
Monday, July 7, 2014

Daily Special: Week 24

Another steady week of movies. Getting very close to the three hundred mark for the year.

Below are my movies of the week:

June 8
               The Big Hit (Directed Kirk Wong) Should this movie be taken serious or is it more a parody on assassin type movies? It has its ups and its downs for sure and more than a couple "WTF" moments.

               Assault on Precinct 13 (Directed Jean-François Richet) This movie is more than a little unbelievable but it was still enjoyable to watch. Ethan Hawke was actually tolerable in it.

               700 Sundays (Directed Des McAnuff) I really enjoyed this comedy special from Billy Crystal. 700 Sundays was the amount of Sundays he had with his dad before he passed away. I can't imagine only having that many Sundays with my dad, he is one of the most important people in my life.

June 9
               Three Men and a Baby (Directed Leonard Nimoy) The 80's sure had a lot of goofy ideas for movies. If someone left a baby on the doorstep of someone today and just bolted it wouldn't end up as happily ever after as this movie.

June 10
               Non-Stop (Directed Jaume Collet-Serra) Taken on a Plane was much better than Taken 2. There was some nice twists in the movie. I just hope that this doesn't spawn a sequel.

June 11
               Wayne's World (Directed Penelope Spheeris) This is still the best Saturday Night Live related movie that has been released. Of course, the same can't be said for the sequel.

June 12
               Eddie (Directed Steve Rash) Every sports fan thinks that they would be a better coach for their favorite team. This goofy comedy puts that to the test. The cameo by Dennis Rodman was one of my favorite parts.

June 13
               Not Another Teen Movie (Directed Joel Gallen) The title says it all, this parody movie covers the majority of teen movies from the late 90's and early 00's. This movie was actually better than some of the movies it parodied.

               Edge of Tomorrow (Directed Doug Liman) This Tom Cruise Sci-Fi movies is one of my favorites of the summer. It had a very interesting story and the characters were easy to get attached to.

June 14
               The Neverending Story (Directed Wolfgang Petersen) I have not watched this movie in almost 20 years. I am a bit surprised I was able to get through it back then. It gets pretty intense in some parts.

               Step Up 3 (Directed Jon M. Chu) Not sure what the plot of this movie was about but I did watch the whole thing. The dance scenes are what makes these movies at least watchable.

               The Art of the Steal (Directed Jonathan Sobol) This movie reminds me of Ocean's Eleven and Now You See Me. A crime caper with a good amount of misdirection thrown in, plus some cool magic.

Days Watched: 165
Movies Watched: 293

Daily Special: Week 23

This week had an above average amount of bad movies. I blame it all on Keanu Reeves.

Below are my movies of the week:

June 1
               Gangster Squad (Directed by Ruben Fleischer) I can see why this movie was a bit of a bust. It had action but wasn't very interesting at all. I didn't mind looking at Emma Stone though, that is never boring.

               Unforgiven (Directed by Clint Eastwood) I am not sure why this movie won so many awards. I found it very slow and just uninteresting. I like the cast but it just didn't work for me in this movie.

               The Emperor's New Groove (Directed by Mark Dindal) Completely random Netflix pick. Not a very good animated film, but also not too bad either.

               Step Up 2: The Streets (Directed by Jon M. Chu) I came across this movie playing on TV and in the first 5 minutes Channing Tatum showed up on screen so I continued watching. Sadly two minutes after he showed up he was gone from the movie for good. The end of this movie is hilarious to me because there are a number of continuity errors with filming.

June 2
               The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (Directed by Mick Jackson) For some reason I never get tired of watching this movie. I watch it every couple of years and enjoy it just as much as the last time. There is nothing special about it, it is just fun to me.

June 3
               Chain Reaction (Directed by Andrew Davis) This movie isn't that old to make it believable that Morgan Freeman could be smoking a cigar in a museum.

June 4
               Barbershop (Directed by Tim Story) This is one Ice Cube comedy that I never get tired of watching. I still remember seeing this and Miracle in the same day back when they were originally released.

June 5
               Snake Eyes (Directed by Brian De Palma) Nic Cage has gotten a bit crazy in recent years with his movies. This movie however had me focused from beginning to end.

June 6
               The Langoliers (Directed by Tom Holland) I remember when this was set to originally air as a miniseries on TV. The previews looked cool and the first night wasn't that bad. Then the Langoliers, or as I called them giant meatballs, showed up and it was all downhill from there.

June 7
               Johnny Mnemonic (Directed by Robert Longo) Keanu Reeves sure knows how to pick shitty roles. This might be the worst thing I have ever seen him in.

               Red Dragon (Directed by Brett Ratner) This prequel to Silence of the Lambs is just as creepy, if not more so. Ralph Fiennes was beyond scary in this movie.

               The Siege (Directed by Edward Zwick) Very intense movie about what could happen if martial law was enforced. I found it interesting that some of the stuff mentioned in the movie happened in real life just three years later.

               All-Star Superman (Directed by Sam Liu) I really like DC animated films but it seems like every other one involving Superman is set in a universe where Lois Lane doesn't know his real identity. Can they just make a universal decision about whether or not anyone knows Clark and Superman are the same person?

Days Watched: 158
Movies Watched: 281

Friday, July 4, 2014

Daily Special: Week 22

More days off of work then actual days at work makes for a big movie filled week. Well that and the fact that I was house sitting for my parents while they are in California.

Below are my movies of the week:

May 25
               Gattaca (Directed by Andrew Niccol) I enjoyed this Sci-Fi take on fighting the system in any way that you can. If society says you have to be perfect to succeed then why not try to convince the system that you are perfect?

               Snatch (Directed by Guy Ritchie) This movie jumps around a lot between the different characters and their respective storylines. While it can get a little confusing if you're not paying close attention it pays off in the end.

May 26
               Vampire Academy (Directed by Mark Waters) While not a great movie this was still better than any of the Twilight movies. I liked the characters and the overall plot. I might have to check out the books it is based on.

               Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (Directed by Patrick Tatopoulos) My least favorite movie in the Underworld series. This origin story didn't need to be its own movie. It could have been a 15 minutes flashback during another Underworld movie and it would have gotten the same point across.

               Bad Ass (Directed by Craig Moss) Only in this day and age can a viral video of senior citizen standing up to a young thug on a bus turn in to a movie. I will admit though that the movie was enjoyable to me.

               Entrapment (Directed by Jon Amiel) Fun crime caper that is much more enjoyable because of the laser routine performed by Catherine Zeta-Jones. It also doesn't hurt to have Ving Rhames drop a couple one-liners.

               The Thing (Directed by John Carpenter) The first time I saw this movie I had to watch it with the lights on because I am a lightweight when it comes to scary movies. Now when I watch it I laugh at the special effects and the overall goofiness of it.

May 27
               City by the Sea (Directed by Michael Caton-Jones) I officially found another reason to dislike James Franco in a movie, he hooked up with Eliza Dushku. The climax and conclusion of the movie seemed to happen really fast and without much drama which was a disappointment.

May 28
               Fantastic Mr. Fox (Directed by Wes Anderson) I think this is my new favorite Wes Anderson movie. It took me a few years to get around to watching it and now I am sorry it took that long.

May 28
               Underworld: Awakening (Directed by Måns Mårlind & Björn Stein) After finishing this movie I wish they were still making Underworld movies. It was the beginning of a new chapter and introduced fun and interesting new characters.

               The Lorax (Directed by Chris Renaud & Kyle Balda) I don't really remember the Dr. Seuss story this is based on but I am sure it was a lot better than how the movie turned out. The movie was boring and didn't stand out as anything special.

               From Dusk Till Dawn (Directed by Robert Rodriguez) Boy the special effects in this movie go from indie movie to high school production in a matter of seconds. It is still cool to see that Robert Rodriguez still uses a lot of the same supporting cast in his movies almost twenty years later.

               Pompeii (Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson) The plot for this movie was interesting but the acting was flawed. Paul W.S. Anderson has previously directed all of the Resident Evil I was really hoping for a few zombies to be included.

May 30
               Fargo (Directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen) I had forgotten how messed up this movie is. It is a bit hard to believe that it is based on a true story. I was unable to find this movie at BestBuy yesterday but thankfully I came across it on Amazon Instant. Now I want to check out the new TV show of the same name.

               Rango (Directed by Gore Verbinski) I finally decided to watch this movie after only hearing good things about it. The story was entertaining and the animation was well done. I am not sure why I waited so long to watch it.

               Romancing the Stone (Directed by Robert Zemeckis) The last time I watched this movie it was on VHS. It is overly goofy but still enjoyable. Seeing a young Michael Douglas is refreshing if only for the fact that his skin hasn't become leather from over-tanning.

               Bernie (Directed by Richard Linklater) My friend Julie told me about this movie after it first came out and said I would find it interesting. It took me a couple years but she was right. It was interesting but also weird. It is hard to believe that it is based on a true story.

May 31
               Maximum Overdrive (Directed by Stephen King) This movie makes any of the Transformers movies look like an Academy Award winner for Best Picture. From the start it is completely ridiculous.

               Desperado (Directed by Robert Rodriguez) This was my introduction to Robert Rodriguez who over the years has become one of my favorite directors. Yet another movie where Rodriguez uses a number of his favorite actors. It reminds me a bit of Kevin Smith and his favorite actors.

               The Road (Directed by John Hillcoat) Very dark and depressing movie about a father and son traveling in a post-apocalyptic type world. Viggo sure did lose a lot of weight for this movie.

               The Greatest Movie Ever Rolled (Directed by Ryan Polito) Thanks to an appearance on @midnight by star Doug Benson I decided to give this documentary a shot. It turned out to be funnier than I expected. I need to check out more stuff from Doug Benson.

Movies watched in 31 of 31 Days. 64 Total Movies in May

Days Watched: 151
Movies Watched: 268