
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Daily Special: Week 4

My first weekly update of the year is officially ready to go. Okay this is more like three updates in one, but from now on they will happen on a weekly basis.

Below are my movies of the week:

January 19
               G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (Directed by Stephen Sommers) This movie has some major flaws but what movie about a childhood toy doesn't? Though it has its flaws it still fun to watch and I wish they would have been able to carry over more of the original cast to the sequel, especially Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cobra.

January 20
               Road Trip (Directed by Todd Phillips) This movie came out right before I was set to graduate from High School. Two of my friends and I even ditched out early the last day of class to go see it. There is nothing amazing about this movie except that it is early Todd Phillips and back then he knew how to direct a funny movie. This is also the movie that introduced me to and made me a fan of DJ Qualls.

January 21
               Sherlock 3.03: His Last Vow (Directed by Nick Hurran) One thing I love about Sherlock is each episode is almost 90 minutes long. One thing I hate about Sherlock is there are only three episodes in a season. Now that the season is over I have to wait another year for more episodes and a conclusion to the interesting cliffhanger we were left with at the end of this episode.

               Fantastic Four (Directed by Tim Story) After the X-Men and Spider-Man but before Iron Man there was the Fantastic Four. I thought the casting choices for the Fantastic Four and Dr. Doom were okay. I can remember going to see this with three of my friends at Target. We got off at 2:30 one day and decided to go see it.

January 22
               Out of the Furnace (Directed by Scott Cooper) I am surprised that this movie and Christian Bale specifically did not get any serious consideration this award season. This might be the best performance I have ever seen from Bale. The movie had a dark and gritty feeling which paired well with the plot.

January 23
               The Mighty Ducks (Directed by Stephen Herek) It is hard not to enjoy this movie. No matter the kind of day I've had sitting down and watching this favorite from my childhood makes everything so much better. This is the only Duck Dynasty that matters.

January 24
               August: Osage County (Directed by John Wells) The family portrayed in this movie has some serious issues. They might even make Jerry Springer blush a bit. I did not really care for Meryl Streep in this movie because she went over the top from her first appearance on screen. Chris Cooper and Benedict Cumberbatch were the reasons I stuck with this movie all the way through. One interesting note about this movie is that my mom went to high school with the director John Wells.

January 25
               World War Z (Directed by Marc Forster) This was one of my surprise favorites from last summer. I liked the new take on the super-fast "zombies" but it also scared me because I knew I wouldn't have a shot to survive them. I would like to see the original cut of the movie before all the reshoots because I am sure that would explain why Matthew Fox was in the movie.

               Ghostbusters (Directed by Ivan Reitman) Thank you Netflix for making this one of your top picks for me. There are so many quotable moments in this movie and after just about 30 years it is still very enjoyable to watch.

Days Watched: 25
Movies Watched: 36

Book Worm: Weeks 1-4

This is my first weekly update of the year for the books I have started and finished. From this point going forward I will be posting my updates on a weekly basis.

Below are my finished books for the year:

January 1 – January 4
               Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of Seal Team 10 (Written by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson) Going through this book it is hard not to imagine that it feels like an action movie. The problem is this is not a movie at all, but instead a true story told by the lone survivor of a military mission back in 2005.Besides just telling the story of what happened during the mission the book also includes the family aspect of the storyteller and what they went through waiting to hear whether or not their son was alive.

January 5 – January 9
               Infected (Written by Scott Sigler) My friend Rooster suggested this book and series to me and I am glad he did. The book follows multiple characters that are either infected by weird creatures that can control their mind and actions or are trying to track down the infected. As soon as I was finished with the book I wanted to move on to the sequel right away.

January 12 – January 16
               World War Z (Written by Max Brooks) This book is set years after a "Zombie Apocalypse" and follows a writer looking for people to hear about their experiences during the battles with the zombies. This book would make for a GREAT 10 episode TV Miniseries.

January 19 – January 23
               Contagious (Written by Scott Sigler) The second book in the Infected series is just as good if not better than Infected. As soon as the book begins you are thrust in to the ongoing battle to stop the infections from spreading. The characters all have their little quirks which helps you become invested in them as the book goes on.

Books Finished: 4

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Daily Special: Weeks 1-3

My first weekly update of the year is officially ready to go. Okay this is more like three updates in one, but from now on they will happen on a weekly basis.

Below are my movies of the weeks:

January 1
               National Treasure (Directed by Jon Turteltaub) For the second year in a row I made this Nic Cage film my first movie of the year.

               The Wolverine (Directed by James Mangold) This movie is so much better compared to the Wolverine Origins movie. It does feel a bit long at times but still very enjoyable and it does a great job setting up for this year’s Days of Future Past movie.

               Sherlock 3.01: The Empty Hearse (Directed by Jeremy Lovering) I have been waiting for the third season to premiere since I binge watched the first two seasons last Christmas. Two years after his "death" Sherlock finally returned. My favorite part of this episode was John's reaction and actions after finding out Sherlock has been alive the entire time.

January 2
               Caddyshack (Directed by Harold Ramis) Nothing really needs to be said about this movie other than it still makes me laugh as much now as it did during my first viewing years and years ago.

January 3
               Don Jon (Directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) I was really looking forward to this movie as I am a big JGL fan and well Scarlet is smoking hot. I was disappointed though because the movie was not as good as I hoped. Every other word out of Tony Danza's mouth seemed to be a curse word and I swear JGL wrote the part of his buddy for Turtle from Entourage but when he couldn't get the real actor got a cheap knockoff instead.

January 4
               Private Parts (Directed by Betty Thomas) I have never listened to an episode of the Howard Stern show but I have heard lots of stories. I like this movie not because of the stupid things Howard has done but because of his reasons for doing them. I like seeing him try to get under the skin of his bosses.

               Olympus Has Fallen (Directed by Antoine Fuqua) This is such a fun movie to watch. It really reminds me of the original Die Hard but set in the White House. The storyline and characters are fun to watch and the action is classic 80's style.

January 5
               Spaceballs (Directed by Mel Brooks) I have seen this movie so many times that I could watch it with the sound off or with my eyes closed and know exactly what is going on. I was happy to see it show up on Netflix at the start of the year.

January 6
               The New Guy (Directed by Ed Decter) I got very excited when I saw this was available on Netflix. It is a very stupid movie but I still enjoy watching it from time to time. After first seeing him in Road Trip I became a fan of DJ Qualls.

               Pacific Rim (Directed by Guillermo del Toro) What beats Giant Robots vs. Godzilla-like Monsters? Not much and especially after you add in Idris Elba. One of my favorite popcorn action flicks from last summer.

January 7
               Good Burger (Directed by Brian Robbins) This was the first thing that showed up on my Netflix when I logged in and I decided to watch it because it had been years. Yes it is stupid and based on a Nickelodeon skit but it still made me laugh and that is what I needed.

January 8
               Escape Plan (Directed by Mikael Håfström) This is not a great movie but it was still a lot of fun to watch. Yes Stallone and Schwarzenegger are getting older but they still know how to entertain. This movie reminded me of Schwarzenegger's other action movie last year, The Last Stand. It had a fun story and cheesy lines but that is what I have come to expect from both men.

January 9
               Sherlock 3.02: The Sign of Three (Directed by Colm McCarthy) If I ever get married I'd be happy to have Sherlock Holmes give a Best Man speech. I really enjoyed this episode that was centered around the wedding of John and Mary. Though he can give the speech I'd prefer not to let Sherlock Holmes plan my bachelor party.

               Frozen (Directed by Chris Buck & Jennifer Lee) I hope Disney continues to make more movies similar to this one. I do not mean they need to make more with a similar storyline but instead with the same message.

January 10
               Rambo (Directed by Sylvester Stallone) Rambo is back and has Ultra Violence in his heart. I am not totally sure what the plot of this movie was but I do know there was a ridiculous amount of violence in it. I didn't know bodies could explode in some of the ways they did while watching this.

               Grudge Match (Directed by Peter Segal) This movie had a few good one-liners from the stars but my favorite characters were the ones played by Alan Arkin & Jon Bernthal. They provided much needed depth for the main characters throughout the movie. I am still having a hard time seeing Kevin Hart as a movie star. His funniest part of the whole movie came during a post credit sequence with Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield.

January 11
               How to Train Your Dragon (Directed by Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders) I love this movie. I still remember the first time I saw it in theaters with my friend Jessica. It is a fun animated film that I feel is very creative. My dad and I watched it in 3D because he read it is one of the best movies for home 3D viewing.

               Dallas Buyers Club (Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée) Matthew McConaughey and Jared Lero were amazingly brilliant in this movie. I remember reading about how much weight McConaughey lost for this role and he sure did look different. Early in the movie it was easy to dislike his character but as it went on you grew to root for him. This is one of those movies that should be seen by as many people as possible.

January 12
               Lone Survivor (Directed by Peter Berg) If you are a fan of military themed action movies this is a fun one to watch. It has a strong video game feel during the big fight scenes which are fun to see especially on the big screen. One thing to remember watching the movie though is that this really happened back in 2005 and similar gun battles still continue to this day.

January 13
               12 Years a Slave (Directed by Steve McQueen) This is one of the best and worst movies I have watched in a very long time. Best because of how well it is made and the story it tells, worst because it is a true story. Michael Fassbender did a great job of making me hate his guts more than I would have thought possible. This movie deserves all of the awards it wins this year.

January 14
               All is Lost (Directed by J.C. Chandor) The biggest thing that was lost in this movie was my patience. This movie is similar to Cast Away and Gravity but the problem is I didn't connect with Robert Redford like I did Tom hanks or Sandra Bullock in the other two movies. One thing I did notice is that filming must have taken some time because during certain scenes you can see Redford's gray hair growing out more and more.

January 15
               Rebound (Directed by Steve Carr) I recorded this during a DirecTV free preview weekend because I remember watching it before and because I couldn't remember how stupid it was. I watched it all the way through but I don't remember many minor details from the movie like character names.

January 16
               The Last Stand (Directed by Kim Jee-Woon) I am a big fan of simple action movies like this. The story isn't too complicated and the supporting cast provides emotion and laughs. I also like that the action scenes are not super heavy on the CGI too.

January 17
               Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Directed by Kenneth Branagh) I was surprised how much I liked this movie. The main reason is not because of the story or the characters but for the fact that the writers stayed away from the typical model for a spy thriller. The predictability was not there and that was very refreshing. The story was fun and Kevin Costner was great as Chris Pine's handler. I would gladly watch welcome a sequel to this series reboot.

January 18
               Her (Directed by Spike Jonze) I am an Android Fanboy that loves the Android based operating system. Having said that I don't think I would ever be able to fall in love with my OS and refer to it as my girlfriend. This movie is equally weird and interesting. My biggest problem with the movie is how does someone have Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde and Amy Adams romantically interested with him and yet he still ends up dating a voice? Yes I know the voice is Scarlett Johansson but his phone doesn't look like her.

               Inside Llewyn Davis (Directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen) I was really looking forward to this movie but in the end I was disappointed. I usually like movies from the Coen Brothers but this one left me confused. I didn't understand its purpose. The main character is a selfish dick and not in a Walter White anti-hero kind of way.

               Nebraska (Directed by Alexander Payne) I watched this with my friend Sarah and while I really enjoyed it she would have preferred we watch G.I. Joe: Retaliation. The entire cast did a great job and while very heartfelt there were some great one-liners sprinkled throughout.

Days Watched: 18

Movies Watched: 27

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Book/Movie Comparison: A Lone Comparison

I am not totally sure how my book to movie comparisons should go so I am just going to start writing and see what I come up with. For my first book to movie comparison this year I decided to go with Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of Seal Team 10 written by Marcus Luttrell.

As I was going through the book I found myself on more than one occasion thinking that the book read just like a movie. It wasn’t long after that though that I remembered it wasn’t a movie and instead it was a true story. A good portion of the book is about Operation Redwing which took place in June 2005. I really enjoyed the backstory that Marcus wrote about which included his family life growing up and the training he went through in order to become a Navy Seal. His description of what Seal candidates go through made me realize right away that I would have never made it as a Navy Seal. The book does a good job of going back and forth between what Marcus is going through during the Operation and what his family is dealing with at the same time back home not knowing his whereabouts or health status. Once the bullets stopped flying the book didn’t end, Marcus still had to find a way home.

My friend Lexi put it best when she told me the movie Lone Survivor felt like you were watching a video game. The actions scenes really did remind me a bit of playing Modern Warfare. Director Peter Berg did a great job of making you feel like you were in the gun battles but I wish he would have paid closer attention to the other parts of the movie. The pre and post battle scenes felt a bit hurried along. I did like that the author of the book Marcus Luttrell made two appearances in the movie. Peter Berg of course made an appearance too, he loves showing up in his own movies.

I know that people always say that the book is better than the movie and I hope to prove that wrong this year at least once, but this will not be that time. I have two problems with the movie and how it compares to the book. First, the family side and the Seal training aspect is removed completely. They tried to add a bit of family in via some of the other characters but it barely scratched the surface and I didn’t feel a true connection. My other problem was how rushed the last act of the movie felt. Marcus did a great job of writing everything down that happened during Operation Redwing and I thought that the director decided the last third of the book wasn’t as important because he sped through it with just 15 minutes of film.

Had I watched the movie without knowing anything about the book I would have liked the movie a lot more because of the action scenes and the characters. But there were too many things cut out or changed from the book that in the end disappointed me. I just feel that in the process of making a good action movie the truth of what really happened in the summer of 2005 was altered.

2014: Now with Double the Media

For anyone that did or did not follow my “Title of the Movie is 365” challenge last year, I watched a lot of different movies. Movies are a big part of my life. Watching, reading or writing about them, I always have a movie or two on my mind no matter the time of day. Movies help me remember different people or events in my life that I hope to never forget. I love movies and look forward to watching many more in 2014. This year I have decided to work on two different media challenges. My first challenge of the year will be to watch at least one movie a day for all 365 days of the year. I decided to work towards this goal because I did the math and while I watched 581 different movies last year I only watched a movie for 296 out of 365 days. That means for over two months of the year I did not watch a movie, I want to change that this year. I am also hoping I can make it all 365 days and beat my friend John’s record of watching movies 364 out of 365 days last year. I will make sure to watch two movies on April 23 just for you John.

My other challenge came to mind last fall after my friend Rooster asked how many books I had gotten through so far. Now I got through a number of books last year but I think this year I can shoot for even more. My second challenge will be to start and finish a different book every two weeks that has a movie counterpart. After I finish the book I will then watch the movie as soon as I can. Each book/movie combo will include my thoughts on each individually and also how they compare to one another. I will also be going through other books and giving my thoughts on them but they do not have to have a movie counterpart.

I am open for suggestions on movies and books to check out this year. I will continue to post my updates over on my blog and link them here on Facebook. 2014 looks to be another media filled year but you know what, that is just how I like it. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

365 Movie Challenge - Week 52

Well 2013 is in the books and though this is over a week late my 2013 movie challenge is officially over. Next up is the 2014 challenges.

Below are my movies of the week:

December 22
               The Nightmare Before Christmas (Directed by Henry Selick) I know a lot of people love this movie but I find it to be just okay. There is nothing overly great about it in my eyes. It is fun to watch every few years but it isn't something that I must watch on a yearly basis.

               Pleasantville (Directed by Gary Ross) I think that this movie can be viewed in multiple ways. First about a brother and sister who are sucked in to a TV and have to live in a 1950's style TV show where everything was perfect and in black and white. The other more interesting way involves diversity and accepting people for being different no matter if they are in black and white or color. I really got in to this movie after watching it while taking a Cultural Diversity class back in college. I almost wrote my final paper for the class on it but went with another movie that covered similar issues.

               Home Alone (Directed by Chris Columbus) I fell asleep watching this while sick in bed but I made sure to watch what I missed after I woke up in the morning. I remember watching this every year at Christmas thinking how fun it would be to fend for myself and maybe take on some bad guys. All these years later I am not taking on any bad guys but I do like fending for myself, now if I didn't have to pay bills as part of my fending.

December 23
               Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (Directed by Chris Columbus) While watching this movie I raised what I thought was a very important question on Facebook: Is the reason we never got a 3rd Home Alone movie with Macaulay Culkin because Child Protective Services removed his character from his parents care following their return from New York? I am not sure how his parents could be allowed to keep custody of Kevin or their other children if something like what happened in the first two movies transpired today.

               Captain Phillips (Directed by Paul Greengrass) This Tom Hanks movie based on a true story might be his best movie in some time. I remember hearing on the news about a cargo ship that was boarded by Somali pirates. What I didn't know was that the pirates were not on the ship for very long and instead they took the captain hostage on a rescue boat. Since the story itself was written by the captain himself it is pretty easy to figure out the final outcome. But how they get to the final outcome is where Tom Hanks shines.

               The 16th Man (Directed by Cliff Bestall) Another solid documentary from ESPN narrated by Morgan Freeman. This 30 for 30 took a look at Nelson Mandela and the Rugby World Cup held in South Africa. I am a fan of the movie Invictus and this went a bit deeper in to some of the events portrayed in the film.

December 24
               Die Hard (Directed by John McTiernan) One of the best Christmas movies of all-time. I thought I had watched this earlier in the year but when I realized I hadn't I was really excited to watch it. I ended up watching it with my mom because she loves the Die Hard series and this is her favorite Christmas movie.

               Planes, Trains & Automobiles (Directed by John Hughes) I honestly don't remember ever watching this movie before. Having said that, it was an enjoyable movie. It was a bit predictable but it also provided some classic John Hughes moments.

               Christmas Vacation (Directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik) For the last ten years my dad and I have watched this Christmas classic on Christmas Eve. What I find most enjoyable about this movie is the running commentary that my dad and I provide during it. We both have our favorite lines that we quote before they happen and we always point out little things throughout the movie that make us laugh. No matter how many times I watch the movie I always find something new.

December 25
               A Christmas Story (Directed by Bob Clark) Hey TBS if you're going to air a marathon of this holiday classic you should include the entire movie, especially FUDGE! I had to rewind a few times to make sure I didn't miss it. Sadly it wasn't included at all.

December 26
               We're the Millers (Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber) I did not enjoy this movie. The only part that I actually laughed at was a single scene in the post credits outtakes. Please Hollywood do not waste money on making a sequel.

               47 Ronin (Directed by Carl Rinsch) Interesting story and great special effects made this Samurai movie enjoyable to watch. It was also fun to see Keanu Reeves back on the big screen. Watching the movie made me want to learn more about the story of the 47 Ronin.

               Fruitvale Station (Directed by Ryan Coogler) I have been looking forward to seeing this movie since I originally heard about it. It is a very sad story but it was also very interesting to see the journey of the main character throughout the movie. I highly recommend that people see this movie.

December 27
               The Wolf of Wall Street (Directed by Martin Scorsese) Holy crap that was a GREAT movie. This is my favorite movie of the year. It is almost 3 hours in length but it didn't feel like it. I am also really interested in seeing the original 4.5 hour cut that Scorsese originally put together.

               Rush (Directed by Ron Howard) Ron Howard knows how to make good movies, especially when the subject itself might not seem to be enjoyable right away. The movie was set in the 70’s but Ron Howard made it feel like it was originally filmed in the 70’s.

               Zoolander (Directed by Ben Stiller) I am not usually a fan of this type of comedy but for some reason Ben Stiller knows how to be funny enough to forget about my dislike for stupid and awkward humor. I am surprised that we have yet to get a sequel to this movie. They are working on a Night at the Museum 3 already but not a Zoolander 2?

December 28
               Big Trouble in Little China (Directed by John Carpenter) Another 80's classic that I am surprised it took me so long to watch. The movie is completely ridiculous but that is what makes it so much fun. Watching the movie got me thinking that Hollywood had a bit of a crush of truck drivers back in the mid-80’s.

               The American President (Directed by Rob Reiner) I never got in to watching The West Wing but I'd like to think that this movie was a bit of a prequel to the show. The writing was amazing and even after seeing this movie at least 15 times I still enjoy every minute of it. Michael J. Fox’s character was a lot of fun to watch. His idea of all dates are tentative until a confirmation call is made always makes me laugh.

               The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Directed by Peter Jackson) So much better than the first Hobbit movie. There is a reason I didn't watch Jackson's first Hobbit movie this year, I couldn't force myself to sit through it again. This movie flowed a lot better and kept me more entertained all the way through.

December 29
               Silly Little Game (Directed by Lucas Jansen & Adam Kurland) I am a big fan of playing Fantasy Football. I have been in a league with some old co-workers for almost ten years. This ESPN documentary looks back at the guys that invented what we now call Fantasy Sports.

December 30
               The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Directed by Ben Stiller) I don't remember this story from when I was growing up in school but I will need to check it out. This was a very nice surprise to me. It was nice to see Kristen Wiig in a movie and not be annoyed by the typical character she has played lately.

               Saving Mr. Banks (Directed by John Lee Hancock) This movie was okay. I am not a big Emma Thompson fan but Paul Giamatti though not in it a lot was my favorite character. Colin Farrell also put in a strong performance.

               Funny Farm (Directed by George Roy Hill) I had not seen this Chevy Chase movie in years before this viewing. There are a few parts that are incredibly stupid but for the most part the movie as a whole is enjoyable to watch all these years later.

               Rio (Directed by Carlos Saldanha) Saw the trailer for the sequel to this movie with Walter Mitty and figured I'd give it a shot. The story and characters were a lot of fun and the animation was high quality. It is a fun animated film.

December 31
               Kuffs (Directed by Bruce A. Evans) The best part of this movie is the "Osbourne style" curse rant that gets bleeped out like you are watching the movie on network TV.

               Men in Black (Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld) One of my favorite Will Smith movies as well as a Tommy Lee Jones favorite. The movie feels like a total comic book come to life that spawned two sequels. Mind you only the second sequel was any good.

               Sgt. Bilko (Directed by Jonathan Lynn) Fun Steve Martin movie I started while I was cleaning house. It took a lot longer to clean my place than it should have because I kept stopping to watch certain scenes. Phil Hartman is great in the movie and I miss that his life was cut short so early.

               June 17, 1994 (Directed by Brett Morgen) The sports world was on a bit of overload on June 17, 1994. The NY Rangers had just won the Stanley Cup, the NY Knicks were playing in game 5 of the NBA Finals, the FIFA World Cup was starting, Arnold Palmer was playing in his final round of the US Open and OJ Simpson was leading the LAPD and most of the viewing nation on a car chase around Los Angeles. This ESPN documentary features only audio and video taken that day as events unfolded. The crazy thing about the car chase on June 17 was I was in Los Angeles with my mom and brother visiting friends. I remember trying to watch the NBA finals and the local news coverage kept breaking in with updates about OJ. Finally they went with a split screen of the game and the car chase.

               The Monster Squad (Directed by Fred Dekker) For my last film of the year I picked my absolute favorite from childhood. Though I am not a big fan of monster or scary movies I have always enjoyed this movie. What isn't to like about a group of kids that are in to monsters and help take down Dracula, the Mummy, the Wolfman (who has nards) and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

60 Different Movies Watched in December. 581 Movies in 365 Days     

Movies Watched: 581
Movies To Go for 2.0: 0
Bonus Movies Watched: 81