
Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014: Now with Double the Media

For anyone that did or did not follow my “Title of the Movie is 365” challenge last year, I watched a lot of different movies. Movies are a big part of my life. Watching, reading or writing about them, I always have a movie or two on my mind no matter the time of day. Movies help me remember different people or events in my life that I hope to never forget. I love movies and look forward to watching many more in 2014. This year I have decided to work on two different media challenges. My first challenge of the year will be to watch at least one movie a day for all 365 days of the year. I decided to work towards this goal because I did the math and while I watched 581 different movies last year I only watched a movie for 296 out of 365 days. That means for over two months of the year I did not watch a movie, I want to change that this year. I am also hoping I can make it all 365 days and beat my friend John’s record of watching movies 364 out of 365 days last year. I will make sure to watch two movies on April 23 just for you John.

My other challenge came to mind last fall after my friend Rooster asked how many books I had gotten through so far. Now I got through a number of books last year but I think this year I can shoot for even more. My second challenge will be to start and finish a different book every two weeks that has a movie counterpart. After I finish the book I will then watch the movie as soon as I can. Each book/movie combo will include my thoughts on each individually and also how they compare to one another. I will also be going through other books and giving my thoughts on them but they do not have to have a movie counterpart.

I am open for suggestions on movies and books to check out this year. I will continue to post my updates over on my blog and link them here on Facebook. 2014 looks to be another media filled year but you know what, that is just how I like it. 

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