
Monday, July 7, 2014

Daily Special: Week 24

Another steady week of movies. Getting very close to the three hundred mark for the year.

Below are my movies of the week:

June 8
               The Big Hit (Directed Kirk Wong) Should this movie be taken serious or is it more a parody on assassin type movies? It has its ups and its downs for sure and more than a couple "WTF" moments.

               Assault on Precinct 13 (Directed Jean-François Richet) This movie is more than a little unbelievable but it was still enjoyable to watch. Ethan Hawke was actually tolerable in it.

               700 Sundays (Directed Des McAnuff) I really enjoyed this comedy special from Billy Crystal. 700 Sundays was the amount of Sundays he had with his dad before he passed away. I can't imagine only having that many Sundays with my dad, he is one of the most important people in my life.

June 9
               Three Men and a Baby (Directed Leonard Nimoy) The 80's sure had a lot of goofy ideas for movies. If someone left a baby on the doorstep of someone today and just bolted it wouldn't end up as happily ever after as this movie.

June 10
               Non-Stop (Directed Jaume Collet-Serra) Taken on a Plane was much better than Taken 2. There was some nice twists in the movie. I just hope that this doesn't spawn a sequel.

June 11
               Wayne's World (Directed Penelope Spheeris) This is still the best Saturday Night Live related movie that has been released. Of course, the same can't be said for the sequel.

June 12
               Eddie (Directed Steve Rash) Every sports fan thinks that they would be a better coach for their favorite team. This goofy comedy puts that to the test. The cameo by Dennis Rodman was one of my favorite parts.

June 13
               Not Another Teen Movie (Directed Joel Gallen) The title says it all, this parody movie covers the majority of teen movies from the late 90's and early 00's. This movie was actually better than some of the movies it parodied.

               Edge of Tomorrow (Directed Doug Liman) This Tom Cruise Sci-Fi movies is one of my favorites of the summer. It had a very interesting story and the characters were easy to get attached to.

June 14
               The Neverending Story (Directed Wolfgang Petersen) I have not watched this movie in almost 20 years. I am a bit surprised I was able to get through it back then. It gets pretty intense in some parts.

               Step Up 3 (Directed Jon M. Chu) Not sure what the plot of this movie was about but I did watch the whole thing. The dance scenes are what makes these movies at least watchable.

               The Art of the Steal (Directed Jonathan Sobol) This movie reminds me of Ocean's Eleven and Now You See Me. A crime caper with a good amount of misdirection thrown in, plus some cool magic.

Days Watched: 165
Movies Watched: 293

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