
Sunday, December 22, 2013

365 Movie Challenge - Week 51

Just one more full week to go. I will hold off on my final update until January 1, 2014.

Below are my movies of the week:

December 15
               The Core (Directed by Jon Amiel) The earth's core needs to needs to get back in rotation or else we all die. Yes that was the concept for this bad movie. There is not much to like about this movie, even the cast. This is one movie I will not be watching again, EVER!

               Vantage Point (Directed by Pete Travis) Pretty good movie that showed the same events from multiple points of view leading up to the big reveal of all events in order. The plot was helped along by a strong overall cast. It reminded me a bit of Memento which is one of my favorite movies.

December 16
               Clerks (Directed by Kevin Smith) This is where my love for Kevin Smith and his movies began. I don’t really have much else to say besides I am glad to watched this movie for the first time so many years ago.

December 17
               The Social Network (Directed by David Fincher) From top to bottom this is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The story, the characters, the writing and the music are all top notch. The soundtrack to this movie is one of my Top 5 albums of all-time.

December 18
               Half Baked (Directed by Tamra Davis) Meh I was bored watching this movie. I don't know if it is because I wasn't in the right frame of mind or if I just didn't enjoy it. It has been probably 5+ years since I last watched it.

December 20
               Jaws (Directed by Steven Spielberg) I remember being scared watching this as a child. I spent most of the time with my eyes closed. Now when I watch it I wonder what made me so scared. All these years later it is still a fun movie to watch. The conversation between Brody, Quint and Hooper on the boat about their pasts was very interesting and added some good depth to the characters.

               Dogma (Directed by Kevin Smith) The first time I saw this movie was shortly after it was released in theaters. It was an afternoon showing after I got out of class and there were only 15-20 people in the theater with me. Shortly after the introduction of Buddy Christ 4 people in the theater got up in a hurry and stormed out. I got a good laugh out of seeing them leave and by the end of the movie I thought that it was probably a good idea they left early because they would have been pissed with what they saw the rest of the movie.

               American Hustle (Directed by David O. Russell) One of the best movies I have seen this year. David O. Russell likes to make long movies but also knows how to make great movies. His last three movies have all been homeruns in my book. The cast in this movie might be one of the best that I have seen in a long time.

               Elf (Directed by Jon Favreau) A recent Christmas classic that I added to my yearly watching list. In recent years I have had trouble watching Will Ferrell because the humor is too awkward for me and I just don't enjoy watching it. This movie though is not like that. Yes it is stupid humor but it is still enjoyable stupid humor.

December 21
               The Legend of Bagger Vance (Directed by Robert Redford       ) I remember when I saw this was playing on TV a few months ago that I decided to record it. Well, I finally found it still on my DVR and gave it a watch after having not seen it for a few years. I am a fan of Matt Damon and Will Smith and this movie is a very good collaboration of the two actors. It is a sports, primarily golf, themed movie so you know I am in from the get go.

               Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (Directed by Jalmari Helander) Watched this movie based on a suggestion from my friend Rooster and while it is a bit weird I still enjoyed it. The truth behind the "real" Santa Claus is revealed and actions need to be taken to stop him. There are a number of fun twists late in the movie which increased my enjoyment level.

Movies Watched: 552
Movies To Go for 2.0: 0

Bonus Movies Watched: 52

Friday, December 20, 2013

365 Movie Challenge - Week 50

Now that week fifty is over I am growing a bit sad that my year of movie watching is almost over. I am now in the process of trying to find a new media challenge for next year.

Below are my movies of the week:

December 8
               We Are Marshall (Directed by McG) This movie based on the aftermath of the horrible plane crash that killed most of the Marshall football team is very emotional on many levels. Seeing how the college town reacts and comes together to support the continuation of the football program is very heartwarming. My favorite part of the movie is while watching game tape of West Virginia Matthew McConaughey and Matthew Fox spot a tribute on the WVU football helmet in remembrance of their rival school.

December 9
               Law Abiding Citizen (Directed by F. Gary Gray) This is a very intense movie with lots of twists throughout. While most of it is hard to believe it is still a lot of fun to watch waiting to see what happens next. Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler both turn in solid performances.

December 10
               Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Directed by Geoff Murphy) This had been on my DVR since I watched the first Under Siege. I wasn't too excited about watching it but after being sick for a week and work being busy I decided to watch it while doing stuff around the house. Boring and stupid are the best words to describe this movie.

December 11
               Spawn (Directed by Mark A.Z. DippĂ©) I remember my dad taking me to see this when it first came out and I thought it was amazing. That was back when I was a bit of an idiot. This movie is 3 steps past bad and 1 door down from unwatchable. I like the comic and the HBO animated series but this is nothing like that and gives the franchise a bad name.

December 12
               Yes Man (Directed by Peyton Reed) Though this movie reminded me a bit Liar Liar but it is still enjoyable. Fun one liners and Zoey is absolutely lovely make this movie one I watch every year or so. I think this was the last Jim Carrey movie that I enjoyed from beginning to end.

               Toy Soldiers (Directed by Daniel Petrie Jr. ) Another childhood favorite featuring Sean Astin and Wil Wheaton. The concept of this movie is similar to other hostage oriented ones but I really liked this growing up because it was the kids that did all the cool work to save others and escape. The prank played on the headmaster early in the movie was also very creative and I wish I was creative enough to think of something like that.

December 13
               Scrooged (Directed by Richard Donner) My Christmas movie watching officially kicked off with this classic starring Bill Murray. I have watched this movie every year or so dating back to childhood and though it is a bit dated it is still enjoyable to watch every single time.

December 14
               Grumpy Old Men (Directed by Donald Petrie) No matter how many times I watch this movie it always makes me laugh. Yes at times it is a bit sexist but overall it is very funny. Jack and Walter play off one another so well. This was my main introduction to both great actors.

               TRON (Directed by Steven Lisberger) While watching this movie I compared it to the original Atari. It is very bland with the special effects and storyline. I can see why Disney wanted to prevent this from being sold prior to Legacy being released a few years ago.

               TRON: Legacy (Directed by Joseph Kosinski) If TRON is like the original Atari then TRON: Legacy is easily a PS3. It is amazing how far special effects and writing has come in 28 years for this sequel in the series. I would gladly watch at least one more sequel if it resembled this one visually.

Movies Watched: 541
Movies To Go for 2.0: 0
Bonus Movies Watched: 41

Friday, December 13, 2013

365 Movie Challenge - Week 49

I spent most of week forty-nine sick so most of my movie watching was done in bed or while on the couch under a bunch of blankets. Just a few more weeks to go in 2013

Below are my movies of the week:

December 2
               Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (Directed by Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor) The plot to this movie reminded me of Drive Angry a bit but without Amber Heard and the R rating. I did enjoy this movie because of the action and special effects. Idris Elba was also in it and I have become a big fan of him over the past year.

December 3
               Riddick (Directed by David Twohy) This movie was very slow to get going. I had hoped for more after waiting nine years since Chronicles of Riddick but I am glad we got something in the end. I really enjoy the character of Riddick but this movie was just not very memorable in the end.

December 4
               Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Directed by Michael Bay) I really like the Transformer movie series. The kid still in me gets excited hearing the sound effects of a Transformer and seeing them transform on the screen. Having said that, this movie is not very good. the story felt thrown together and the jokes mixed in were not funny. Even watching this movie with a fever did not make it very enjoyable.

               The Day of the Doctor (Directed by Nick Hurran) I am not a huge Dr. Who fan but I have enjoyed watching it off and on the last year or two. This special TV movie brought together multiple Doctors trying to save lives across multiple timelines. I might have to watch some more Dr. Who.

               Remember the Titans (Directed by Boaz Yakin) Yep this was another sports movie based in truth. Though I have watched it a half dozen times over the years I still get excited when the team comes together at multiple times during the movie.

December 5
               Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Directed by Michael Bay) After the dud that was Revenge of the Fallen I was worried that this might be more of the same, but I was wrong. This movie was more like the first in the series with a fun storyline and good action scenes. The one thing I could have done without was Sam's new girlfriend. Her character was a bit annoying and at the end of the movie after Chicago has almost been destroyed and everyone is covered in dirt and rubble, she is still looking perfect in her high heels and white dress.

               The Benchwarmers (Directed by Dennis Dugan) Even being sick with a fever couldn't make this movie enjoyable. I remember liking it when it first came out but now I found it boring. I think it might have actually made my fever worse.

December 6
               Escape from New York (Directed by John Carpenter) I don't remember the last time I saw this movie but I was bored during this viewing. I enjoyed it more than its sequel that I watched earlier this year but I still didn't enjoy it very much.

December 7
               Space Cowboys (Directed by Clint Eastwood) Saw this was playing on AMC a few weeks ago so I decided to record it. Fun movie about 4 retired military men that get a chance to go in to space to fix a failing satellite. I could care less about the stuff that happened in space during the movie. The best parts were them trying to pass tests to qualify and the banter back and forth between the old guys and the youngsters.

               Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (Directed by Thor Freudenthal) I really like this book series. I got through all the books in just a few weeks a couple years ago. Though the movies don't exactly follow the books I still enjoy watching them. If you haven't read the books they are easy to get in to and enjoy.

Movies Watched: 531
Movies To Go for 2.0: 0
Bonus Movies Watched: 31

Sunday, December 1, 2013

365 Movie Challenge - Week 48

Week forty-eight was the busiest movie watching week of the year. Of course that is due to having a four day weekend and also not caring to go out shopping on Black Friday. Oh yeah, and the seven movies as part of the first annual Thanksgiving Day Tom Hanks Movie Marathon.

Below are my movies of the week:

November 24
               The Breakfast Club (John Hughes) Yet another John Hughes classic. It is funny how 25+ years later the characters in this movie can still be found in students today. I will have to say that I wish I had as much fun in detention as they did.

November 26
               Con Air (Simon West) I have wanted to watch this movie for the last couple months but was unable to find my old DVD copy, thankfully it was showing on Encore during a free preview weekend. This is a very cheesy movie, like Nic Cage's accent. The reason I like it though is for all the stars in it. A friend said it was the 'Expendables of Prison Escapes' and I'd have to agree.

               The Hunger Games (Gary Ross) I really liked the book series and I remember being excited to see this when it first came out, only to be disappointed. I know it is difficult to do a direct adaptation but they changed a lot of stuff that in my opinion is vital to the entire series of movies.

November 27
               The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Francis Lawrence) This was so much better than the first Hunger Games movie. They stuck to the book more & didn't do anything to change the continuity of the series. Visually it was great to look at too.

               Robocop (Paul Verhoeven) Thank you Encore for your Free Preview week so I could watch this movie again for the first time in 15 years. The special effects are not special at all but it is an enjoyable movie

November 28
               Cast Away (Robert Zemeckis) This was the first movie as part of my Tom Hanks Thanksgiving Day Marathon. I am almost certain I would not last 4 months, let alone 4 years, on an island all by myself. Hell, I am not sure I would survive the plane crash the led to me being stranded on the island. There were two things that really bugged me about this movie. First, who in their right mind plans a welcome home party for someone stranded on an island and goes with a seafood theme? Second, what kind of accent was Helen Hunt going for, because it was awful.

               The Burbs (Joe Dante) The second movie in my Tom Hanks marathon is a fun look and living in the suburbs and the crazy neighbors will have come across at least once. The movie did have predictable twists sprinkled throughout but it was still enjoyable to watch.

               The Green Mile (Frank Darabont) I had forgotten how long this movie was. Coming in at just over 3 hours I have to admit it didn't feel that long. The movie flows pretty well throughout and there were any noticeable lulls that I was bored during. Michael Clarke Duncan was just amazing as John Coffey. It is still hard to believe that he is no longer with us.

               Bachelor Party (Neal Israel) When I watched Clerks II last week they referenced this movie so when I decided to do my marathon I had to include it. I didn't recognize any of Tom Hanks' buddies in the movie. Maybe they were popular back in the early 80's but they haven't had long careers like Mr. Hanks.

               Catch Me If You Can (Steven Spielberg) This is one of my all-time favorite Tom Hanks movies. From beginning to end it is fun. There are a number of cameos throughout the movie that add to the fun. Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio play well off one another and I would not be against seeing another movie with them together in the future.

               Toy Story 3 (Lee Unkrich) It might have taken 11 years to get Toy Story 3 released but it didn't lose any of its heart over the years. This is right up there with the first Toy Story for me. The story, characters and animation are all on point. I do hope that they decide not to go forward with a Toy Story 4 because this was a great way to close out the series.

               Forrest Gump (Robert Zemeckis) This was movie seven in my Tom Hanks Marathon and when I started it at 8:15 at night I wasn't sure I was going to be able to finish it before falling asleep. I stayed awake though and got though another very good Tom Hanks film. I had forgotten all the historical topics covered in the movie beginning with Elvis.

November 29
               Rush Hour (Brett Ratner) Boy Chris Tucker really fell off the map. After his run of Rush Hour movies he pretty much disappeared until I saw him in Silver Linings Playbook last year. I like the comedy and action in this film. Chris & Jackie play well off one another, hence the two sequels that followed this movie.

               Free Willy (Simon Wincer) Childhood favorite that after re-watching talks about a lot of the same stuff that the documentary Blackfish talked about earlier this year. I mainly wanted to watch it because I hadn't seen it in probably 15 years and the leap by Willy at the end still leaves me in awe.   

               Blade (Stephen Norrington) Another awesome movie from the Encore free preview. I've never read the comics but Wesley Snipes is great as Blade and the story while not totally original was very good mixed with great action. I need to find my copy of Blade 2 to watch, but I will be skipping Blade Trinity as it is a horrible addition to the series.

November 30
               Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (Rob Cohen) I remember the day I saw this movie with my dad and my brother. My dad took us to the $1 movie theater in Thornton and we were the only ones to see it. My brother and I were excited to see this movie because we were really in to martial arts films. To this day I think this is a very good movie that looks back on the life of a great man.

               RoboCop 2 (Irvin Kershner) While not as good as the first one the cheesiness of this sequel makes it enjoyable. The stop motion animation used shows how far special effects have come in the last 20+ years.

               Gleaming the Cube (Graeme Clifford) This was another favorite of mine from childhood. I never could go more than five feet on a skateboard but it was still fun to watch people skate. I really like the fact that a young Tony Hawk is in the movie and I laugh every time I see a Tony Hawk sticker get placed inside the airplane early in the movie.

54 Different Movies Watched in November. 521 Movies in 334 Days    

Movies Watched: 521
Movies To Go for 2.0: 0
Bonus Movies Watched: 21