Scarlett Johansson.
               The Other Guys (Directed by Adam McKay) I have a problem with stupid humor movies at times because the characters stupidity leads to the humor and I don't enjoy that; having said that this movie is hilarious. The pairing of Mark and Will is a great one. Michael Keaton as the police captain / Bed Bath and Beyond manager was funny too.
               A Bug's Life (Directed by John Lasseter & Andrew Stanton) Early Pixar film that showed you don't have to have all A-list actors to make a good animated film. I hadn't watched this is probably seven years but it was still as enjoyable now as it was back then.

August 26
               Chronicle (Directed by Josh Trank) As the old comic book saying goes, "With great power comes great responsibility." Too bad the main character in this comic book style movie didn't live by that oath. This was a surprise favorite of mine last year. I look forward to seeing more from Mr. Trank in the future.

August 27
               Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (Directed by Tom Shadyac) Who doesn't enjoy early Jim Carrey? I never watched much In Living Color so this was my main introduction to Carrey and I have been a fan most of the time since then. His voices and mannerisms are what make this movie great.

August 28
               Mean Girls (Directed by Mark Waters) This movie has been on my DVR for a few months and today was probably not the best day to watch it. I was bored during most the movie and though I have liked it on previous viewings I didn't really care for it this time.

August 29
               Ice Age (Directed by Carlos Saldanha & Chris Wedge) Dreamworks has gotten a lot better of the years with their animated films and this was one of the movies that helped set them on the right path. They figured out that along with good animation and a strong plot you need to find the right mix of voices, and they did just that.

August 30
               Lethal Weapon (Directed by Richard Donner) What is with action movies in the 80's taking place right around Christmas? Both Die Hard and Die Hard 2 followed the Christmas timeline as did Lethal Weapon. Not your typical buddy cop action movie but a good introduction to the characters that we would see onscreen three more times.
               Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Directed by Chris Columbus) Before seeing this movie after it first came out on DVD I had never read any of the Harry Potter books. Since then I have read all of them two and for a couple of the books three times through. This was a pretty good adaptation from book to screen.
               Bulletproof Monk (Directed by Paul Hunter) The plot to this movie is beyond stupid but it turned out to be fun to watch in the end. I am not sure how the studio was sold on the casting of Chow Yun-Fat & Seann William Scott in the same movie but they were.

August 31
               Toy Story 2 (Directed by John Lasseter & Ash Brannon & Lee Unkrich) Not as good as the original but it is still better than any other Pixar sequel to this point. I never saw this movie in theaters. I didn't actually watch it for the first time until it was released on Blu-Ray a few years back.
               Thor (Directed by Kenneth Branagh) Before seeing this movie I didn't really know much about the character but Marvel did a really good job of taking a comic book character and introducing him to the masses in this film. I am really looking forward to the sequel this fall.
               The Dream Team (Directed by Howard Zieff) This was my first time watching this Michael Keaton film and I really enjoyed it. Four mental patients are on their own in New York, what can go wrong? Well they might get suspected of murder. If you haven't seen this movie check it out, it is really funny.

56 Different Movies Watched in August. 402 Movies in 243 Days

September 1
                Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (Directed by Chris Columbus) When I originally saw this movie I didn't know it was based on a book series. I really liked the movie so I thought I would give the books a shot. I have now read all of the books in the series including the spinoff series. If you're a fan of the Harry Potter movies then you will enjoy this movie. There are some pretty good cameos in it too.
                The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew (Directed by Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas) I remember watching this as a kid with my dad and finding it hilarious. Now all these years later it is still funny but not as hilarious as I remember it as a kid.. This was my first and only experience with Bob & Doug McKenzie. One big thing I can't believe about this movie is it is rated PG even when it is all about beer and takes place for a majority at a beer factory.
                Robin Hood: Men in Tights (Directed by Mel Brooks) Blazing Saddles was long before my time but I like to think that this and Spaceballs are the Blazing Saddles of my generation if that makes sense. Mel Brooks is a genius and I really wish he was still directing movies even at age 87.

September 2
                The Mummy (Directed by Stephen Sommers) Fun action movie with a good cast and visuals. The sequels were not as good as the first in the series and the last one was horrible after recasting the main character. This movie has held up pretty well over the years.
                Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Directed by Edgar Wright) I know this movie didn't do great in theaters but it is still a favorite of mine. The special effects and visuals throughout the movie helped to tell a fun yet awkward story. The one problem I have with this movie is there wasn't enough Anna Kendrick. #KendrickCrush
                The Perfect Game (Directed by William Dear) I have mentioned before that I am a fan of sport movies especially ones that are based on a true story. Until I came across it on Netflix I had never heard of this movie about a little league team from Mexico in the late 1950's that came to the United States to compete in the Little League World Series. I do not know why I had never heard of this movie. This could have easily been a Disney movie. Even though it wasn't from Disney, it was still a very good movie that I have already suggested to a friend.

September 3
                Contagion (Directed by Steven Soderbergh) It took all of five minutes for this movie to freak me out beyond belief. I contemplated turning it off but stuck with it. Overall it was a pretty good movie. The story while scary was intriguing and all of the characters played their roles well. What scared me most was how easy this could happen in real life.

September 4
                Madagascar (Directed by Eric Darnell & Tom McGrath) Another fun animated movie from Dreamworks. Like with Ice Age they found a simple story that was fun to follow and a good cast of characters to voice the different animals. It is easy to see how they got so many sequels out of this series.

September 6
                The Blind Side (Directed by John Lee Hancock) After watching the Broncos dismantle Michael Oher and the Ravens I decided to watch this movie again because it is one of my favorite sports related movies in recent years. It is still a lot of fun to watch the Michael Oher and the Tuohy's grow in to one united family. I was very happy when Sandra Bullock won her Oscar for this movie.
                Ice Age: The Meltdown (Directed by Carlos Saldanha) Fun sequel to the Ice Age franchise. The introduction of new characters was nice but it felt like some parts ran on just so they could fill time.
                300 (Directed by Zach Snyder) From start to finish this movie is amazing in all aspects. The storyline sucks you in as you begin to feel like one of the warriors defending your land. The scenery is also beautiful to look at. Snyder knew what he was doing when he brought this movie together.

September 7
                Fast Times at Ridgemont High (Directed by Amy Heckerling) This was the first time I ever saw this movie from beginning to end, I had only seen it in pieces previously. The story as a whole was good but what really stuck out to me was how different some things are now compared to back then. I mean hell, concert tickets were really cheap back then even when being scalped.
                Bait (Directed by Antoine Fuqua) This movie is stupid but still enjoyable to watch because of Jamie Foxx and his comedy. It is funny how this movie doesn't feel that old but GPS tracking technology is completely different and easier now compared to when this movie came out.

September 8
                The Great Outdoors (Directed by Howard Deutch) This use to be one of my favorites growing up. Dan Aykroyd and John Candy did a great job playing off one another. 25 years later the movie holds up pretty good in my opinion.

September 10
                Shrek (Directed by Andrew Adamson & Vicky Jenson) I love this animated film. It does a great job of mixing child and adult humor throughout while not going overboard. There are so many great one liners in the movie and the story is enjoyable too.

September 11
                Project X (Directed by Nima Nourizadeh) This movie is bad and shows what is wrong with the youth of America today. I was not popular enough to get invited to a lot of high school parties growing up but I am pretty sure none of them turned out like this. The only thing I like about this movie is the soundtrack. One thing that really sucks is I actually own this movie.

September 12
                Invincible (Directed by Ericson Core) Hmmm a sports movie based on a true story? You know I am already sold on it. Who doesn't like a story about a normal guy who defies the odds and makes something of himself? The lead and supporting cast of this movie help bring the characters to life.

September 13
                Armageddon (Extended Edition) (Directed by Michael Bay) Over the top Michael Bay with cheesy romantic storyline and a memorable song makes for a fun action flick. I think the supporting cast is better than Bruce and Ben. It also makes me miss Michael Clarke Duncan even more. He was always so much fun to watch.
                Chicken Little (Directed by Mark Dindal) Fun but forgotten animated film. The story is nothing too special but I enjoyed the animation and voice actors. It did have some funny one liners tossed in as well.
                Night Shift (Directed by Ron Howard) If I haven't said it before I will now, I withdraw my Michael Keaton popularity question that I posed a couple months ago. Though he wasn't the main star of this comedy about morgue attendants that become pimps, his character was hilarious pretty much every moment he is on screen.

September 14
                Leathal Weapon 2 (Directed by Richard Donner) Diplomatic Immunity doesn't mean shit when you cross Riggs and Murtaugh. This Richard Donner sequel was full of action right from the start. The addition of Joe Pesci was a nice touch to add a little more comedy.
                Blackfish (Directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite) After watching this documentary I don't know if I ever want to go or could go to Sea World. This film contains a lot of interviews with former trainers and archive footage from park visitors. I originally thought this was going to be about how the killer whales are treated at Seas World but I was wrong. The film mainly focuses on a specific mall killer whale Tilikum that over the years has killed three people but still performs on a daily basis down in Florida.

September 16 
               Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Directed by Eric Darnell & Tom McGrath) This is my favorite movie in the Madagascar series. The characters and voice actors help carry the movie along at a good pace. It also makes me laugh the most.

September 18 
               24: Redemption (Directed by Jon Cassar) To this day 24 is still one of my favorite shows of all time. This TV movie helped fill the gap between seasons when the writers strike shut down production. I cannot wait for the new mini season to start next spring.

September 19 
               Yellowbrickroad (Directed by Jesse Holland & Andy Mitton) This movie was recommended to me by my girlfriend and while it wasn't the best movie visually it was still a good movie because of how each of the characters broke down in their own way while lost. SPOILER ALERT:  Neither The Wizard or Elton John make an appearance.

September 20 
               Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Directed by Carlos Saldanha & Mike Thurmeier) My least favorite of the Ice Age series. This movie felt like they just made a sequel to make keep the series alive. It didn't feel as fun or creative as the first two movies in the series.

September 21 
               The Bling Ring (Directed by Sofia Coppola) This movie annoys me to a new level. The movie itself isn't the problem but the characters and the plot does. This movie is based on the real life Bling Ring from a few years ago when a much of stupid high school students decided to rob from celebrities. Though most the parents of the kids aren't in the movie that much I put a lot of blame on them for what their kids did. Leslie Mann’s role as one of the parents was especially disturbing.
               The Croods (Directed by Kirk De Micco & Chris Sanders) One of the best animated movies I have seen in a long time. The story was fun and the animation itself was really well done. The best part of the movie though has to be the actors voicing all the characters. Nic Cage was the perfect choice for the father role and the rest of the cast down to Clark Duke, who I am not a huge fan of, helped bring their characters to life.

September 25 
               The Book of Manning (Directed by Rory Karpf) When Peyton Manning first came to Denver last year I wasn't as excited as the majority of Colorado because I wasn't a big fan of him and I thought he was a bit of a showoff. Fast forward 18 months and through his actions on and off the field I have grown to like him. After watching this documentary by Rory Karpf, who is a great director and comedian, I wish I knew the Manning family personally because they are amazing. I had heard of Archie Manning before but I didn't know much about him otherwise. I can't even dislike Eli Manning anymore after watching this. If you have a chance to check this out do so.

September 27 
               Knucklehead (Directed by Michael W. Watkins) I will admit I was only paying half attention to this movie when I watched it. I was doing stuff around the house and just wanted something on in the background. What I did see of it I enjoyed, mainly because I have been a fan of Paul Wight since his days back in WCW and now WWE.

September 28 
               The Five-Year Engagement (Directed by Nicholas Stoller) I don't usually like romantic comedies but this movie is a lot of fun. Segel and Blunt play well off one another and Pratt is hilarious every time he is on the screen. The final proposal scene is my favorite part of the movie but it doesn't take away from all the enjoyable scenes throughout the film.
                The Heat (Directed by Paul Feig) This movie made me laugh, it did take until 90 minutes in to laugh but I laughed nonetheless. I like Sandra Bullock but I don't get the love everyone has for Melissa McCarthy. Her characters always seem to be the same kind and it isn't very funny. The movie itself wasn't bad but like I said, it only made me laugh once.

September 30
               Night at the Museum (Directed by Shawn Levy) This is one of my favorite Ben Stiller movies. It has a creative storyline about how everything comes alive in the museum at night. The subplot about a few guys trying to steal the source of the power was okay but I would have enjoyed seeing a few hours of them focusing on the different museum sections coming to life. Ben Stiller does have some cheesy moments but it works in this film.
               Lethal Weapon 3 (Directed by Richard Donner) My Lethal Weapon watching has come to an end. While part 3 is my least favorite of the series it is still a fun movie. The comedy and action were there but the main storyline was a bit boring for the Lethal Weapon series.
               The Girl Next Door (Directed by Luke Greenfield) No matter what people say about Kim Bauer's character on 24, I still had a major crush on Elisha Cuthbert back when this movie came out. I laugh every time I watch this movie but not because of Elisha or leading man Emile Hirsch, The funny comes from the supporting cast mainly Chris Marquette and Timothy Olyphant.

35 Different Movies Watched in September. 437 Movies in 273 Days

October 1
               The Purge (Directed by James DeMonaco) I started watching this with my girlfriend one night but we had to stop because the movie is very disturbing. I decided to finish watching it a few days later and I have to say the second half is just as disturbing. I am not sure if so many people liked this movie because they know it will never happen but during the opening credits as they are showing security camera footage I got a bad feeling in my stomach as soon as I saw Westminster Colorado show up as one of the videos. That clip hit a little too close to home for me.

October 2
               Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (Directed by Shawn Levy) This sequel is not nearly as fun as the original. A lot of the jokes are similar to the original. I like the history facts discussed throughout it but it doesn't make up for overall lame storyline. Also, Amy Adams looks nothing like 9News traffic reporter Amelia Earhart. I'm pretty sure only Colorado residents will understand that comment.

October 5
               Executive Decision (Directed by Stuart Baird) This is another movie that I remember watching with my dad numerous times while I was growing up. I was not a big fan of it early on but I grew to enjoy this terrorist hijack film more and more as I watched it with my dad. The movie features a pretty good list of Hollywood stars that were just coming up the ranks when this film was released.
               30 Little Big Men (Directed by Al Szymanski) This ESPN 30 for 30 documentary has been sitting in my Netflix queue for months now and I finally came across it again and decided to watch it. I was a newborn when the events featured in this film so I don't remember any of it. It is a very interesting look at a Little League team from Washington that shocked the Baseball world with their upset victory in the World Series. The film also looks at how fame can put pressure on a star athlete to perform even better while also making them a target for unwanted comments and threats.

October 6
               The Birth of Big Air (Directed by Jeff Tremaine) If you're a fan of the X-Games then you know who Mat Hoffman is. This ESPN documentary looks at how Mat grew from a kid in Oklahoma to one of the greatest extreme sports stars in history. I really liked that Jeff Tremaine the director of the Jackass movies directed this film as he and Mat are friends in real life.

October 10
               Monsters University (Directed by Dan Scanlon) I didn't have high hopes for this movie but in the end it surprised me as I enjoyed it. Yes some of it was cheesy and not well thought out but overall I liked the story and the animation was of true Pixar quality. Goodman and Crystal are great as the leads.

October 11
               The Campaign (Directed by Jay Roach) Will Ferrell punches a baby and a dog and I still wanted him to win the election. This movie is pretty stupid mainly with Zach Galifianakis' part but that is because I am not a big fan of his. Ferrell brings the funny though and he brings it BIG time. This reminded me of his George Bush skits on SNL back in the day.

               Gravity (Directed by Alfonso Cuarón) Angie and I saw this is IMAX 3D and I have to say it is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen. The ever changing scenery in space as they circle the moon is just mesmerizing. Yes there are inconsistencies of what would actually happen in space but that doesn't matter to me because it is a movie. This film reminds me of Tom Hanks' Cast Away but in space. I highly recommend it.

               Swordfish (Directed by Dominic Sena) Hacker movies are funny to watch because Hollywood loves to play up how easy it is for someone to hack a high security website. Having said that, I enjoyed the plot of this movie and all of the characters. Travolta makes a great villain that is so easy to hate.

October 12
               40 Minutes of Hell (Directed by Kenan Harris-Holley) This ESPN Documentary about former Arkansas Basketball coach was very interesting to watch. I knew that he was a successful basketball coach but I also remembered the controversy after he left Arkansas a decade ago. Learning about his family life and early coaching career shed a new light on Richardson. Bill Clinton is featured numerous times throughout the film as he is a big Arkansas fan and a friend of Richardson.

               King Ralph (Directed by David S. Ward) I use to watch this as a kid and really enjoy it. Fast forward 20 years and I still get a kick out of it. John Goodman is hilarious as the Vegas singer turned King of England. I think the reason I like this movie so much is because of Goodman. It is hard not to enjoy a movie he is in.

               After Earth (Directed by M. Night Shyamalan) What in the world did I just watch? I was afraid to watch this movie because of all the bad things I heard about it. Well, they were wrong. The movie is worse than you have heard. The dialogue and storyline is hard to follow and did every member of the main family have to have a different accent or was that just another screw-up by Shyamalan? This is the new frontrunner for worst movie of my challenge.

October 16
               No Mas (Directed by Eric Drath) Having been born in 1982 I missed both of the Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran fights which included Duran giving up mid-fight during their rematch. This wasn't my favorite ESPN 30 for 30 documentary but it was still very interesting to see all the trash talking that led up to the fights and all the media scrutiny that followed Duran giving up.

October 17
               Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain (Directed by Leslie Small & Tim Story) I am over Kevin Hart. It took almost 20 minutes in this comedy special for him to tell a joke and it wasn't funny. I don't get why people like him so much. My dad is a big fan of his but I just don't get it.

October 18
               Ted (Directed by Seth MacFarlane) This movie was funnier the first time I saw it after it originally came out. MacFarlane isn't very funny to me in general and during this viewing I realized what I originally thought was hilarious was very childish now.
               Grown Ups 2 (Directed by Dennis Dugan) I didn't like the first 35 minutes or so but after that I actually enjoyed the movie. Not the best thing out there but it was still something fun to watch. One thing I will say about Adam Sandler is that he never forgets about his friends. This movie was filled with appearances by friends from his past movies and Saturday Night Live days.
               Machete Kills (Directed by Robert Rodriguez) This sequel based on Rodriguez's fake trailer turned movie is full of over the top kills and celebrity cameos. The movie gets a little confusing at one point but then someone is killed in a not quite possible way to bring everything back together.

October 19
               Mannequin (Directed by Michael Gottlieb) I can't believe this was a movie back in the 80's and it actually spawned a sequel too. I am not sure what else can be said besides "Please Hollywood do not remake this piece of garbage!"
               Miracle (Directed by Gavin O'Connor) I still get chills down my spine whenever I hear the "Do you believe in miracles" line from the 1980 Winter Olympics. This Disney film looking back at what led up to the Semi-Final game against the Soviet Union is so well done that it might be my favorite true sports movie ever. The casting was perfect in bringing to life the characters that went from being a bunch of kids on different college teams to being a team themselves representing the United States of America.
               Career Opportunities (Directed by Bryan Gordon) I worked for Target for eight and a half years from High School all the way through college, this movie was the reason why. Okay my Target origin story didn't really come about because of this 1991 movie, it just sounded funny. I don't know what it is about this movie but I like it. The story and the characters besides Jennifer Connelly aren't anything special but this movie is still enjoyable to me. I think it is because I did work at Target for so long and I realize that though this movie is 20 years old not a lot has changed for the company. The signage is still the same and the general store decor is the same. One thing that was a bit over the top was how messy the store is after closing. I worked overnight many times while working for Target and even during Christmas there was not as much trash on the floors as in the movie, yes I am nitpicking now.

October 21
               The Pacifier (Directed by Adam Shankman) I don't care what others say but I really enjoy this movie. No it isn't a great story nor does it include amazing acting. It is just a fun movie that makes me laugh from beginning to end.  

October 22
               Friday the 13th (2009) (Directed by Marcus Nispel) This has to be one of the worst remakes I have ever seen. It was not scary at all and the plot in general was boring. Hollywood really needs to get over this PG-13 BS when it comes to scary movies.

October 23
               Big Shot (Directed by Kevin Connolly) I really enjoyed this ESPN 30 for 30 documentary about John Spano and the scam he pulled on the NHL that led to him being in control of the New York Islanders. I had wondered why major league sports take so long to approve a new owner for a team and this movie shows the reason why. To think that what truly brought Spano down in the end was him sending a fax from his banker from his own personal fax machine. I'm sorry Islander fans that you went through all this, but on the bright side you did get rid of that horrible cartoon-like fisherman logo finally.

October 25
               The Way Way Back (Directed by Nat Faxon & Jim Rash) I watched this based on a recommendation from my friend Lexi and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It was a very good story that reminded me a bit of Perks of Being a Wallflower that I watched earlier this year. If you are thinking this will be a comedy based on the cast I'm sorry to say you will be disappointed.
               The Conjouring (Directed by James Wan) It is a well known fact that I do not like scary movies and though I agreed to watch this with my girlfriend I was still scared. For the first half I was psyching myself out and my girlfriend had to ask me multiple times if I was okay and if I wanted to turn it off. I resisted the offer of turning it off and stuck with it. By the end of the film I found myself enjoying the movie and was glad to finish it.

October 26
               The Dotted Line (Directed by Morgan Spurlock) I was really hoping for more from this ESPN 30 for 30 about sports agents. The biggest problem I had with it was that the main agent being followed around was not high profile in the least. I did not recognize any of the names he was representing. I like Morgan's other documentaries but I thought this one was not up to his standards.
               R.I.P.D. (Directed by Robert Schwentke) If you thought the movie looked bad based on the previews you were dead on! 20 minutes in to this movie my dad and I both agreed there is no way that there should be a sequel for this really bad Men in Black rip-off. Take my word for it and avoid this movie. I don't know who I liked less whether it was Jeff Bridges or Ryan Reynolds.

October 28
               Turbo (Directed by David Soren) Dreamworks has been on the rise for the last few years so hopefully this turd of a movie doesn't hurt them. I know animated movies are supposed to be imaginative and out of this world but how did this make it past the idea stage. Besides the plot the voice acting wasn't up to par either.

October 29
               Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (Directed by Eric Darnell & Tom McGrath & Conrad Vernon) After Turbo I decided to watch a Dreamworks movie that I did enjoy. One thing I like about all the Madagascar films is they all follow a single sub-plot but the main plot is always different and fun.

October 30
               This is What They Want (Directed by Brian Koppelman & David Levien) Growing up I liked watching Tennis from time to time. The big names when I was growing up were Agassi and Sampras. One pro that I always heard about was Jimmy Connors. This 30 for 30 about Connors historic U.S. Open run at the age of 38 was very interesting. I think it would have been very cool to be in the stands to watch Connors come from behind to win a number of his matches.

30 Different Movies Watched in October. 467 Movies in 304 Days

November 1
               Ass Backwards (Directed by Chris Nelson) This movie was so hard to finish. I watched it after hearing about it on a few podcasts and was looking forward to it. But, right from the start I was not enjoying it. It didn't make me laugh and the plot itself was very dull.

November 2
               Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (Directed by Jeff Tremaine) I am fairly certain I have watched almost everything to do with Jackass. I go back as far as the MTV show and even watched all the CKY Videos in college. The one bit that I was never a huge fan of was Bad Grandpa. All that changed after watching this movie. Knoxville, Jonze and Tremaine found a way to take a 30 second bit and turn it in to a 90 minute movie that while funny also told a good story. Bad Grandpa would not be as enjoyable as it was without Jackson Nicoll who played the role of Billy, the Bad Grandson. The solo scenes of Jackson talking to complete strangers and staying in character were some of my favorites.
               What Happens in Vegas (Directed by Tom Vaughn) This is a stupid movie and I don't like Kutcher or Diaz much but I like this movie because of Rob Corddry and Dennis Farina. Their timing and one-liners are what make the movie one that I can tolerate. Lake Bell also has some funny moments sprinkled throughout.

November 3
               The Internship (Directed by Shawn Levy) I barely made it through the first half of this movie. The second half did provide me with some laughs but overall this movie was not good. Coming from a Google fanboy they didn't have to do this. Vaughn and Wilson should have stuck with Wedding Crashers as their team-up movie. Their humor feels dated in this movie.
               Four Days in October (Directed by Gary Waksman) With the Red Sox winning their third World Series in 9 years I figured it was time to watch this ESPN 30 for 30 about the 2004 ALCS when the Red Sox came back from down 3 games to none to beat the Yankees in 7 games. As long as you aren't a diehard Yankees fan this documentary is a lot of fun to watch. It is so easy to feel the excitement during Games 4 through 7.
               Resident Evil: Retribution (Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson) What makes each Resident Evil movie stand out from one another? I am pretty sure it is the subtitle because storyline wise I can't tell a difference at all.

November 4
               The Kings of Summer (Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts) The only press I saw for this movie was as pre-show entertainment at AMC Theaters. That was enough to get me to watch this movie and I am glad I did. It was a fun little movie about friends that are tired of their home life and want to venture out on their own. It is simple movies like this without lots of special effects that make me really enjoy my movie challenge this year.

November 6
               Under Siege (Directed by Andrew Davis) I remember that this was the first Steven Seagal movie I ever saw. All these years later there is nothing especially memorable about his movies but some are fun to sit back and watch, this is one of those. Ridiculous plot and characters make for an okay movie to have on in the background.

November 7
               Anaconda (Directed by Luis Llosa) Jon Voight is the man in this movie. I would gladly sit through two hours of just him and how he got to where he did in Anaconda. Other than that, this movie isn't very good.

November 8
               Jackass 2 (Directed by Jeff Tremaine) I realized earlier this week that this was the only Jackass film I had not yet watched this year. Like the other Jackass movies there are some stunts that are a bit uncomfortable to watch but then there are others that you want to watch over and over again. The last bit where the pranker was actually pranked might be one of the best in Jackass history.
               Exit Wounds (Directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak) Steven Seagal meets Tom Arnold and DMX in this bad and cheesy action movie. Predictable from the get go but I do remember buying this soundtrack and enjoying it when it first came out.

November 9
               Thor: The Dark World (Directed by Alan Taylor) Marvel delivers another solid comic book movie. A lot more action compared to the first Thor movie but also more character development. Like Iron Man 3 it does a good job of explaining what hapopened after New York in Avengers. I know Thor will be in the next Avengers movie but I hope there is a third solo movie because the ending of this movie allows for a number of possibilities.
               Eight Legged Freaks (Directed by Ellory Elkayem) What did I just watch? I recorded this as part of AMC's Fear Fest and there was nothing to fear at all. Very very cheesy plot and acting to match make this one movie I regret watching. The only highlights of the movie were seeing Scarlett Johansson and Kari Wuhrer on-screen.
               Total Recall (2012) (Directed by Len Wiseman) Though I like the original better, I still enjoyed this remake. I like Colin Farrell as well as his two love interests in the movie. I liked that they decided to remake this movie using the content from the book and not a straight remake from the Arnold classic.

November 10
               Outbreak (Directed by Wolfgang Petersen) Not sure why I decided to watch this movie but I woke up and as soon as I saw it in my DVR I knew it was the one to watch. This movie is filled with a great cast of characters. What makes it different from other movies filled with big name actors is, it doesn't suck. It has a good plot along the lines of Contagion in which it is very plausible and thus very scary to think it could happen.
               Straight Outta L.A. (Directed by Ice Cube) Growing up in Denver I've always been a Denver Broncos fan. In turn I have also despised the L.A/Oakland Raiders and Al Davis. This ESPN 30 for 30 was interesting because while I can't stand the Raiders I was very interested to learn about their influence on west coast rap in the late 80's. I also didn't know where the term 'Gangster Rap' came from until seeing this.

November 12
               2 Guns (Directed by Baltasar Kormákur) I enjoyed this Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington team-up movie. It had a fun plot with some good action. It was also very cool to see Edward James Olmos again. It had been a few years since I saw him in a movie.
               Last Vegas (Directed by Jon Turteltaub) Saw this with my parents and while it wasn't amazing or a new classic it was still enjoyable. I was really excited to see Kevin Kline and Morgan Freeman on screen. I wish I could find out how much it cost to coat Michael Douglas in makeup because it sure looked like a lot.

November 13
               Speed Racer (Directed by Andy Wachowski & Lana Wachowski) Why did it take me so long to watch this movie? From the opening scenes this movie had me sucked in and I was a bit bummed when it was finally over. The story was interesting but the visuals are what really had me hooked. The Wachowski's proved yet again that they know what they are doing when it comes to movies.

November 14
               Elysium (Directed by Neill Blomkamp) This was not the follow-up to District 9 I was hoping for from Blomkamp. District 9 was a cool movie with a good message. This movie on the other hand was not. Matt Damon was solid in it but the story as well as most his co-stars were lacking. I'm not really sure what has happened to Jodie Foster but I didn't feel any emotion towards her character except boredom.
               Taken 2 (Directed by Olivier Megaton) I knew this movie was going to be bad but it was on my DVR and I have a hard time deleting stuff that I haven't watched. The only thing I can say about this movie is I would never want to travel with Liam Neeson's character. He just invited danger it seems and unbelievable action too.

November 15
               Lockout (2012) (Directed by James Mather & Stephen St. Leger) Not sure how I ended up watching two movies in a row where Maggie Grace was in danger but I did. This movie was almost as hard to watch as Taken 2 was. I think I have an idea what the producers and directors were going for but it didn't happen in the end. This movie has the worst and most unbelievable re-entry from space scene I have ever seen. If that wasn't bad enough the last 5 minutes of the movie wraps up the sub-plot of the movie with maybe 5 lines of dialogue and lots of cut scenes.
               Big (Directed by Penny Marshall) This is another favorite from my childhood that I always enjoy watching. I don't know anyone that doesn't enjoy this Tom Hanks film. Whether it is the giant piano scene or jumping on a trampoline in your living room this movie shows the fun things kids want to do but their parents don't usually allow them to do.

November 16
               The World's End (Directed by Edgar Wright) I was really looking forward to this movie because of how much I enjoyed the first two movies in the trilogy, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Sadly I was disappointed with how this movie turned out. It was a cool concept but it never seemed to fully come together and the ending made no sense at all.
               Cliffhanger (Directed by Renny Harlin) I felt like watching a cheesy action movie while cleaning house and I picked this one. The sad part is I didn't get a lot of cleaning done because I kept stopping to watch Sly climb cliffs while kicking ass and taking names.
               Jedi Junkies (Directed by Mark Edlitz) The one thing that I remember most about this documentary about Star Wars fans was Olivia Munn offering a guy the chance to feel her boobs since she thinks he's never come close to doing so. This wasn't the best documentary I have ever seen but it also wasn't the worst. I had no clue how many different fan films for Star Wars were out there.

November 17
               Nitro Circus: The Movie (Directed by Gregg Godfrey & Jeremy Rawle) This was a fun movie to watch. It reminded me of X-Games meets Jackass. The stunts pulled in this movie are crazy and the crew is pretty enjoyable to listen to as well. Some of them were funnier than others but it was still a lot of fun to watch. The interview clips from X Games athletes and Hollywood stars were a nice addition to the movie.
               Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (Directed by Jay Roach) When my brother and I were growing up this was one of his favorite movies. He watched it so many times I am pretty sure he could recite the movie verbatim without any trouble. It has been at least 7 years since I last watched it and I still found myself laughing throughout. Some of the jokes feel dated and aren't as funny but overall it is still an enjoyable movie.

November 18
               What Women Want (Directed by Nancy Meyers) I remember liking this movie when it first came out but now I just find it boring and very cliché. Even the one-liners I previously laughed at didn't do anything for me.

November 20
               The Beaver (Directed by Jodie Foster) Just last week I referenced this movie in a joke to a friend and they told me that they really liked this movie. Having never watched it I decided to give it a shot and I now realize I was completely wrong in my previous comments about this movie. This is a very good movie that shows the effects that mental illness have on people and also how it is handled differently by people. The casting was very strong and I especially enjoyed Anton Yelchin's performance. He and fellow co-star Jennifer Lawrence are two of my favorite young actors in Hollywood.

November 21
               Clerks II (Directed by Kevin Smith) I love this movie. Like other Kevin Smith creations it has little moments that make you laugh but at the same time make you yell at yourself for laughing at something so inappropriate. My introduction to Kevin Smith was Clerks and it was nice to see the old characters back on screen.
               Bernie and Ernie (Directed by Jason Hehir) This was an interesting ESPN 30 for 30 special about former Tennessee Volunteer teammates and later NBA stars Bernard King & Ernie Grunfeld. I knew nothing about these two guys before watching this documentary but it was very interesting to see how two people from the completely opposite side of the tracks became great teammates on the court and lifelong friends off the court.

November 22
               The Green Lantern (Directed by Martin Campbell) I picked this as movie 500 for the year because it reminds me of my grandmother. She passed away two and a half years ago and on that day I was at a loss of what to do. My mom told me to go see a movie because she said my grandma knew seeing movies made me happy and she would want me happy. So that day I decided to see The Green Lantern that just opened that day. The movie is not very good but that doesn't matter because it will always remind me of her and that puts a smile on my face.

November 23
               Back to the Future Part III (Directed by Robert Zemeckis) Growing up I really enjoyed Back to the Future Part I & II. Also, while growing up I tried to forget about Back to the Future III. This movie felt like it was put together following a night of drinking while watching a really cheesy western on TV.
               The Terminal (Directed by Steven Spielberg) I forgot this was a Steven Spielberg movie, for some reason I always thought it was from Robert Zemeckis. It isn't the best Spielberg has delivered but I still really enjoy this movie. I think that is because Tom Hanks is a great actor and even he can make a guy trapped in an airport for months exciting.
               Batman Returns (Directed by Tim Burton) I had forgotten how dark and weird this movie was, it is Tim Burton at his best. If you took out Batman as the hero of this movie it would still be very enjoyable because all the other characters have their own personalities that could help carry the movie.

November 24
               The Breakfast Club (John Hughes) Yet another John Hughes classic. It is funny how 25+ years later the characters in this movie can still be found in students today. I will have to say that I wish I had as much fun in detention as they did.

November 26
               Con Air (Simon West) I have wanted to watch this movie for the last couple months but was unable to find my old DVD copy, thankfully it was showing on Encore during a free preview weekend. This is a very cheesy movie, like Nic Cage's accent. The reason I like it though is for all the stars in it. A friend said it was the 'Expendables of Prison Escapes' and I'd have to agree.
               The Hunger Games (Gary Ross) I really liked the book series and I remember being excited to see this when it first came out, only to be disappointed. I know it is difficult to do a direct adaptation but they changed a lot of stuff that in my opinion is vital to the entire series of movies.

November 27
               The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Francis Lawrence) This was so much better than the first Hunger Games movie. They stuck to the book more & didn't do anything to change the continuity of the series. Visually it was great to look at too.
               Robocop (Paul Verhoeven) Thank you Encore for your Free Preview week so I could watch this movie again for the first time in 15 years. The special effects are not special at all but it is an enjoyable movie

November 28
               Cast Away (Robert Zemeckis) This was the first movie as part of my Tom Hanks Thanksgiving Day Marathon. I am almost certain I would not last 4 months, let alone 4 years, on an island all by myself. Hell, I am not sure I would survive the plane crash the led to me being stranded on the island. There were two things that really bugged me about this movie. First, who in their right mind plans a welcome home party for someone stranded on an island and goes with a seafood theme? Second, what kind of accent was Helen Hunt going for, because it was awful.
               The Burbs (Joe Dante) The second movie in my Tom Hanks marathon is a fun look and living in the suburbs and the crazy neighbors will have come across at least once. The movie did have predictable twists sprinkled throughout but it was still enjoyable to watch.
               The Green Mile (Frank Darabont) I had forgotten how long this movie was. Coming in at just over 3 hours I have to admit it didn't feel that long. The movie flows pretty well throughout and there were any noticeable lulls that I was bored during. Michael Clarke Duncan was just amazing as John Coffey. It is still hard to believe that he is no longer with us.
               Bachelor Party (Neal Israel) When I watched Clerks II last week they referenced this movie so when I decided to do my marathon I had to include it. I didn't recognize any of Tom Hanks' buddies in the movie. Maybe they were popular back in the early 80's but they haven't had long careers like Mr. Hanks.
               Catch Me If You Can (Steven Spielberg) This is one of my all-time favorite Tom Hanks movies. From beginning to end it is fun. There are a number of cameos throughout the movie that add to the fun. Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio play well off one another and I would not be against seeing another movie with them together in the future.
               Toy Story 3 (Lee Unkrich) It might have taken 11 years to get Toy Story 3 released but it didn't lose any of its heart over the years. This is right up there with the first Toy Story for me. The story, characters and animation are all on point. I do hope that they decide not to go forward with a Toy Story 4 because this was a great way to close out the series.
               Forrest Gump (Robert Zemeckis) This was movie seven in my Tom Hanks Marathon and when I started it at 8:15 at night I wasn't sure I was going to be able to finish it before falling asleep. I stayed awake though and got though another very good Tom Hanks film. I had forgotten all the historical topics covered in the movie beginning with Elvis.

November 29
               Rush Hour (Brett Ratner) Boy Chris Tucker really fell off the map. After his run of Rush Hour movies he pretty much disappeared until I saw him in Silver Linings Playbook last year. I like the comedy and action in this film. Chris & Jackie play well off one another, hence the two sequels that followed this movie.
               Free Willy (Simon Wincer) Childhood favorite that after re-watching talks about a lot of the same stuff that the documentary Blackfish talked about earlier this year. I mainly wanted to watch it because I hadn't seen it in probably 15 years and the leap by Willy at the end still leaves me in awe.   
               Blade (Stephen Norrington) Another awesome movie from the Encore free preview. I've never read the comics but Wesley Snipes is great as Blade and the story while not totally original was very good mixed with great action. I need to find my copy of Blade 2 to watch, but I will be skipping Blade Trinity as it is a horrible addition to the series.

November 30
               Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (Rob Cohen) I remember the day I saw this movie with my dad and my brother. My dad took us to the $1 movie theater in Thornton and we were the only ones to see it. My brother and I were excited to see this movie because we were really in to martial arts films. To this day I think this is a very good movie that looks back on the life of a great man.
               RoboCop 2 (Irvin Kershner) While not as good as the first one the cheesiness of this sequel makes it enjoyable. The stop motion animation used shows how far special effects have come in the last 20+ years.
               Gleaming the Cube (Graeme Clifford) This was another favorite of mine from childhood. I never could go more than five feet on a skateboard but it was still fun to watch people skate. I really like the fact that a young Tony Hawk is in the movie and I laugh every time I see a Tony Hawk sticker get placed inside the airplane early in the movie.

54 Different Movies Watched in November. 521 Movies in 334 Days    

December 2
               Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (Directed by Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor) The plot to this movie reminded me of Drive Angry a bit but without Amber Heard and the R rating. I did enjoy this movie because of the action and special effects. Idris Elba was also in it and I have become a big fan of him over the past year.

December 3
               Riddick (Directed by David Twohy) This movie was very slow to get going. I had hoped for more after waiting nine years since Chronicles of Riddick but I am glad we got something in the end. I really enjoy the character of Riddick but this movie was just not very memorable in the end.

December 4
               Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Directed by Michael Bay) I really like the Transformer movie series. The kid still in me gets excited hearing the sound effects of a Transformer and seeing them transform on the screen. Having said that, this movie is not very good. the story felt thrown together and the jokes mixed in were not funny. Even watching this movie with a fever did not make it very enjoyable.
               The Day of the Doctor (Directed by Nick Hurran) I am not a huge Dr. Who fan but I have enjoyed watching it off and on the last year or two. This special TV movie brought together multiple Doctors trying to save lives across multiple timelines. I might have to watch some more Dr. Who.
               Remember the Titans (Directed by Boaz Yakin) Yep this was another sports movie based in truth. Though I have watched it a half dozen times over the years I still get excited when the team comes together at multiple times during the movie.

December 5
               Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Directed by Michael Bay) After the dud that was Revenge of the Fallen I was worried that this might be more of the same, but I was wrong. This movie was more like the first in the series with a fun storyline and good action scenes. The one thing I could have done without was Sam's new girlfriend. Her character was a bit annoying and at the end of the movie after Chicago has almost been destroyed and everyone is covered in dirt and rubble, she is still looking perfect in her high heels and white dress.
               The Benchwarmers (Directed by Dennis Dugan) Even being sick with a fever couldn't make this movie enjoyable. I remember liking it when it first came out but now I found it boring. I think it might have actually made my fever worse.

December 6
               Escape from New York (Directed by John Carpenter) I don't remember the last time I saw this movie but I was bored during this viewing. I enjoyed it more than its sequel that I watched earlier this year but I still didn't enjoy it very much.

December 7
               Space Cowboys (Directed by Clint Eastwood) Saw this was playing on AMC a few weeks ago so I decided to record it. Fun movie about 4 retired military men that get a chance to go in to space to fix a failing satellite. I could care less about the stuff that happened in space during the movie. The best parts were them trying to pass tests to qualify and the banter back and forth between the old guys and the youngsters.
               Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (Directed by Thor Freudenthal) I really like this book series. I got through all the books in just a few weeks a couple years ago. Though the movies don't exactly follow the books I still enjoy watching them. If you haven't read the books they are easy to get in to and enjoy.

December 8
               We Are Marshall (Directed by McG) This movie based on the aftermath of the horrible plane crash that killed most of the Marshall football team is very emotional on many levels. Seeing how the college town reacts and comes together to support the continuation of the football program is very heartwarming. My favorite part of the movie is while watching game tape of West Virginia Matthew McConaughey and Matthew Fox spot a tribute on the WVU football helmet in remembrance of their rival school.

December 9
               Law Abiding Citizen (Directed by F. Gary Gray) This is a very intense movie with lots of twists throughout. While most of it is hard to believe it is still a lot of fun to watch waiting to see what happens next. Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler both turn in solid performances.

December 10
               Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Directed by Geoff Murphy) This had been on my DVR since I watched the first Under Siege. I wasn't too excited about watching it but after being sick for a week and work being busy I decided to watch it while doing stuff around the house. Boring and stupid are the best words to describe this movie.

December 11
               Spawn (Directed by Mark A.Z. Dippé) I remember my dad taking me to see this when it first came out and I thought it was amazing. That was back when I was a bit of an idiot. This movie is 3 steps past bad and 1 door down from unwatchable. I like the comic and the HBO animated series but this is nothing like that and gives the franchise a bad name.

December 12
               Yes Man (Directed by Peyton Reed) Though this movie reminded me a bit Liar Liar but it is still enjoyable. Fun one liners and Zoey is absolutely lovely make this movie one I watch every year or so. I think this was the last Jim Carrey movie that I enjoyed from beginning to end.
               Toy Soldiers (Directed by Daniel Petrie Jr. ) Another childhood favorite featuring Sean Astin and Wil Wheaton. The concept of this movie is similar to other hostage oriented ones but I really liked this growing up because it was the kids that did all the cool work to save others and escape. The prank played on the headmaster early in the movie was also very creative and I wish I was creative enough to think of something like that.

December 13
               Scrooged (Directed by Richard Donner) My Christmas movie watching officially kicked off with this classic starring Bill Murray. I have watched this movie every year or so dating back to childhood and though it is a bit dated it is still enjoyable to watch every single time.

December 14
               Grumpy Old Men (Directed by Donald Petrie) No matter how many times I watch this movie it always makes me laugh. Yes at times it is a bit sexist but overall it is very funny. Jack and Walter play off one another so well. This was my main introduction to both great actors.
               TRON (Directed by Steven Lisberger) While watching this movie I compared it to the original Atari. It is very bland with the special effects and storyline. I can see why Disney wanted to prevent this from being sold prior to Legacy being released a few years ago.
               TRON: Legacy (Directed by Joseph Kosinski) If TRON is like the original Atari then TRON: Legacy is easily a PS3. It is amazing how far special effects and writing has come in 28 years for this sequel in the series. I would gladly watch at least one more sequel if it resembled this one visually.

December 15
               The Core (Directed by Jon Amiel) The earth's core needs to needs to get back in rotation or else we all die. Yes that was the concept for this bad movie. There is not much to like about this movie, even the cast. This is one movie I will not be watching again, EVER!
               Vantage Point (Directed by Pete Travis) Pretty good movie that showed the same events from multiple points of view leading up to the big reveal of all events in order. The plot was helped along by a strong overall cast. It reminded me a bit of Memento which is one of my favorite movies.

December 16
               Clerks (Directed by Kevin Smith) This is where my love for Kevin Smith and his movies began. I don’t really have much else to say besides I am glad to watched this movie for the first time so many years ago.

December 17
               The Social Network (Directed by David Fincher) From top to bottom this is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The story, the characters, the writing and the music are all top notch. The soundtrack to this movie is one of my Top 5 albums of all-time.

December 18
               Half Baked (Directed by Tamra Davis) Meh I was bored watching this movie. I don't know if it is because I wasn't in the right frame of mind or if I just didn't enjoy it. It has been probably 5+ years since I last watched it.

December 20
               Jaws (Directed by Steven Spielberg) I remember being scared watching this as a child. I spent most of the time with my eyes closed. Now when I watch it I wonder what made me so scared. All these years later it is still a fun movie to watch. The conversation between Brody, Quint and Hooper on the boat about their pasts was very interesting and added some good depth to the characters.
               Dogma (Directed by Kevin Smith) The first time I saw this movie was shortly after it was released in theaters. It was an afternoon showing after I got out of class and there were only 15-20 people in the theater with me. Shortly after the introduction of Buddy Christ 4 people in the theater got up in a hurry and stormed out. I got a good laugh out of seeing them leave and by the end of the movie I thought that it was probably a good idea they left early because they would have been pissed with what they saw the rest of the movie.
               American Hustle (Directed by David O. Russell) One of the best movies I have seen this year. David O. Russell likes to make long movies but also knows how to make great movies. His last three movies have all been homeruns in my book. The cast in this movie might be one of the best that I have seen in a long time.
               Elf (Directed by Jon Favreau) A recent Christmas classic that I added to my yearly watching list. In recent years I have had trouble watching Will Ferrell because the humor is too awkward for me and I just don't enjoy watching it. This movie though is not like that. Yes it is stupid humor but it is still enjoyable stupid humor.

December 21
               The Legend of Bagger Vance (Directed by Robert Redford       ) I remember when I saw this was playing on TV a few months ago that I decided to record it. Well, I finally found it still on my DVR and gave it a watch after having not seen it for a few years. I am a fan of Matt Damon and Will Smith and this movie is a very good collaboration of the two actors. It is a sports, primarily golf, themed movie so you know I am in from the get go.

               Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (Directed by Jalmari Helander) Watched this movie based on a suggestion from my friend Rooster and while it is a bit weird I still enjoyed it. The truth behind the "real" Santa Claus is revealed and actions need to be taken to stop him. There are a number of fun twists late in the movie which increased my enjoyment level.

December 22
               The Nightmare Before Christmas (Directed by Henry Selick) I know a lot of people love this movie but I find it to be just okay. There is nothing overly great about it in my eyes. It is fun to watch every few years but it isn't something that I must watch on a yearly basis.

               Pleasantville (Directed by Gary Ross) I think that this movie can be viewed in multiple ways. First about a brother and sister who are sucked in to a TV and have to live in a 1950's style TV show where everything was perfect and in black and white. The other more interesting way involves diversity and accepting people for being different no matter if they are in black and white or color. I really got in to this movie after watching it while taking a Cultural Diversity class back in college. I almost wrote my final paper for the class on it but went with another movie that covered similar issues.

               Home Alone (Directed by Chris Columbus) I fell asleep watching this while sick in bed but I made sure to watch what I missed after I woke up in the morning. I remember watching this every year at Christmas thinking how fun it would be to fend for myself and maybe take on some bad guys. All these years later I am not taking on any bad guys but I do like fending for myself, now if I didn't have to pay bills as part of my fending.

December 23
               Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (Directed by Chris Columbus) While watching this movie I raised what I thought was a very important question on Facebook: Is the reason we never got a 3rd Home Alone movie with Macaulay Culkin because Child Protective Services removed his character from his parents care following their return from New York? I am not sure how his parents could be allowed to keep custody of Kevin or their other children if something like what happened in the first two movies transpired today.

               Captain Phillips (Directed by Paul Greengrass) This Tom Hanks movie based on a true story might be his best movie in some time. I remember hearing on the news about a cargo ship that was boarded by Somali pirates. What I didn't know was that the pirates were not on the ship for very long and instead they took the captain hostage on a rescue boat. Since the story itself was written by the captain himself it is pretty easy to figure out the final outcome. But how they get to the final outcome is where Tom Hanks shines.

               The 16th Man (Directed by Cliff Bestall) Another solid documentary from ESPN narrated by Morgan Freeman. This 30 for 30 took a look at Nelson Mandela and the Rugby World Cup held in South Africa. I am a fan of the movie Invictus and this went a bit deeper in to some of the events portrayed in the film.

December 24
               Die Hard (Directed by John McTiernan) One of the best Christmas movies of all-time. I thought I had watched this earlier in the year but when I realized I hadn't I was really excited to watch it. I ended up watching it with my mom because she loves the Die Hard series and this is her favorite Christmas movie.

               Planes, Trains & Automobiles (Directed by John Hughes) I honestly don't remember ever watching this movie before. Having said that, it was an enjoyable movie. It was a bit predictable but it also provided some classic John Hughes moments.

               Christmas Vacation (Directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik) For the last ten years my dad and I have watched this Christmas classic on Christmas Eve. What I find most enjoyable about this movie is the running commentary that my dad and I provide during it. We both have our favorite lines that we quote before they happen and we always point out little things throughout the movie that make us laugh. No matter how many times I watch the movie I always find something new.

December 25
               A Christmas Story (Directed by Bob Clark) Hey TBS if you're going to air a marathon of this holiday classic you should include the entire movie, especially FUDGE! I had to rewind a few times to make sure I didn't miss it. Sadly it wasn't included at all.

December 26
               We're the Millers (Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber) I did not enjoy this movie. The only part that I actually laughed at was a single scene in the post credits outtakes. Please Hollywood do not waste money on making a sequel.

               47 Ronin (Directed by Carl Rinsch) Interesting story and great special effects made this Samurai movie enjoyable to watch. It was also fun to see Keanu Reeves back on the big screen. Watching the movie made me want to learn more about the story of the 47 Ronin.

               Fruitvale Station (Directed by Ryan Coogler) I have been looking forward to seeing this movie since I originally heard about it. It is a very sad story but it was also very interesting to see the journey of the main character throughout the movie. I highly recommend that people see this movie.

December 27
               The Wolf of Wall Street (Directed by Martin Scorsese) Holy crap that was a GREAT movie. This is my favorite movie of the year. It is almost 3 hours in length but it didn't feel like it. I am also really interested in seeing the original 4.5 hour cut that Scorsese originally put together.

               Rush (Directed by Ron Howard) Ron Howard knows how to make good movies, especially when the subject itself might not seem to be enjoyable right away. The movie was set in the 70’s but Ron Howard made it feel like it was originally filmed in the 70’s.

               Zoolander (Directed by Ben Stiller) I am not usually a fan of this type of comedy but for some reason Ben Stiller knows how to be funny enough to forget about my dislike for stupid and awkward humor. I am surprised that we have yet to get a sequel to this movie. They are working on a Night at the Museum 3 already but not a Zoolander 2?

December 28
               Big Trouble in Little China (Directed by John Carpenter) Another 80's classic that I am surprised it took me so long to watch. The movie is completely ridiculous but that is what makes it so much fun. Watching the movie got me thinking that Hollywood had a bit of a crush of truck drivers back in the mid-80’s.

               The American President (Directed by Rob Reiner) I never got in to watching The West Wing but I'd like to think that this movie was a bit of a prequel to the show. The writing was amazing and even after seeing this movie at least 15 times I still enjoy every minute of it. Michael J. Fox’s character was a lot of fun to watch. His idea of all dates are tentative until a confirmation call is made always makes me laugh.

               The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Directed by Peter Jackson) So much better than the first Hobbit movie. There is a reason I didn't watch Jackson's first Hobbit movie this year, I couldn't force myself to sit through it again. This movie flowed a lot better and kept me more entertained all the way through.

December 29
               Silly Little Game (Directed by Lucas Jansen & Adam Kurland) I am a big fan of playing Fantasy Football. I have been in a league with some old co-workers for almost ten years. This ESPN documentary looks back at the guys that invented what we now call Fantasy Sports.

December 30
               The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Directed by Ben Stiller) I don't remember this story from when I was growing up in school but I will need to check it out. This was a very nice surprise to me. It was nice to see Kristen Wiig in a movie and not be annoyed by the typical character she has played lately.

               Saving Mr. Banks (Directed by John Lee Hancock) This movie was okay. I am not a big Emma Thompson fan but Paul Giamatti though not in it a lot was my favorite character. Colin Farrell also put in a strong performance.

               Funny Farm (Directed by George Roy Hill) I had not seen this Chevy Chase movie in years before this viewing. There are a few parts that are incredibly stupid but for the most part the movie as a whole is enjoyable to watch all these years later.

               Rio (Directed by Carlos Saldanha) Saw the trailer for the sequel to this movie with Walter Mitty and figured I'd give it a shot. The story and characters were a lot of fun and the animation was high quality. It is a fun animated film.

December 31
               Kuffs (Directed by Bruce A. Evans) The best part of this movie is the "Osbourne style" curse rant that gets bleeped out like you are watching the movie on network TV.

               Men in Black (Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld) One of my favorite Will Smith movies as well as a Tommy Lee Jones favorite. The movie feels like a total comic book come to life that spawned two sequels. Mind you only the second sequel was any good.

               Sgt. Bilko (Directed by Jonathan Lynn) Fun Steve Martin movie I started while I was cleaning house. It took a lot longer to clean my place than it should have because I kept stopping to watch certain scenes. Phil Hartman is great in the movie and I miss that his life was cut short so early.

               June 17, 1994 (Directed by Brett Morgen) The sports world was on a bit of overload on June 17, 1994. The NY Rangers had just won the Stanley Cup, the NY Knicks were playing in game 5 of the NBA Finals, the FIFA World Cup was starting, Arnold Palmer was playing in his final round of the US Open and OJ Simpson was leading the LAPD and most of the viewing nation on a car chase around Los Angeles. This ESPN documentary features only audio and video taken that day as events unfolded. The crazy thing about the car chase on June 17 was I was in Los Angeles with my mom and brother visiting friends. I remember trying to watch the NBA finals and the local news coverage kept breaking in with updates about OJ. Finally they went with a split screen of the game and the car chase.

               The Monster Squad (Directed by Fred Dekker) For my last film of the year I picked my absolute favorite from childhood. Though I am not a big fan of monster or scary movies I have always enjoyed this movie. What isn't to like about a group of kids that are in to monsters and help take down Dracula, the Mummy, the Wolfman (who has nards) and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

60 Different Movies Watched in December. 581 Movies in 365 Days     

Movies Watched: 581
Movies To Go for 2.0: 0
Bonus Movies Watched: 81

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