
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Book/Movie Comparison: Game Over

            My next book to movie comparison came via a suggestion from my friend John Fredrickson who I have known since High School. He wanted me to compare the book and version versions of Ender’s Game. The book was written by Orson Scott Card and the movie version was directed by Gavin Hood.

            Orson Scott Card knows how to write an entertaining science fiction story that keeps you entertained from beginning to end. Though the book is almost thirty years old it was interesting to see how the main character was bullied similar to children today. The descriptions of the different training activities and games made the book very easy to follow. It made me kind of wish I could go to a space age military training school or at least experience the activities and games that Ender and the other cadets did. The reasoning behind the training reminded me a bit of the movie Starship Troopers but with more tactics and less military combat.

            When the movie originally came out last fall I was not very interested in seeing it because I didn’t have much hope for Hollywood doing a good job of adapting a young adult novel that was originally released when I was just a child. I finally watched it after it was released on video and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. The movie does move along at a very fast pace so some characters and not developed very much and while that doesn’t hurt the majority of the movie it does hurt the viewer’s chances of connecting with certain ones. The special effects help bring Card’s words to life and that is clearly evident in the zero gravity battle simulations. It might look like laser tag in space but it is so much more.

            Ender’s Game was the first movie I watched this year before reading the book. I think watching the movie helped me when reading the book because it was easier to picture a number of the characters based on who played them in the movie. My biggest qualm with the movie was the fact that it all but ignored the storyline about Ender’s brother and sister from the book. Once Ender is taken to training we only see his sister one more time. The political commentary plot between Peter and Valentine Wiggin play a larger part in the book and its later sequels. Possibly Hollywood knew they were only going to make one movie from the series thus decided not to include that part. I personally would have liked to see it and it would have only added another 15-20 minutes to the movie. I would gladly recommend both the book and movie to people if asked for a suggestion. In the years to come I can see the movie becoming one I watch on an annual basis.

Daily Special: Week 17

Week seventeen saw my two month long streak of media challenge originals come to an end at 120 straight movies. The streak came to an end in honor of my friend John so I could make up for his one non-movie day from last year.

Below are my movies of the week:

April 20
               Vertical Limit (Directed by Martin Campbell) Bill Paxton is a lot of fun to hate in movies. He plays a great bad guy. I had to laugh a bit about the fact that the main characters playing brother and sister are currently stars on CBS television shows.

April 21
               Broken City (Directed by Allen Hughes) The first 45 minutes of this movie I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. Once I figured out the plot it was interesting but overall it became predictable in the end. Russell Crowe's accent was almost as disappointing as the movie.

April 22
               Mr. 3000 (Directed by Charles Stone III) You know what this movie has in common with the Milwaukee Brewers? They are both a bit of a disappointment. Even the late great Bernie Mac can't save this movie.

April 23
               Elon Musk: Bloomberg Risk Takers (Directed by Oren Jacoby) This was an interesting documentary about the creator of PayPal who is also the current CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX. One thing I found very interesting was that Tony Stark in the Iron Man movies is modeled after Musk.

               Big Trouble in Little China (Directed by John Carpenter) This was my second movie of the day in honor of my friend John. Last year he tried to watch one movie a day for the entire year and ended up missing just one day, April 23. The movie suggestion for this viewing also came from him.

April 24
               The Bad Boys (Directed by NBA Entertainment) All through high school and most of my early college years my favorite basketball player was Dennis Rodman. I wore his Converse 'Worm Wear' sneakers for the last 3 years of high school up until my graduation day when my mom made me wear different shoes. This ESPN documentary about the Detroit Pistons in the late 80's and early 90's was interesting and fun to watch. My favorite parts of course were the ones about Dennis Rodman. It was great to see all the formers players get interviewed as well as the daughter of the late Chuck Daly.

April 25
               The Abyss (Directed by James Cameron) Watching this movie I started thinking that if it was ever remade Sam Rockwell would be the perfect replacement for the character played in the original by Michael Biehn. With the help of my friend John that thought morphed in to a remake of the movie with Sam Rockwell playing every single character, even the rat.

April 26
               Prometheus (Directed by Ridley Scott) I really like this movie and find it entertaining from beginning to end. My only problem is, it is also very confusing at times. I feel like a number of scenes were cut from the film and had they not been the confusing plot holes would not be so confusing.

               Congo (Directed by Frank Marshall) The worst part of this movie has to be Tim Curry's character. His accent, purpose and overall performance were beyond stupid. The second worst part of the movie has to be the technology aspect of the movie. A diamond powered laser can take out a communication satellite instantaneously?

               The Amazing Spider-Man (Directed by Marc Webb) Marc Webb did a great job rebooting the Spider-Man franchise after the disappointing emo Spidey we got back in the third Tobey Maguire. Andrew Garfield is a much more believable Spider-Man than Tobey ever was too. It is also hard to resist the lovely Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy.

Days Watched: 116
Movies Watched: 197

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Daily Special: Week 16

Week sixteen was a slower week of movies. Made sure to watch at least one a day but I didn't fit in many extras. 

Below are my movies of the week:

April 13
               Kicking & Screaming (Directed by Jesse Dylan) The best parts of this movie are the scenes with Mike Ditka. I was not a big fan of the rest of this movie. It was a predictable story with the expected end.

               Cruel Intentions (Directed by Roger Kumble        ) This was the first movie that I went and saw by myself following my first brain surgery. The cast was made up of some of the hottest stars in Hollywood at the time. I had forgot Joshua Jackson was in the movie until he showed up with his bleach blonde hair.

               The Running Man (Directed by Paul Michael Glaser) How can someone not enjoy a cheesy action movie from the 80's? This might be one of the cheesiest movies that Arnold dished out but it is also one I have been looking forward to catching again. Thank you Netflix!

April 14
               Drumline (Directed by Charles Stone III) I remember getting so much shit from a couple people at work after I said I went and saw this in the theater and liked it. I could care less about the storyline but the drum performances were great.

April 15
               Good Will Hunting (Directed by Gus Van Sant) The first time I saw this movie was with my mother and my brother on a Friday afternoon at the Thornton Town Center. I still get a laugh hearing the Apples line,

April 16
               High Fidelity (Directed by Stephen Frears) Going back to this movie so many years after seeing it I find it a bit hard to watch. Jack Black and John Cusack come off as a bit one dimensional to me.

April 17
               Hillsborough (Directed by Daniel Gordon) Very strong and impactful ESPN documentary about the tragedy at Hillsborough where a number of fans lost their lives trying to get in to see a soccer game. this documentary debuted on the 25th anniversary of the event.

April 18
               Cinderella Man (Directed by Ron Howard) Little Opie Taylor sure knows how to make a good movie. While it is slow at some points it does a really good job of telling the story of a strong fighter in and out of the ring during the great depression.

April 19
               Loverboy (Directed by Joan Micklin Silver) Patrick Dempsey sure was popular back in the late 80's. I can't be certain but this movie might be the main reason that I have am afraid to ever order anchovies on my pizza.

               Just One of the Guys (Directed by Lisa Gottlieb) How was it so easy for the main character in this movie to enroll at a high school with a fake identity? Also, could she find a weirder high school in California to enroll in?

Days Watched: 109
Movies Watched: 187

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Daily Special: Week 15

Week fifteen included a number my old favorites from when I was growing up. 

Below are my movies of the week:

April 6
               Mortal Kombat (Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson) I used to love playing this game at the arcade whenever I went. When this movie first came out I talked my dad in to taking me to see it. As a whole it is cheesy and not very good, but it is still one of my favorite videogame adaptations.

               Jumanji (Directed by Joe Johnston) This was another recent addition to Netflix streaming and after watching Zathura a week ago I was excited to get to watch this one again. My brother and I really enjoyed this movie when we were growing up. We tried for months to find the game to buy but were never successful.

               Overboard (Directed by Garry Marshall) Every single time I watch this movie I ask the same question, usually to myself, how does Kurt Russell's character not get arrested for technically kidnapping and false imprisonment? What his character does is totally illegal and he should be sitting behind bars for many years.

April 7
               Scary Movie (Directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans) This might be my favorite parody movie of all time. The Wayans brothers did a great job writing this movie and while the sequel isn't as good, they are far better than any of the sequels made after they were removed from the series.

               The Principal (Directed by Christopher Cain) If a principal acted like Belushi did in this movie today there is no doubt that they would be out of a job instantly. Lots of overacting in this movie but I did enjoy seeing the "bully" get his ass kicked.

April 8
               Valley Girl (Directed by Martha Coolidge) Nic Cage's acting has not improved very much from when he was 19 and starring in this movie. I had heard about this movie over the years but never got around to watching it until now. I am pretty sure I am going to wait another 30 years before thinking about watching it again.

April 9
               Underclassman (Directed by Marcos Siega) This movie can best be summed up as 21 Jump Street with Nick Cannon and no humor.

April 10
               True Lies (Directed by James Cameron) It is hard to believe that they never made a sequel to this action movie. The ending set it up completely to become a series. I still remember seeing this movie for the first time on its opening weekend at the drive-in with my parents and brother.

               Free to Play: The Movie (Directed by Valve) Interesting documentary about an e-sport competition for the game Dota 2 and the $1 million winning prize. This suggestion came from the Get Up On This podcast.

April 11
               Big Daddy (Directed by Dennis Dugan) Oh how I miss the goofy yet heartwarming Adam Sandler movies of the late 90's. I wish Adam would go back to movies like this instead of going overboard with the bathroom humor and crazy cast choices.

April 12
               The Village (Directed by M. Night Shyamalan) This wasn't the worst Shyamalan movie that I have seen but it wasn't the best either. Ever since the twist in The Sixth Sense it seems like every movie he has to throw a crazy twist at the audience and they are less and less impressive. If you know a twist is coming is it still a twist?

               White Men Can't Jump (Directed by Ron Shelton) Wesley and Woody are one of my favorite movie duos of all time. Their chemistry together is always enjoyable to watch. I had not watched this movie in a good ten years but it still makes me laugh.

               A Knight's Tale (Directed by Brian Helgeland) I miss Heath Ledger. He was a great actor and while his performance in The Dark Knight was amazing this is still my favorite movie of his. Now I am pretty sure it isn't historically accurate, it is still an enjoyable movie.

Days Watched: 102
Movies Watched: 177

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Book/Movie Comparison: A Stormy Comparison

            My next book to movie comparison came about because of a sale at Best Buy. My friend John mentioned I should check out The Perfect Storm which was written by Sebastian Junger. He was going over an excerpt of it with his students. He also mentioned to me that the Blu-Ray of the movie directed by Wolfgang Petersen was on sale for a really good price. I am always looking for good Blu-Ray deals so it was a win win situation for me.

Sebastian Junger’s book focuses primarily on the crew of the Andrea Gail and their families. The book did a great job of describing the community and its residents in Gloucester, Massachusetts. It was very easy to picture that bars they would visit and looking out at the dock waiting to see a boat come in. The book also goes in to detail a number of other people that were trapped in the storm and those tasked with rescuing them. I’m not sure why but I always get excited with a book when they name drop somewhere I have been before. A couple of the Andrea Gail’s crew had homes in Bradenton Florida and I have been there multiple times as my Aunt and Uncle live just outside of it.

I remember when the movie version of The Perfect Storm originally came out. I didn’t know anything about the events it was based on, I just liked the cast and thought it looked interesting. The movie primarily focuses on the crew of the fishing boat. It does cut away to other parties trapped in the storm but the majority of the movie is about the fisherman and their experiences on the boat. Of course there has to be some turmoil between crew members, it wouldn’t be the Deadliest Catch I mean the Andrea Gail without it. Seeing the wall of fishermen lost at sea over the years was a very strong moment that I think drove home the point that this isn’t just a game, and numerous men have lost their lives over the years.

I enjoy both the book and movie because they both tell an interesting story. While the movie focuses more on the crew of the Andrea Gail, the book spends more time with the families of those on the ship and others trapped in the storm. I don’t think the movie would have turned out as well as it did had it been a directed adaptation from the book. The “movie quality” story was with the men on the boat and not with those back home waiting for news about their safety. One thing I wish the movie would have included was the “bad vibe” feeling that some crew members had, including one that decided to back out on the trip all together. That was a part of the book that I found to be interesting, especially when they talked about it toward the end of the book again. I would recommend both the book and movie to people but I must include as a warning, the story while the same is told in completely different ways.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Daily Special: Week 14

Week fourteen included some fun and intense movies. New Captain America was amazing and Cheap Thrills recommended to me by my friend John is still on my mind almost a week later. 

Below are my movies of the week:

March 30
               Bad Words (Directed by Jason Bateman) This is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time. It is funny for all the wrong reasons but it does make me wish I could turn off my filter at times when talking to some people.

               Magic Mike (Directed by Steven Soderbergh) After being on my DVR for almost an entire year I finally got around to watching this movie. For some reason I didn't think it would be as good as it turned out to be. I have been a big fan of Soderbergh since the Ocean's trilogy and he didn't disappoint here.

               Zodiac (Directed by David Fincher) I really enjoy investigative thrillers like this movie. The entire cast was also fun to watch as they interacted with one another. I never knew much about the Zodiac killer until I was in my late teens and early twenty's.

March 31
               Doctor Dolittle (Directed by Betty Thomas) I am ashamed to admit that this was the first thing I found on HBO Go that caught my interest so I had to watch it. I don't know why. It is a stupid movie but for some reason my brain decided that it had to be watched.

               Cheap Thrills (Directed by E.L. Katz) This movie is crazy and I am sure will give me nightmares in the near future. the ending was predictable but how they get to it is a fun adventure. My friend John kept telling me to watch this for 2-3 weeks.

Movies watched in 31 of 31 Days. 60 Total Movies in March

April 1
               Stripes (Directed by Ivan Reitman) Thank you Netflix for adding this movie to your streaming service. I have been looking for my DVD copy since Harold Ramis passed away with no luck. There are so many fun moments throughout this movie and I never get tired of watching it.

April 2
               Predator (Directed by John McTiernan) Not nearly as creepy as the first Alien movie but this movie makes up for it with being so intense. The different characters and their mannerisms are hilarious to watch, especially Jesse Ventura.

April 3
               After the Sunset (Directed by Brett Ratner) This is a fun little crime caper made that much more enjoyable by Salma Hayek. Pierce Brosnan and Woody Harrelson play really well off one another. At times it was a little hard to keep track of who was the good guy and who was the bad guy.

April 4
               xXx: State of the Union (Directed by Lee Tamahori) This sequel was not nearly as fun as the original. I usually enjoy Ice Cube but I just didn't fully buy him as XXX. Vin Diesel was definitely a better XXX. I’m still hoping they give us another sequel with Vin again.

               nWo: The Revolution (Directed by Kevin Dunn) This is the first documentary that I have watched on WWE Network but it won't be the last one for sure. I remember when the N.W.O. first got started and how it changed professional wrestling forever.

               Space Jam (Directed by Joe Pytka) When they announced Space Jam 2 a month or so ago I was very scared. Space Jam is a classic from my childhood and making a sequel with LeBron James is not something I want to ever see. Thankfully this movie is still enjoyable even though I am much older now.

April 5
               Captain America: The Winter Soldier     (Directed by Anthony Russo & Joe Russo) This movie is proof that Marvel knows exactly what they are doing with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was just over two hours long and I would have enjoyed another hour without hesitation.

               A League of Their Own (Directed by Penny Marshall) Had I been able to fit another movie in to my Tom Hanks movie marathon last Thanksgiving it would have been this one. When I saw it was available on Netflix I knew I had to watch it as soon as possible.

               21 (Directed by Robert Luketic) This movie was predictable from beginning to end. I like the cast but I was really hoping for a twist or turn at least once. Sadly it went straight from the book the entire time which was disappointing.

Days Watched: 95
Movies Watched: 164