
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Daily Special: Week 25

Three hundred mark is now behind me.

Below are my movies of the week:

June 15
              The Jewel of the Nile (Directed by Lewis Teague) This sequel to Romancing the Stone suffers the same way that a number of sequels do. The first movie worked well so a sequel is created that doesn't have the same heart as the original.

              Thor: The Dark World (Directed by Alan Taylor) Before seeing the first Thor movie I didn't know much about the comic book hero. That movie along with this sequel has been a great way to learn about the mighty Asgardian.

              The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Directed by Ben Stiller) This movie tells a very exciting story with amazing visuals. I really wish I could have Walter's cell phone coverage and battery life.

June 16
              What About Bob? (Directed by Frank Oz) I remember at one point I watched this movie so many times that I got burnt out on it and didn't find it funny. Thankfully after close to a decade of not watching it, I find it hilarious all over again.

June 17
              The Recruit (Directed by Roger Donaldson) This is a fun spy thriller that keeps you guessing about what side everyone is on; that is until it becomes totally predictable.

June 18
              Cop and a Half (Directed by Henry Winkler) The fact that Burt goes to bed with his Indians jersey tucked in to his sweats was too funny for me to focus on much else. The movie is a step backward in the 'Buddy Cop' dynamic.

June 19
              Rocky IV (Directed by Sylvester Stallone) I have decided that Stallone filmed this and the movie Cobra at the same time or very close together. His beard is the same during the training montage as it was all through Cobra.

June 20
              Never Back Down (Directed by Jeff Wadlow) Finally decided to watch this movie after yet another person shared a clip of it thinking that the video was from a real fight. The clip circulating the internet looks to have been filmed from an extra on set.

June 21
              Ice Age: Continental Drift (Directed by Steve Martino & Mike Thurmeier) The last in the Ice Age series. I like the movies but there really isn't much that makes each one stand out from the other.

              Bob Saget: That's What I'm Talkin' About (Directed by Jay Karas) I usually like watching dirty Bob Saget perform but this special wasn't very funny to me. I laughed a little bit but there weren't any bits that really got me going.

              Now You See Me (Directed by Louis Leterrier) I don't care what people say, I really like this movie. It reminds me of Ocean's Eleven but with magic. I also really like the cast that they put together in it.

Days Watched: 172
Movies Watched: 304

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